Dr Katarzyna Kowal
- Senior Lecturer (Mathematics)
Research interests
I am an applied mathematician who uses mathematical modelling, computations and laboratory experiments to understand a broad range of industrial, biological, environmental and geophysical processes.
Research groups
- Royal Society Research Grant RG/R1/241306
- EPSRC NIA EP/Y021959/1
- Innovate UK AKT #1308
- COSE Rewards for Excellence
Current PhD Students
- Haolin Yang
- Joseph Ijuptil Kwajighu
- Tanisha Kumari
- Hessah Almaaz
- Zubaydah Alotaibi
Current Postdocs
- Dr Hannah-May D'Ambrosio
Prospective PhD Students
I am currently looking for PhD students.
Possible PhD projects involve mathematical modelling and analysis (theoretical/computational) of various geophysical, industrial or environmental phenomena, including, for example:
- Ice sheet dynamics (the fluid mechanics of ice sheets, subglacial processes, including basal lubrication, ice-ocean interactions, ice sheet stability)
- Viscous fingering instabilities
- The fluid mechanics of additive manufacturing/3D printing (thermocapillary effects, rapid solidification)
- Fluid-structure interaction
- Thin-film flow
- Thermocapillary convection
- Flows involving phase change (solidification of fluids, morphological instabilities)
Prospective applicants should contact me at katarzyna.kowal@glasgow.ac.uk to discuss possibilities.
- Almaaz, Hessah Motlaq K
Interfacial fluid mechanics: mathematical modelling and applications - Alotaibi, Zubaydah Naif F
Pilot-wave hydrodynamics: modelling and computation - Joseph, Ijuptil
Mathematical Modelling of Active Fluids in a Channel - Kumari, Tanisha
The mathematics of glacial ice sheets and their role in the changing climate - Yang, Jie
Resonant sloshing of confined water waves