Professor Janine Illian
- Head of Statistics (Statistics)
School of Mathematics and Statistics, The Mathematics and Statistics Building, room 337, University Place, Glasgow G12 8QQ
Belmont, J. , Martino, S., Illian, J. and Rue, H. (2025) Jafet Belmont, Sara Martino, Janine Illian, and Håvard Rue’s contribution to the Discussion of the ‘Discussion meeting on the analysis of citizen science data’. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), (doi: 10.1093/jrsssa/qnaf022/8046289) (Early Online Publication)
Villejo, S. J., Martino, S., Lindgren, F. and Illian, J. B. (2025) A data fusion model for meteorological data using the INLA-SPDE method. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), (doi: 10.1093/jrsssc/qlaf012) (Early Online Publication)
Panunzi, G., Belmont, J. , Illian, J. and Martino, S. (2025) Species distribution modeling approach for biased citizen science data. In: Pollice, Alessio and Mariani, Paolo (eds.) Methodological and Applied Statistics and Demography IV:SIS 2024, Short Papers, Contributed Sessions 2. Series: Italian statistical society series on advances in statistics. Springer: Cham, pp. 379-385. ISBN 9783031644474 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-64447-4_64)
Belmont, J. , Martino, S., Illian, J. and Rue, H. (2024) Spatio-temporal occupancy models with INLA. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 15(11), pp. 2087-2100. (doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.14422)
Paradinas, I., Illian, J. and Smout, S. (2023) Understanding spatial effects in species distribution models. PLoS ONE, 18(5), e0285463. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285463) (PMID:37253039) (PMCID:PMC10228761)
Villejo, S. J., Illian, J. B. and Swallow, B. (2023) Data fusion in a two-stage spatio-temporal model using the INLA-SPDE approach. Spatial Statistics, 54, 100744. (doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2023.100744)
Laxton, M. R., Rodríguez de Rivera, Ó., Soriano‐Redondo, A. and Illian, J. B. (2023) Balancing structural complexity with ecological insight in spatio‐temporal species distribution models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(1), pp. 162-172. (doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.13957)
Zhang, W. , Chipperfield, J. D., Illian, J. B. , Dupont, P., Milleret, C., de Valpine, P. and Bischof, R. (2023) A flexible and efficient Bayesian implementation of point process models for spatial capture-recapture data. Ecology, 104(1), e3887. (doi: 10.1002/ecy.3887) (PMID:36217822)
Lavender, E., Aleynik, D., Dodd, J., Illian, J. , James, M., Smout, S. and Thorburn, J. (2022) Benthic animal-borne sensors and citizen science combine to validate ocean modelling. Scientific Reports, 12, 16613. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-20254-z) (PMID:36198697) (PMCID:PMC9534998)
Chadwick, F. J. et al. (2022) Combining rapid antigen testing and syndromic surveillance improves community-based COVID-19 detection in a low-income country. Nature Communications, 13, 2877. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-30640-w) (PMID:35618714) (PMCID:PMC9135686)
Lavender, E., Aleynik, D., Dodd, J., Illian, J. , James, M., Wright, P. J., Smout, S. and Thorburn, J. (2022) Behavioural responses of a large, benthic elasmobranch to catch-and-release angling. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 864344. (doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.864344)
Lavender, E., Aleynik, D., Dodd, J., Illian, J. , James, M., Wright, P. J., Smout, S. and Thorburn, J. (2022) Movement patterns of a critically endangered elasmobranch (Dipturus intermedius) in a Marine Protected Area. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 32(2), pp. 348-365. (doi: 10.1002/aqc.3753)
Guillot, G., Arab, A., Illian, J. B. and Dray, S. (2022) Editorial: advances in statistical ecology: new methods and software. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 828919. (doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.828919)
Python, A. et al. (2022) A downscaling approach to compare COVID-19 count data from databases aggregated at different spatial scales. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 185(1), pp. 202-218. (doi: 10.1111/rssa.12738) (PMID:34908651) (PMCID:PMC8662135)
Williamson, L. D., Scott, B. E., Laxton, M. R., Bachl, F. E., Illian, J. B. , Brookes, K. L. and Thompson, P. M. (2022) Spatiotemporal variation in harbor porpoise distribution and foraging across a landscape of fear. Marine Mammal Science, 38(1), pp. 42-57. (doi: 10.1111/mms.12839)
Nightingale, G., Laxton, M. and Illian, J. B. (2021) How does the community COVID-19 level of risk impact on that of a care home? PLoS ONE, 16(12), e0260051. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260051) (PMID:34972103) (PMCID:PMC8719703)
Nightingale, G. F., Illian, J. B. , King, R. and Nightingale, P. (2019) Area interaction point processes for bivariate point patterns in a Bayesian context. Journal of Environmental Statistics, 9(2),
