Statistics & data analytics education
Our research helps develop innovative teaching and assessment methods, employed in our world-leading programmes in Data Analytics and Statistics.
Postgraduate research students
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Statistics and Data Analytics Education - Example Research Projects
Our group has an active PhD student community, and every year we admit new PhD students. We welcome applications from across the world. Further information can be found here.
The group holds regular seminar series as part of the Teaching Innovation in Mathematical Sciences seminar series. There are also relevant seminars as part of the Statistics seminar series covering various aspects of the AI3 initiative. You can find more on information on the pages for the Teaching Innovation in Mathematical Sciences seminar series and the Statistics seminar series, where you can also subscribe to the calendars for the seminar series.
The Statistics and Data Analytics Educational group has a wide range of expertise and interests in scholarship, teaching and learning. Our current initiatives span student belonging, engagement, inclusion and accessibility. Our teaching and assessment methods research include peer assessment, feedback and support, and active learning. We hold regular events and workshops and run an active seminar series focused on innovation in learning and teaching in the mathematical sciences.
We are also involved in a range of outreach activities, including Maths Week Scotland, Royal Institution Masterclasses, and the Glasgow Science Festival. We have close links with the Royal Statistical Society and the Advanced Higher Statistics teaching community.
- Adapting to Technological Challenges in Statistics