Dr Chris Athorne visited Thailand to present a talk on "Equivariance in the theory of higher genus Weierstrass P functions" at the conference "Symmetry 2019" held at Suranaree University of Technology, Natchon Ratchasima, between the 14th and 18th January. It included celebrations of the lives of L.V.Ovsiannikov and N. Ibragimov (who died in November, 2018), enormously influential figures in the symmetry analysis of differential equations. SUT lies in the North East of Thailand where there are varied expressions of old and new Buddhist culture.

As explained previously, the focus of Prof Dirk Husmeier’s sabbatical year is "translational research aiming to bring mathematical modelling and statistical inference into the clinic". Dirk gave a series of invited talks on this subject at the University of Groningen (14th January), the University of Southampton (7th February) and the University of Manchester (11th February). The talk at Southampton has been recorded and is available online by clicking here [external link].

Prof Marian Scott was an invited speaker at the "3rd Basque centre for Applied Mathematics" conference on Data Science which was held in Bilbao on the 8th and 9th November. The title of Marian’s talk was: "The role of Statistics in the era of big data: crucial, critical and under-valued".

First published: 25 March 2019