Python, A., Illian, J. B. , Jones‐Todd, C. M. and Blangiardo, M. (2019) The deadly facets of terrorism. Significance, 16(4), pp. 28-31. (doi: 10.1111/j.1740-9713.2019.01300.x)
Bachl, F. E., Lindgren, F., Borchers, D. L. and Illian, J. B. (2019) inlabru: an R package for Bayesian spatial modelling from ecological survey data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10(6), pp. 760-766. (doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13168)
Soriano‐Redondo, A., Jones‐Todd, C. M., Bearhop, S., Hilton, G. M., Lock, L., Stanbury, A., Votier, S. C. and Illian, J. B. (2019) Understanding species distribution in dynamic populations: a new approach using spatio‐temporal point process models. Ecography, 42(6), pp. 1092-1102. (doi: 10.1111/ecog.03771)
Jones-Todd, C. M., Caie, P., Illian, J. B. , Stevenson, B. C., Savage, A., Harrison, D. J. and Bown, J. L. (2019) Identifying prognostic structural features in tissue sections of colon cancer patients using point pattern analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 38(8), pp. 1421-1441. (doi: 10.1002/sim.8046) (PMID:30488481)
Sørbye, S. H., Illian, J. B. , Simpson, D. P., Burslem, D. and Rue, H. (2019) Careful prior specification avoids incautious inference for log-Gaussian Cox point processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 68(3), pp. 543-564. (doi: 10.1111/rssc.12321)
Bakka, H., Vanhatalo, J., Illian, J. B. , Simpson, D. and Rue, H. (2019) Non-stationary Gaussian models with physical barriers. Spatial Statistics, 29, pp. 268-288. (doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2019.01.002)
Pennino, M. G., Paradinas, I., Illian, J. B. , Muñoz, F., Bellido, J. M., López-Quílez, A. and Conesa, D. (2019) Accounting for preferential sampling in species distribution models. Ecology and Evolution, 9(1), pp. 653-663. (doi: 10.1002/ece3.4789) (PMID:30680145) (PMCID:PMC6342115)
Python, A., Illian, J. B. , Jones‐Todd, C. M. and Blangiardo, M. (2019) A Bayesian approach to modelling subnational spatial dynamics of worldwide non‐state terrorism, 2010–2016. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 182(1), pp. 323-344. (doi: 10.1111/rssa.12384)
Illian, J. B. (2019) Spatial and spatio-temporal point processes in ecological applications. In: Gelfand, Alan E., Fuentes, Montserrat, Hoeting, Jennifer A. and Lyttleton Smith, Richard (eds.) Handbook of Environmental and Ecological Statistics. Series: Chapman & Hall/CRC handbooks of modern statistical methods. CRC Press. ISBN 9781498752022
Hildeman, A., Bolin, D., Wallin, J. and Illian, J. B. (2018) Level set Cox processes. Spatial Statistics, 28, pp. 169-193. (doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2018.03.004)
Bakka, H., Rue, H., Fuglstad, G.-A., Riebler, A., Bolin, D., Illian, J. , Krainski, E., Simpson, D. and Lindgren, F. (2018) Spatial modeling with R-INLA: A review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 10(6), e1443. (doi: 10.1002/wics.1443)
Jones-Todd, C. M., Swallow, B. , Illian, J. B. and Toms, M. (2018) A spatiotemporal multispecies model of a semicontinuous response. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 67(3), pp. 705-722. (doi: 10.1111/rssc.12250)
Yuan, Y., Bachl, F. E., Lindgren, F., Borchers, D. L., Illian, J. B. , Buckland, S. T., Rue, H. and Gerrodette, T. (2017) Point process models for spatio-temporal distance sampling data from a large-scale survey of blue whales. Annals of Applied Statistics, 11(4), pp. 2270-2297. (doi: 10.1214/17-AOAS1078)
Illian, J. B. and Burslem, D. F.R.P. (2017) Improving the usability of spatial point process methodology: an interdisciplinary dialogue between statistics and ecology. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 101(4), pp. 495-520. (doi: 10.1007/s10182-017-0301-8)
Rue, H., Riebler, A., Sørbye, S. H., Illian, J. B. , Simpson, D. P. and Lindgren, F. K. (2017) Bayesian computing with INLA: a review. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, 4(1), pp. 395-421. (doi: 10.1146/annurev-statistics-060116-054045)
Python, A., Illian, J. , Jones-Todd, C. and Blangiardo, M. (2017) Explaining the lethality of Boko Haram’s terrorist attacks in Nigeria, 2009–2014: a hierarchical Bayesian approach. In: Argiento, Raffaele, Lanzarone, Ettore, Villalobos, Isadora Antoniano and Mattei, Alessandra (eds.) Bayesian Statistics in Action. Series: Springer proceedings in mathematics and statistics (194). Springer: Cham, pp. 231-239. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-54084-9_22)
Ledo, A., Cornulier, T., Illian, J. B. , Iida, Y., Kassim, A. R. and Burslem, D. F. R. P. (2016) Re-evaluation of individual diameter: height allometric models to improve biomass estimation of tropical trees. Ecological Applications, 26(8), pp. 2376-2382. (doi: 10.1002/eap.1450)
Ledo, A., Illian, J. B. , Schnitzer, S. A., Wright, S. J., Dalling, J. W., Burslem, D. F. R. P. and Zotz, G. (2016) Lianas and soil nutrients predict fine-scale distribution of above-ground biomass in a tropical moist forest. Journal of Ecology, 104(6), pp. 1819-1828. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12635)
