The Glasgow–Edinburgh Extremes Network
Welcome to GLE2N, the Glasgow–Edinburgh Extremes Network, a Scotland-based collaboration between the School of Mathematics & Statistics at The University of Glasgow (UofG), the School of Mathematics at The University of Edinburgh (UofE), and the School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences at Heriot-Watt University (HW).
The Network joins early-career and established researchers from UofG, UofE and HW to discuss applied, theoretical, and methodological contributions to the field of statistical risk analysis and extreme value theory (EVT).
GLE2N,'s main aims are:
- to increase Scotland/UK-based collaboration between researchers interested in EVT,
- to foster knowledge exchange,
- to support early career researchers working on EVT through a range of networking and collaboration opportunities.
Next meeting
Friday 24th of January 2025, 13:00-15:00
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