The Edinburgh Mathematics Society - Societat Catalan de Mathematiques joint meeting in Barcelona was attended by several members of the School, including Spiros Adams-Florou, Joan Bosa, Anne Thomas, Liam Watson (who spoke in special sessions), Andy Baker (who organised the Topology session) and Ian Strachan as vice president of the EMS.

As the first such joint meeting it was a fruitful and enjoyable event involving two old mathematical cultures with similar historical and political experiences, and provided an opportunity for reinforcing existing links and establishing new ones. A follow-up conference in Scotland was discussed.


The 30th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM) held in Linz (Austria) had a strong contribution by the Statistics group of the University of Glasgow. From the right:

Claire Miller chaired a session about spatio-temporal modelling; Ruth O’Donnell presented a poster from the title “Within lake clustering of high resolution satellite retrievals - a functional data and clustering approach”; Umberto Noè presented a poster about “Emulation of ODEs with Gaussian Processes”; Mu Niu displayed a poster entitled “Inference in nonlinear differential equations” and Altea Lorenzo-Arribas showed a poster describing “A simulation study assessing the advantages of cumulative link models”.

Many people attended the poster session showing great interest in the work carried out in our school and gave encouraging feedback.

GloboLakes activities

The GloboLakes research group, which includes Claire Miller (PI), Marian Scott, Ruth O’Donnell, Craig Wilkie and Mengyi Gong presented work internationally over the summer.  Details are:

  • June (2015) – CENSIS Workshop – `Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI): Identifying industry challenges and exploring potential solutions’  Ruth O’Donnell first author; ‘Spectral imaging – some new analytics tools’
  • July (2015) - Contributed poster at 2015 International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Austria, Linz (6-10th July 2015), ‘Within lake clustering of high resolution satellite retrievals – a functional data and clustering approach’: Ruth O’Donnell first author.

This July saw the inaugural LMS research summer school, held at the University of Loughborough. The intensive two week summer school was an opportunity for undergraduate mathematics students to learn advanced topics in mathematics, and to hear plenary research talks by world leaders such as the Fields medallist Timothy Gowers and mathematical physicist Sir Michael Berry. Glasgow University was well represented at the summer school, with third year students Alex Fairley and Rayna Andreeva attending and Gwyn Bellamy giving a series of lectures on "From Platonic solids to quivers". Next year the LMS summer school will be at the University of Kent.

Tara Brendle and Andrew Wilson gave a talk "Online Assessment & Feedback" at the 7th Annual Scottish Maths Support Network Meeting Programme on Friday 5th June, at Glasgow Caledonian.  

On 1st July, Tara Brendle and Brendan Owens attended a Garden Party with the Queen at Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh as representatives of the College of Science & Engineering.  The event was luckily held on one of the few days this summer where it didn't rain, and so guests were able to enjoy the two live orchestras playing outdoors, as well as some amazing food (who knew cucumber sandwiches could be so spectacular?).  

This summer, the Pure Mathematics Division of ISI Kolkata organised a workshop centered around an advanced lecture course "Quantum homogeneous spaces and representation theory" delivered by Ulrich Kraehmer and Christian Voigt between 10th and 21st August. The lectures were attended by young as well as established researchers from various parts of India, and complemented by problem sessions and contributed talks by the participants. This is part of a long-term strategy to establish a partnership between ISI Kolkata and the School of Mathematics and Statistics, involving both research collaboration and the possibility of enabling Indian PhD students to visit Glasgow under the Newton Bhabha PhD placement scheme of the British Council.

On 10th June, Richard Steiner gave a talk titled ‘Chain complexes and higher categories' at the Homotopy in Concurrency and Rewriting Conference in École Polytechnique. 

Drs Stuart White and Joachim Zacharias both gave invited presentations at the 13th Abel Symposium on board the ship MS Finnmarken in Norway.  The Abel Symposium is the major meeting organised by the Niels Henrik Abel Memorial Fund, who co-ordinate the Abel prize in Mathematics.

In addition to the Abel Symposium, Stuart gave a plenary lecture at the Great Planes Operator Theory Symposium (Purdue, USA) entitled 'Covering Dimension and 2 coloured isomorphism of maps', and a plenary lecture at International conference on C∗-algebras and dynamical systems in honour of Professor Elliott’s 70th birthday, Shijiazhuang, China entitled 'Comparing Central Sequences'.  

Stuart White will also gave an invited masterclass of 4 lectures at the “Young Mathematicians in C*-Algebras” meeting in Copenhagen in early August.

First published: 5 October 2015