Simpson, D., Illian, J.B. , Lindgren, F., Sørbye, S.H. and Rue, H. (2016) Going off grid: computationally efficient inference for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Biometrika, 103(1), pp. 49-70. (doi: 10.1093/biomet/asv064)
Altieri, L., Cocchi, D., Greco, F., Illian, J.B. and Scott, E.M. (2016) Bayesian P-splines and advanced computing in R for a changepoint analysis on spatio-temporal point processes. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86(13), pp. 2531-2545. (doi: 10.1080/00949655.2016.1146280)
Brown, C., Illian, J. B. , Burslem, D. F. R. P. and Sandhu, L. (2016) Success of spatial statistics in determining underlying process in simulated plant communities. Journal of Ecology, 104(1), pp. 160-172. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12493)
Altieri, L., Scott, E. M. , Cocchi, D. and Illian, J. B. (2015) A changepoint analysis of spatio-temporal point processes. Spatial Statistics, 14(B), pp. 197-207. (doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2015.05.005)
Nightingale, G. F., Illian, J. B. and King, R. (2015) Pairwise interaction point processes for modelling bivariate spatial point patterns in the presence of interaction uncertainty. Journal of Environmental Statistics, 7(3),
Bagchi, R., Illian, J. B. and Murrell, D. (2015) A method for analysing replicated point patterns in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(4), pp. 482-490. (doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12335)
Illian, J.B. and Jones-Todd, C. (2014) Preventing Crime Through Spatial Modelling. (Scottish Institute of Policing Research) SIPR Annual report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Martins, T. G., Simpson, D., Illian, J. B. , Rue, H. and Geirsson, Ó. P. (2013) invited discussion on Kneib, T, ‘Beyond mean regression’. Statistical Modelling, 13(4), pp. 355-361. (doi: 10.1177/1471082X13494527)
Studeny, A. C., Buckland, S. T., Harrison, P. J., Illian, J. B. , Magurran, A. E., Newson, S. E. and Elphick, C. (2013) Fine-tuning the assessment of large-scale temporal trends in biodiversity using the example of British breeding birds. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50(1), pp. 190-198. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12026)
Brown, C. et al. (2013) Multispecies coexistence of trees in tropical forests: spatial signals of topographic niche differentiation increase with environmental heterogeneity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences, 280(1764), 20130502. (doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.0502) (PMID:23782876) (PMCID:PMC3712412)
Illian, J. B. , Martino, S., Sørbye, S. H., Gallego-Fernández, J. B., Zunzunegui, M., Esquivias, M. P., Travis, J. M. J. and Warton, D. (2013) Fitting complex ecological point process models with integrated nested Laplace approximation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4(4), pp. 305-315. (doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.12017)
King, R., Illian, J. B. , King, S. E., Nightingale, G. F. and Hendrichsen, D. K. (2012) A Bayesian approach to fitting Gibbs processes with temporal random effects. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 17(4), pp. 601-622. (doi: 10.1007/s13253-012-0111-0) (PMID:AGR:IND500)
Rajala, T. and Illian, J. (2012) A family of spatial biodiversity measures based on graphs. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 19(4), pp. 545-572. (doi: 10.1007/s10651-012-0200-9)
Embling, C. B., Illian, J. , Armstrong, E., van der Kooij, J., Sharples, J., Camphuysen, K. C.J. and Scott, B. E. (2012) Investigating fine-scale spatio-temporal predator-prey patterns in dynamic marine ecosystems: a functional data analysis approach. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49(2), pp. 481-492. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02114.x) (PMID:AGR:IND447)
Illian, J. B. , Sørbye, S. H. and Rue, H. (2012) A toolbox for fitting complex spatial point process models using integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA). Annals of Applied Statistics, 6(4), pp. 1499-1530. (doi: 10.1214/11-AOAS530)
Illian, J. B. , Sørbye, S. H., Rue, H. and Hendrichsen, D. K. (2012) Using INLA to fit a complex point process model with temporally varying effects - a case study. Journal of Environmental Statistics, 3(7),
Brown, C., Law, R., Illian, J. B. and Burslem, D. F.R.P. (2011) Linking ecological processes with spatial and non-spatial patterns in plant communities. Journal of Ecology, 99(6), pp. 1402-1414. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01877.x)
Buckland, S. T., Studeny, A. C., Magurran, A. E., Illian, J. B. and Newson, S. E. (2011) The geometric mean of relative abundance indices: a biodiversity measure with a difference. Ecosphere, 2(9), 100. (doi: 10.1890/ES11-00186.1)
Illian, J.B. and Simpson, D.P. (2011) invited discussion on Lindgren, Rue, Lindström, An explicit link between Gaussian fields and Gaussian Markov random fields: the stochastic partial differential equation approach, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 73(4):423-498. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 73(4), pp. 423-498.
