Dr Daniela Castro-Camilo
- Senior Lecturer (Statistics)
Room 315, Mathematics and Statistics Building, Glasgow G12 8QQ
My research revolves around environmental disaster-related statistics, creating methods and novel applications to learn about and predict disaster occurrences and their impacts. I do this through a combination of the theory and applications of multivariate and spatial extremes, spatial and spatio-temporal statistics, environmental statistics, causal inference and Bayesian inference.
Over the last few years, I have developed user-friendly methods that promote the need to adequately capture extreme observations within the usual statistical analysis centred around mean values. Most of my methods are available through the R-INLA package or GitHub.
I actively contribute to the statistical community, serving as the meeting secretary for the Environmental Section of the Royal Statistical Society, as an associated editor for the journal Environmetrics, as a member of the International Environmetrics Society outreach and liaison committee and as an Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute.
Research interests
GLE2N: Glasgow - Edinburgh Extremes Network
A collaboration between the Schools of Mathematics & Statistics at The University of Glasgow, Mathematics at The University of Edinburgh, and Mathematical & Computer Sciences at Heriot-Watt University to discuss applied, theoretical, and methodological contributions to the field of statistical risk analysis and extreme value theory. Click the logo to learn more.
Research Interest
Currently, my research interest is divided into the following topics:
- Spatial and spatio-temporal extremes with applications to meteorological and environmental data (temperature, precipitation, wind speeds, soil pollutants).
- Natural hazard modelling with a focus on landslide modelling using the SPDE-INLA approach.
- Climate extreme event attribution.
- Point process modelling
- I’m working on two grants at the moment. One is related to the forecast of faults in electricity networks, funded by OFGEM (office for gas and electricity markets). The second one is the EPSRC-funded project "GEOBEx: Geostatistical Binary Models for Extremes", which aims to develop a new framework for accurate estimation and prediction of binary spatio-temporal extremes.
Additional information
- A list of past projects and ongoing projects.
- Past and upcoming research visits.
- A list of past and upcoming conferences and seminars.
Research groups
- Improving landslide hazard assessment in Scotland. Funded by the Scottish Government through the National Centre for Resilience in collaboration with the British Geological Survey and the Department of Applied Earth Sciences, University of Twente.
- Predict4Resilience - beta phase. Funded by the Office for Gas and Electricity Markets (UK government) in collaboration with Scottish Power, SIA Partners and the Met Office. See a news release on this project here.
- GEOBEx: Geostatistical Binary Models for Extremes. Funded by EPSRC in collaboration with Carolina Euan (Lancaster University).
Opportunities for PhD applicants
I'm always happy to discuss potential PhD projects with motivated applicants. I have a few potential PhD topics involving extremes, longitudinal data, disaster-related statistics, spatial statistics, and Bayesian inference, among others. But I'm also happy to discuss new ideas. If you're looking to do a PhD, please email me at daniela.castrocamilo@glasgow.ac.uk.
Current PhD students
- Bryce, Erin
Statistical landslide hazard modelling with a view towards medium to long term territorial planning - Hu, Chenglei
Natural hazard risk estimation using Multivariate Extreme-Value Mixture Models (MEVMM) - Li, Mengran
Climate extreme event attribution using sub-asymptotic models and counterfactual theory - Sasibala Senthil Raja, Meyvizhi
Developing novel ways to represent spatial patterns in disease risk - Villejo, Stephen Jun
A two-stage Bayesian modelling framework with applications in spatial epidemiology
Honours projects supervision (2019-present)
- Caitlin Fox
- Tianhao Tan
- Mahi Siddika
- Paddy O'Hara
- Erin Bryce
- Louis Chislett
- Holly Moran
- Huinan Zhu
- Maria Tsiarkezou
- Samuele D'Avenia
- Sixiang Chen
- Rob Corner
- Cara McPhail
Short courses and tutorials
Here, you can find a list of codes, tutorials and short courses.
UofG 2023/24 session
On study leave (sabbatical)
UofG 2022/2023 session
- STATS4047-STATS5022: Principles of Probability and Statistics. Moodle page (for enrolled students only).
- STATS5103: Introduction to Statistical Programming in R and Python. Moodle page (for enrolled students only).
Additional information
- I am the Deputy Exam Officer for Statistics. My main role is to manage and coordinate all Stats exam processes across all the levels, in collaboration with the office of teaching and the School Exams Officer.
- I am an academic advisor of studies for MSc students. My main role is to provide advice on course choices and offer pastoral support throughout their University career.