On the evening of Thursday 27 September, at the unique venue of the University of Glasgow’s Museum of Anatomy, a major public engagement event took place. ‘Night at the Museum of Anatomy – Past, Present and Future’ was a link between the Anatomy Facility with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (RCPSG), Hunterian Museum, School of Simulation and Visualisation (SimVis), The Glasgow School of Art and the NHS. This event was coordinated by Dr Paul M. Rea and both Paul and Professor Fabio Quondamatteo opened the evening with introductory talks. This welcomed everyone to the event and presented our rich history and extensive current activities in the Anatomy Facility at the University of Glasgow.

The event featured a variety of exciting items with a number of staff involved across the different partners. Here are just a few things that were enjoyed on the night:

Historical anatomical specimens dating from the 1700’s and 1800’s, unique to the Museum of Anatomy, were showcased. Here Maggie Reilly, Curator of Zoology and Ianto Jocks, a previous graduate of the MSc Medical Visualisation and Human Anatomy programme and currently a PhD student of Classics, were discussing famous anatomists throughout history with a focus on William and John Hunter.

The public also learned about Sir William Macewen, one of Glasgow’s most influential surgeons in the 19th and 20th centuries. We are extremely grateful to our ever-popular colleague Dr John Shaw-Dunn who kindly came along, with digital versions of lantern slides, and discussed the work of Sir William Macewen and the surgeries he performed.

Colleagues from the RCPSG were on hand to talk through visualising medical heritage and how technology can be utilised to demonstrated historical artefacts and examining the human body.

Dr Emma Bailey was on hand at the station which had plastinated specimens. Here people were able to find out more about this anatomical preservation practice, and try to locate different parts of the body.

We were honoured to have had Mr Richard Locke, Lead Clinician for Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery from the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow visiting us. Mr Locke talked through surgical procedures where they use 3D printing for pre-operative planning, and discussed various surgical approaches, including cochlear implants.

Art-Beat, Art & Anatomy Edinburgh, an association of Anatomy@Edinburgh, which links medical students and the public to local medical professionals and artists to help in the understanding of human anatomy through artistic methods, and our very own Catherine MacRobbie, used body painting to demonstrate underlying anatomy. There was some amazing body painting and artwork that evening which was an incredibly popular stand.

Our colleagues from SimVis showed people how to undertake a haptic ultrasound biopsy, and immerse themselves in anatomical training packages in virtual reality.

It was a pleasure to host this evening and we would like to thank our partners for their time and efforts in contributing to such a successful evening. The event was well attended with over 100 people, and feedback has shown it to be a resounding success.

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First published: 20 November 2018