Studeny, A.C., Buckland, S.T., Illian, J.B. , Johnston, A. and Magurran, A.E. (2011) Goodness-of-fit measures of evenness: a new tool for exploring changes in community structure. Ecosphere, 2(2), 15. (doi: 10.1890/ES10-00074.1)
Illian, J. B. and Hendrichsen, D. K. (2010) Gibbs point process models with mixed effects. Environmetrics, 21(3-4), pp. 341-353. (doi: 10.1002/env.1008)
Illian, J. (2010) invited discussion on Diggle, Menezes, Su, Geostatistical inference under preferential sampling, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), 5, 213-214. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 59(23), pp. 191-232.
Illian, J. B. , Prosser, J. I., Baker, K. L. and Rangel-Castro, J. I. (2009) Functional principal component data analysis: A new method for analysing microbial community fingerprints. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 79(1), pp. 89-95. (doi: 10.1016/j.mimet.2009.08.010) (PMID:19706313)
Viana, M. , Pierce, G. J., Illian, J. , MacLeod, C. D., Bailey, N., Wang, J. and Hastie, L. C. (2009) Seasonal movements of veined squid Loligo forbesiin Scottish (UK) waters. Aquatic Living Resources, 22(3), pp. 291-305. (doi: 10.1051/alr/2009026)
Law, R., Illian, J. , Burslem, D. F.R.P., Gratzer, G., Gunatilleke, C.V.S. and Gunatilleke, I.A.U.N. (2009) Ecological information from spatial patterns of plants: insights from point process theory. Journal of Ecology, 97(4), pp. 616-628. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01510.x)
Illian, J. B. , Møller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. P. (2009) Hierarchical spatial point process analysis for a plant community with high biodiversity. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 16(3), pp. 389-405. (doi: 10.1007/s10651-007-0070-8)
Katara, I., Illian, J. , Pierce, G. J., Scott, B. and Wang, J. (2008) Atmospheric forcing on chlorophyll concentration in the Mediterranean. Hydrobiologia, 612(1), pp. 33-48. (doi: 10.1007/s10750-008-9492-z)
Illian, J. , Penttinen, A., Stoyan, H. and Stoyan, D. (2008) Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Point Patterns. Series: Statistics in practice. Wiley. ISBN 9780470014912
Illian, J. B. (2008) Applications of Marked Point Patterns in Ecology. In: International Symposium, Recent Challenges in the Biosciences 2008, Freiberg, Germany, 2008,
Illian, J.B. and Burslem, D.F.R.P. (2007) Contributions of spatial point process modelling to biodiversity theory. Journal de la Societe Francaise de Statistique, 148, pp. 9-29.
Schneider, M. K., Law, R. and Illian, J. B. (2006) Quantification of neighbourhood-dependent plant growth by Bayesian hierarchical modelling. Journal of Ecology, 94(2), pp. 310-321. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2005.01079.x)
Illian, J. , Benson, E., Crawford, J. and Staines, H. (2006) Principal component analysis for spatial point processes — assessing the appropriateness of the approach in an ecological context. In: Baddeley, A., Gregori, P., Mateu, J., Stoica, R. and Stoyan, D. (eds.) Case Studies in Spatial Point Process Modeling. Series: Lecture notes in statistics (185). Springer, pp. 135-150. ISBN 9780387283111 (doi: 10.1007/0-387-31144-0_7)
Krivtsov, V. et al. (2003) Some aspects of complex interactions involving soil mesofauna: analysis of the results from a Scottish woodland. Ecological Modelling, 170(2-3), pp. 441-452. (doi: 10.1016/S0304-3800(03)00244-8)
Waller, N. G., Kaiser, H. A., Illian, J. B. and Manry, M. (1998) A comparison of the classification capabilities of the 1-dimensional kohonen neural network with two pratitioning and three hierarchical cluster analysis algorithms. Psychometrika, 63(1), pp. 5-22. (doi: 10.1007/BF02295433)
Belmont, J. , Martino, S., Illian, J. and Rue, H. (2025) Jafet Belmont, Sara Martino, Janine Illian, and Håvard Rue’s contribution to the Discussion of the ‘Discussion meeting on the analysis of citizen science data’. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), (doi: 10.1093/jrsssa/qnaf022/8046289) (Early Online Publication)
Villejo, S. J., Martino, S., Lindgren, F. and Illian, J. B. (2025) A data fusion model for meteorological data using the INLA-SPDE method. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), (doi: 10.1093/jrsssc/qlaf012) (Early Online Publication)
Belmont, J. , Martino, S., Illian, J. and Rue, H. (2024) Spatio-temporal occupancy models with INLA. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 15(11), pp. 2087-2100. (doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.14422)
