News from the SECURE: Statistics of Environmental Change, Resources and Ecosystems, network

SECURE is a network of statisticians, modelers and environmental scientists funded by EPSRC to provide new insights into environmental change. It includes academics from nine universities, environmental agencies, research institutes and has international partners. A few upcoming events and calls that might be of interest include.



A SECURE workshop on “Environmental quality, human exposures and deprivation –improving our understanding of the interactions” was held on the 12th February 2016 at the Hilton Hotel (Glasgow Grosvenor).

20 people attended the one day workshop, to further the discussions between environmental health specialists, environmental scientists, statisticians and modellers and policy makers and regulators on data and knowledge gaps, and uncertainties and how they might be filled.  Keynote talks were given by Prof Rich Mitchell (GU) and Dr Karen Exley (Public health England).


SECURE funding stream

SECURE offers funding to members of the SECURE Network to help them attend conferences (UK based or international) where they are giving either oral or poster presentations. To find out more about this opportunity visit the website funding section here.

SECURE opens its second call for Feasibility projects

Following its first successful project call in May 2015 in which SECURE funded five projects May 2015 Successful Feasibility projects, SECURE are pleased to announce that its second call is now open.  The deadline for applications is the 18th April.

Funding of up to £25,000 is available per project; please note projects applying for less than this maximum are welcome. Successful Lead applicants on the first call (May 2015) may not apply as Lead applicants on this call but can be a partner.

To find out more about this opportunity please visit the website by clicking here.

First published: 30 March 2016