Dr Jules Lamers
- Lecturer in Applied Mathematics (Mathematics)
- 2025– : Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, U Glasgow
- 2024: Postdoctoral researcher in mathematical physics, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
- 2021–23: Postdoctoral researcher in mathematical physics, IPhT, Saclay (near Paris), France
- 2018–21: Postdoctoral researcher in mathematical physics, U Melbourne, Australia
- 2016–18: Postdoctoral researcher in mathematical physics, Chalmers & U Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2012–16: PhD at the Institute for Theoretical Physics [thesis: On elliptic quantum integrability: vertex models, solid-on-solid models and spin chains, 2016], Utrecht U, the Netherlands
- 2009–12: MSc Mathematical Sciences [thesis: Algebraic aspects of the Berezinian, 2012] and Theoretical Physics [thesis: The Bethe/gauge correspondence, 2012], Utrecht U, the NL
- 2006–09: BSc Mathematics and Physics & Astronomy [thesis: Smooth infinitesimal analysis, 2009], Utrecht U, the NL
Research interests
I am a mathematical physicist, combining motivation, intuition and interpretation from theoretical physics with powerful algebraic techniques and deep structural understanding from representation theory.
Specifically, I am interested in the interplay between
- quantum spin chains with long-range interactions (Heisenberg, Inozemtsev, Haldane–Shastry),
- quantum many-body systems (Calogero–Sutherland, Ruijsenaars–Macdonald),
- representation theory (affine Hecke algebras, quantum groups, their Schur–Weyl dualities),
- currently with an emphasis on the elliptic case (Baxter–Belavin, Felder).
As my papers show, I am a big fan of diagrammatic methods in algebra.
My preprints can be found on arXiv. See also my profile on StackExchange.
Research groups
Prior publications
Adel Ben Moussa, Jules Lamers, Didina Serban, Ayman Toufik (2025) Solvable Nonunitary Fermionic Long-Range Model with Extended Symmetry Crossref. (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.046503)
Gwenaël Ferrando, Jules Lamers, Fedor Levkovich-Maslyuk, Didina Serban (2025) Bethe ansatz inside Calogero-Sutherland models Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.18.1.035)
Rob Klabbers, Jules Lamers (2024) The deformed Inozemtsev spin chain Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.17.6.155)
Jules Lamers, Didina Serban (2024) From fermionic spin-Calogero-Sutherland models to the Haldane-Shastry chain by freezing Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.1088/1751-8121/ad4b79)
Jules Lamers, Vincent Pasquier, Didina Serban (2022) Spin-Ruijsenaars, q-deformed Haldane-Shastry and Macdonald polynomials Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.1007/s00220-022-04318-9)
Rob Klabbers, Jules Lamers (2022) How coordinate Bethe ansatz works for Inozemtsev model Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.1007/s00220-021-04281-x)
Yuan Miao, Jules Lamers, Vincent Pasquier (2021) On the Q operator and the spectrum of the XXZ model at root of unity Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.11.3.067)
Jules Lamers (2018) Resurrecting the partially isotropic Haldane-Shastry model Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.214416)
Jules Lamers (2018) The functional method for the domain-wall partition function Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.3842/SIGMA.2018.064)
Rick Keesman, Jules Lamers (2017) A numerical study of the F-model with domain-wall boundaries Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.95.052117)
Rick Keesman, Jules Lamers, Rembert Duine, Gerard Barkema (2016) Finite-size scaling at infinite-order phase transitions Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2016/09/093201)
Jules Lamers (2015) Integral formula for elliptic SOS models with domain walls and a reflecting end Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2015.11.006)
Wellington Galleas, Jules Lamers (2014) Reflection algebra and functional equations Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2014.07.016)
Wellington Galleas, Jules Lamers () Differential approach to on-shell scalar products in six-vertex models Jules Lamers.
Jules Lamers (2016) On elliptic quantum integrability: vertex models, solid-on-solid models and spin chains Jules Lamers.
Conference Proceedings
Jules Lamers (2014) A pedagogical introduction to quantum integrability, with a view towards theoretical high-energy physics Jules Lamers. (doi: 10.22323/1.232.0001)
- 2021–23: Postdoctoral fellowship (personal grant, 2021), theme: mathematics and theoretical physics, LabEx Mathématique Hadamard, France
I welcome enquiries to supervise research students with interests in
Long-range quantum integrability (PhD)
Spin chains are models for magnetic materials based on quantum mechanics. While research often assumes interactions between the spins of adjacent atoms only, long-range spin interactions are relevant for cutting-edge experiments, quantum information and computing, and theoretical high-energy physics. If you like algebra or representation theory, and think you might want to help develop the powerful toolkit of quantum integrability in the long-range context, please send me an email!
Several possible projects are available, and can be tailored towards your experience and interests; a background in physics is not required. Keywords for possible topics are: Hecke algebras, Macdonald polynomials, quantum groups, elliptic generalisations, spin chains, quantum many-body systems.
PhD co-supervision
- 2023–24, with Jean-Sébastien Caux: Rebekka Koch [thesis: Bound states in integrable models, 2024], Institute of Physics, U Amsterdam, the NL
- 2022– , with Didina Serban: Adel Ben Moussa [arXiv], IPhT, France
- 2020–23, with Paul Zinn-Justin: Ajeeth Gunna [thesis: Combinatorics of symmetric functions through lattice models, 2024], U Melbourne, Australia
- 2016–21, with Hjalmar Rosengren: Linnea Hietala [thesis: Combinatorics of solvable lattice models with a reflecting end, 2021], Chalmers & U Gothenburg, Sweden
MSc co-supervision
- 2022, with Didina Serban: Adel Ben Moussa [thesis: Tensor polynomial representations of the affine Hecke algebra of type GLn, 2022], IPhT, France
- 2022, with Didina Serban: Ayman Toufik [thesis: q-deformed Haldane–Shastry spin chain at the free fermion point, 2022], IPhT, France
- 2020–21, with Rob Klabbers: Simon Lentz [thesis: Exact eigenstates of the Inozemtsev spin chain, 2021], KTH Stockholm, Sweden
- 2013–14, with Gleb Arutyunov: Rob Klabbers [thesis: Inozemtsev's elliptic spin chains: asymptotic Bethe ansatz and thermodynamics, 2014], Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht U, the NL
- 2012–13, with Gleb Arutyunov: Robert J Rodger [thesis: A pedagogical introduction to the AGT conjecture, 2013], Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht U, the NL
- 2025: Maths 1 (Stewart side), U of Glasgow
- 2023: Introduction to quantum integrability (PhD) [videos], IPhT, France
- 2019: Schur functions and Schur processes, taught by Ole Warnaar, and Quantum integrability and symmetric polynomials, taught by Paul Zinn-Justin, Virginia Integrable Probability Summer School 2019, U Virginia, US
- 2017: Quantum and classical particle systems (PhD), with Jakob Björnberg, Chalmers & U Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2014–15: Seminar on mathematical aspects of QFT (PhD), Utrecht U, the NL
- 2014: Introduction to quantum integrability (PhD) [lecture notes], Modave summer school in mathematical physics, Modave, Belgium
- 2014: Introduction to higher-spin gauge theory (MSc), taught by Mikhail Vasiliev [lecture notes], Utrecht U, the NL
- 2013: Seminar on quantum-integrable models (MSc) [mirror], organised together with André Henriques and Gleb Arutyunov, Utrecht U, the NL
- 2013: Field theory in particle physics (MSc), taught by Bernard de Wit and Eric Laenen, Utrecht U, the NL