Paradinas, I., Illian, J. and Smout, S. (2023) Understanding spatial effects in species distribution models. PLoS ONE, 18(5), e0285463. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285463) (PMID:37253039) (PMCID:PMC10228761)
Villejo, S. J., Illian, J. B. and Swallow, B. (2023) Data fusion in a two-stage spatio-temporal model using the INLA-SPDE approach. Spatial Statistics, 54, 100744. (doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2023.100744)
Laxton, M. R., Rodríguez de Rivera, Ó., Soriano‐Redondo, A. and Illian, J. B. (2023) Balancing structural complexity with ecological insight in spatio‐temporal species distribution models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(1), pp. 162-172. (doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.13957)
Zhang, W. , Chipperfield, J. D., Illian, J. B. , Dupont, P., Milleret, C., de Valpine, P. and Bischof, R. (2023) A flexible and efficient Bayesian implementation of point process models for spatial capture-recapture data. Ecology, 104(1), e3887. (doi: 10.1002/ecy.3887) (PMID:36217822)
Lavender, E., Aleynik, D., Dodd, J., Illian, J. , James, M., Smout, S. and Thorburn, J. (2022) Benthic animal-borne sensors and citizen science combine to validate ocean modelling. Scientific Reports, 12, 16613. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-20254-z) (PMID:36198697) (PMCID:PMC9534998)
Chadwick, F. J. et al. (2022) Combining rapid antigen testing and syndromic surveillance improves community-based COVID-19 detection in a low-income country. Nature Communications, 13, 2877. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-30640-w) (PMID:35618714) (PMCID:PMC9135686)
Lavender, E., Aleynik, D., Dodd, J., Illian, J. , James, M., Wright, P. J., Smout, S. and Thorburn, J. (2022) Behavioural responses of a large, benthic elasmobranch to catch-and-release angling. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 864344. (doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.864344)
Lavender, E., Aleynik, D., Dodd, J., Illian, J. , James, M., Wright, P. J., Smout, S. and Thorburn, J. (2022) Movement patterns of a critically endangered elasmobranch (Dipturus intermedius) in a Marine Protected Area. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 32(2), pp. 348-365. (doi: 10.1002/aqc.3753)
Guillot, G., Arab, A., Illian, J. B. and Dray, S. (2022) Editorial: advances in statistical ecology: new methods and software. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 828919. (doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.828919)
Python, A. et al. (2022) A downscaling approach to compare COVID-19 count data from databases aggregated at different spatial scales. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 185(1), pp. 202-218. (doi: 10.1111/rssa.12738) (PMID:34908651) (PMCID:PMC8662135)
Williamson, L. D., Scott, B. E., Laxton, M. R., Bachl, F. E., Illian, J. B. , Brookes, K. L. and Thompson, P. M. (2022) Spatiotemporal variation in harbor porpoise distribution and foraging across a landscape of fear. Marine Mammal Science, 38(1), pp. 42-57. (doi: 10.1111/mms.12839)
Nightingale, G., Laxton, M. and Illian, J. B. (2021) How does the community COVID-19 level of risk impact on that of a care home? PLoS ONE, 16(12), e0260051. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260051) (PMID:34972103) (PMCID:PMC8719703)
Nightingale, G. F., Illian, J. B. , King, R. and Nightingale, P. (2019) Area interaction point processes for bivariate point patterns in a Bayesian context. Journal of Environmental Statistics, 9(2),
Python, A., Illian, J. B. , Jones‐Todd, C. M. and Blangiardo, M. (2019) The deadly facets of terrorism. Significance, 16(4), pp. 28-31. (doi: 10.1111/j.1740-9713.2019.01300.x)
Bachl, F. E., Lindgren, F., Borchers, D. L. and Illian, J. B. (2019) inlabru: an R package for Bayesian spatial modelling from ecological survey data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10(6), pp. 760-766. (doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13168)
Soriano‐Redondo, A., Jones‐Todd, C. M., Bearhop, S., Hilton, G. M., Lock, L., Stanbury, A., Votier, S. C. and Illian, J. B. (2019) Understanding species distribution in dynamic populations: a new approach using spatio‐temporal point process models. Ecography, 42(6), pp. 1092-1102. (doi: 10.1111/ecog.03771)
