Dr Jules Lamers

  • Lecturer in Applied Mathematics (School of Mathematics & Statistics)


Research interests

I am a mathematical physicist, combining motivation, intuition and interpretation from theoretical physics with powerful algebraic techniques and deep structural understanding from representation theory.

Specifically, I am interested in the interplay between

  • quantum spin chains with long-range interactions  (Heisenberg, Inozemtsev, Haldane–Shastry),
  • quantum many-body systems  (Calogero–Sutherland, Ruijsenaars–Macdonald),
  • representation theory  (affine Hecke algebras, quantum groups, their Schur–Weyl dualities),
  • currently with an emphasis on the elliptic case  (Baxter–Belavin, Felder).

As my papers show, I am a big fan of diagrammatic methods in algebra.

My preprints can be found on arXiv. See also my profile on StackExchange.

Research groups



I welcome enquiries to supervise research students with interests in

Long-range quantum integrability (PhD)

Spin chains are models for magnetic materials based on quantum mechanics. While research often assumes interactions between the spins of adjacent atoms only, long-range spin interactions are relevant for cutting-edge experiments, quantum information and computing, and theoretical high-energy physics. If you like algebra or representation theory, and think you might want to help develop the powerful toolkit of quantum integrability in the long-range context, please send me an email!

Several possible projects are available, and can be tailored towards your experience and interests; a background in physics is not required. Keywords for possible topics are: Hecke algebras, Macdonald polynomials, quantum groups, elliptic generalisations, spin chains, quantum many-body systems.

PhD co-supervision

MSc co-supervision


  • 2025: Maths 1 (Stewart side),  U of Glasgow