Jones-Todd, C. M., Caie, P., Illian, J. B. , Stevenson, B. C., Savage, A., Harrison, D. J. and Bown, J. L. (2019) Identifying prognostic structural features in tissue sections of colon cancer patients using point pattern analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 38(8), pp. 1421-1441. (doi: 10.1002/sim.8046) (PMID:30488481)
Sørbye, S. H., Illian, J. B. , Simpson, D. P., Burslem, D. and Rue, H. (2019) Careful prior specification avoids incautious inference for log-Gaussian Cox point processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 68(3), pp. 543-564. (doi: 10.1111/rssc.12321)
Bakka, H., Vanhatalo, J., Illian, J. B. , Simpson, D. and Rue, H. (2019) Non-stationary Gaussian models with physical barriers. Spatial Statistics, 29, pp. 268-288. (doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2019.01.002)
Pennino, M. G., Paradinas, I., Illian, J. B. , Muñoz, F., Bellido, J. M., López-Quílez, A. and Conesa, D. (2019) Accounting for preferential sampling in species distribution models. Ecology and Evolution, 9(1), pp. 653-663. (doi: 10.1002/ece3.4789) (PMID:30680145) (PMCID:PMC6342115)
Python, A., Illian, J. B. , Jones‐Todd, C. M. and Blangiardo, M. (2019) A Bayesian approach to modelling subnational spatial dynamics of worldwide non‐state terrorism, 2010–2016. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 182(1), pp. 323-344. (doi: 10.1111/rssa.12384)
Hildeman, A., Bolin, D., Wallin, J. and Illian, J. B. (2018) Level set Cox processes. Spatial Statistics, 28, pp. 169-193. (doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2018.03.004)
Bakka, H., Rue, H., Fuglstad, G.-A., Riebler, A., Bolin, D., Illian, J. , Krainski, E., Simpson, D. and Lindgren, F. (2018) Spatial modeling with R-INLA: A review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 10(6), e1443. (doi: 10.1002/wics.1443)
Jones-Todd, C. M., Swallow, B. , Illian, J. B. and Toms, M. (2018) A spatiotemporal multispecies model of a semicontinuous response. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 67(3), pp. 705-722. (doi: 10.1111/rssc.12250)
Yuan, Y., Bachl, F. E., Lindgren, F., Borchers, D. L., Illian, J. B. , Buckland, S. T., Rue, H. and Gerrodette, T. (2017) Point process models for spatio-temporal distance sampling data from a large-scale survey of blue whales. Annals of Applied Statistics, 11(4), pp. 2270-2297. (doi: 10.1214/17-AOAS1078)
Illian, J. B. and Burslem, D. F.R.P. (2017) Improving the usability of spatial point process methodology: an interdisciplinary dialogue between statistics and ecology. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 101(4), pp. 495-520. (doi: 10.1007/s10182-017-0301-8)
Rue, H., Riebler, A., Sørbye, S. H., Illian, J. B. , Simpson, D. P. and Lindgren, F. K. (2017) Bayesian computing with INLA: a review. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, 4(1), pp. 395-421. (doi: 10.1146/annurev-statistics-060116-054045)
Ledo, A., Cornulier, T., Illian, J. B. , Iida, Y., Kassim, A. R. and Burslem, D. F. R. P. (2016) Re-evaluation of individual diameter: height allometric models to improve biomass estimation of tropical trees. Ecological Applications, 26(8), pp. 2376-2382. (doi: 10.1002/eap.1450)
Ledo, A., Illian, J. B. , Schnitzer, S. A., Wright, S. J., Dalling, J. W., Burslem, D. F. R. P. and Zotz, G. (2016) Lianas and soil nutrients predict fine-scale distribution of above-ground biomass in a tropical moist forest. Journal of Ecology, 104(6), pp. 1819-1828. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12635)
Simpson, D., Illian, J.B. , Lindgren, F., Sørbye, S.H. and Rue, H. (2016) Going off grid: computationally efficient inference for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Biometrika, 103(1), pp. 49-70. (doi: 10.1093/biomet/asv064)
Altieri, L., Cocchi, D., Greco, F., Illian, J.B. and Scott, E.M. (2016) Bayesian P-splines and advanced computing in R for a changepoint analysis on spatio-temporal point processes. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86(13), pp. 2531-2545. (doi: 10.1080/00949655.2016.1146280)
Brown, C., Illian, J. B. , Burslem, D. F. R. P. and Sandhu, L. (2016) Success of spatial statistics in determining underlying process in simulated plant communities. Journal of Ecology, 104(1), pp. 160-172. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12493)
Altieri, L., Scott, E. M. , Cocchi, D. and Illian, J. B. (2015) A changepoint analysis of spatio-temporal point processes. Spatial Statistics, 14(B), pp. 197-207. (doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2015.05.005)
Nightingale, G. F., Illian, J. B. and King, R. (2015) Pairwise interaction point processes for modelling bivariate spatial point patterns in the presence of interaction uncertainty. Journal of Environmental Statistics, 7(3),
Bagchi, R., Illian, J. B. and Murrell, D. (2015) A method for analysing replicated point patterns in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(4), pp. 482-490. (doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12335)
Martins, T. G., Simpson, D., Illian, J. B. , Rue, H. and Geirsson, Ó. P. (2013) invited discussion on Kneib, T, ‘Beyond mean regression’. Statistical Modelling, 13(4), pp. 355-361. (doi: 10.1177/1471082X13494527)
Studeny, A. C., Buckland, S. T., Harrison, P. J., Illian, J. B. , Magurran, A. E., Newson, S. E. and Elphick, C. (2013) Fine-tuning the assessment of large-scale temporal trends in biodiversity using the example of British breeding birds. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50(1), pp. 190-198. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12026)
Brown, C. et al. (2013) Multispecies coexistence of trees in tropical forests: spatial signals of topographic niche differentiation increase with environmental heterogeneity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences, 280(1764), 20130502. (doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.0502) (PMID:23782876) (PMCID:PMC3712412)
Illian, J. B. , Martino, S., Sørbye, S. H., Gallego-Fernández, J. B., Zunzunegui, M., Esquivias, M. P., Travis, J. M. J. and Warton, D. (2013) Fitting complex ecological point process models with integrated nested Laplace approximation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4(4), pp. 305-315. (doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.12017)
King, R., Illian, J. B. , King, S. E., Nightingale, G. F. and Hendrichsen, D. K. (2012) A Bayesian approach to fitting Gibbs processes with temporal random effects. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 17(4), pp. 601-622. (doi: 10.1007/s13253-012-0111-0) (PMID:AGR:IND500)
Rajala, T. and Illian, J. (2012) A family of spatial biodiversity measures based on graphs. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 19(4), pp. 545-572. (doi: 10.1007/s10651-012-0200-9)
Embling, C. B., Illian, J. , Armstrong, E., van der Kooij, J., Sharples, J., Camphuysen, K. C.J. and Scott, B. E. (2012) Investigating fine-scale spatio-temporal predator-prey patterns in dynamic marine ecosystems: a functional data analysis approach. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49(2), pp. 481-492. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02114.x) (PMID:AGR:IND447)
Illian, J. B. , Sørbye, S. H. and Rue, H. (2012) A toolbox for fitting complex spatial point process models using integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA). Annals of Applied Statistics, 6(4), pp. 1499-1530. (doi: 10.1214/11-AOAS530)
Illian, J. B. , Sørbye, S. H., Rue, H. and Hendrichsen, D. K. (2012) Using INLA to fit a complex point process model with temporally varying effects - a case study. Journal of Environmental Statistics, 3(7),
Brown, C., Law, R., Illian, J. B. and Burslem, D. F.R.P. (2011) Linking ecological processes with spatial and non-spatial patterns in plant communities. Journal of Ecology, 99(6), pp. 1402-1414. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01877.x)
Buckland, S. T., Studeny, A. C., Magurran, A. E., Illian, J. B. and Newson, S. E. (2011) The geometric mean of relative abundance indices: a biodiversity measure with a difference. Ecosphere, 2(9), 100. (doi: 10.1890/ES11-00186.1)
Illian, J.B. and Simpson, D.P. (2011) invited discussion on Lindgren, Rue, Lindström, An explicit link between Gaussian fields and Gaussian Markov random fields: the stochastic partial differential equation approach, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 73(4):423-498. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 73(4), pp. 423-498.
Studeny, A.C., Buckland, S.T., Illian, J.B. , Johnston, A. and Magurran, A.E. (2011) Goodness-of-fit measures of evenness: a new tool for exploring changes in community structure. Ecosphere, 2(2), 15. (doi: 10.1890/ES10-00074.1)
Illian, J. B. and Hendrichsen, D. K. (2010) Gibbs point process models with mixed effects. Environmetrics, 21(3-4), pp. 341-353. (doi: 10.1002/env.1008)
Illian, J. (2010) invited discussion on Diggle, Menezes, Su, Geostatistical inference under preferential sampling, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), 5, 213-214. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 59(23), pp. 191-232.
Illian, J. B. , Prosser, J. I., Baker, K. L. and Rangel-Castro, J. I. (2009) Functional principal component data analysis: A new method for analysing microbial community fingerprints. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 79(1), pp. 89-95. (doi: 10.1016/j.mimet.2009.08.010) (PMID:19706313)
Viana, M. , Pierce, G. J., Illian, J. , MacLeod, C. D., Bailey, N., Wang, J. and Hastie, L. C. (2009) Seasonal movements of veined squid Loligo forbesiin Scottish (UK) waters. Aquatic Living Resources, 22(3), pp. 291-305. (doi: 10.1051/alr/2009026)
Law, R., Illian, J. , Burslem, D. F.R.P., Gratzer, G., Gunatilleke, C.V.S. and Gunatilleke, I.A.U.N. (2009) Ecological information from spatial patterns of plants: insights from point process theory. Journal of Ecology, 97(4), pp. 616-628. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01510.x)
Illian, J. B. , Møller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. P. (2009) Hierarchical spatial point process analysis for a plant community with high biodiversity. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 16(3), pp. 389-405. (doi: 10.1007/s10651-007-0070-8)
Katara, I., Illian, J. , Pierce, G. J., Scott, B. and Wang, J. (2008) Atmospheric forcing on chlorophyll concentration in the Mediterranean. Hydrobiologia, 612(1), pp. 33-48. (doi: 10.1007/s10750-008-9492-z)
Illian, J.B. and Burslem, D.F.R.P. (2007) Contributions of spatial point process modelling to biodiversity theory. Journal de la Societe Francaise de Statistique, 148, pp. 9-29.
Schneider, M. K., Law, R. and Illian, J. B. (2006) Quantification of neighbourhood-dependent plant growth by Bayesian hierarchical modelling. Journal of Ecology, 94(2), pp. 310-321. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2005.01079.x)
Krivtsov, V. et al. (2003) Some aspects of complex interactions involving soil mesofauna: analysis of the results from a Scottish woodland. Ecological Modelling, 170(2-3), pp. 441-452. (doi: 10.1016/S0304-3800(03)00244-8)
Waller, N. G., Kaiser, H. A., Illian, J. B. and Manry, M. (1998) A comparison of the classification capabilities of the 1-dimensional kohonen neural network with two pratitioning and three hierarchical cluster analysis algorithms. Psychometrika, 63(1), pp. 5-22. (doi: 10.1007/BF02295433)
Illian, J. , Penttinen, A., Stoyan, H. and Stoyan, D. (2008) Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Point Patterns. Series: Statistics in practice. Wiley. ISBN 9780470014912
Book Sections
Panunzi, G., Belmont, J. , Illian, J. and Martino, S. (2025) Species distribution modeling approach for biased citizen science data. In: Pollice, Alessio and Mariani, Paolo (eds.) Methodological and Applied Statistics and Demography IV:SIS 2024, Short Papers, Contributed Sessions 2. Series: Italian statistical society series on advances in statistics. Springer: Cham, pp. 379-385. ISBN 9783031644474 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-64447-4_64)
Illian, J. B. (2019) Spatial and spatio-temporal point processes in ecological applications. In: Gelfand, Alan E., Fuentes, Montserrat, Hoeting, Jennifer A. and Lyttleton Smith, Richard (eds.) Handbook of Environmental and Ecological Statistics. Series: Chapman & Hall/CRC handbooks of modern statistical methods. CRC Press. ISBN 9781498752022
Python, A., Illian, J. , Jones-Todd, C. and Blangiardo, M. (2017) Explaining the lethality of Boko Haram’s terrorist attacks in Nigeria, 2009–2014: a hierarchical Bayesian approach. In: Argiento, Raffaele, Lanzarone, Ettore, Villalobos, Isadora Antoniano and Mattei, Alessandra (eds.) Bayesian Statistics in Action. Series: Springer proceedings in mathematics and statistics (194). Springer: Cham, pp. 231-239. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-54084-9_22)
Illian, J. , Benson, E., Crawford, J. and Staines, H. (2006) Principal component analysis for spatial point processes — assessing the appropriateness of the approach in an ecological context. In: Baddeley, A., Gregori, P., Mateu, J., Stoica, R. and Stoyan, D. (eds.) Case Studies in Spatial Point Process Modeling. Series: Lecture notes in statistics (185). Springer, pp. 135-150. ISBN 9780387283111 (doi: 10.1007/0-387-31144-0_7)
Research Reports or Papers
Illian, J.B. and Jones-Todd, C. (2014) Preventing Crime Through Spatial Modelling. (Scottish Institute of Policing Research) SIPR Annual report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Conference Proceedings
Illian, J. B. (2008) Applications of Marked Point Patterns in Ecology. In: International Symposium, Recent Challenges in the Biosciences 2008, Freiberg, Germany, 2008,
- Bryce, Erin
Statistical landslide hazard modelling with a view towards medium to long term territorial planning - Hu, Chenglei
Natural hazard risk estimation using Multivariate Extreme-Value Mixture Models (MEVMM) - Meli Chrisko, Ariane Nidelle
Spatiotemporal GARCH Models with Asymmetric Volatility Spillovers - Morton, Megan
Developing a nested, multiscale framework for modelling animal movement processes from long-term tracking data - Nyabuto, Elkanah Magembe
Spatiotemporal Uncertainty Modelling - Stylpnopoulos, Klimis
Multi-variate forecasting for wind power integration in electricity markets - Villejo, Stephen Jun
A two-stage Bayesian modelling framework with applications in spatial epidemiology