Past events


A further NERC supported training course (Advanced Statistical methods) was held in the School from 5-9 January, following the first course held in September 2014. Participants from all over the UK (mostly PhD students) enjoyed training sessions on three different statistical topics: advanced regression, spatial and spatio-temporal models and functional data analysis.  A guest lecturer, Dr Marcel van Oijen, from Centre of Ecology and Hydrology spoke about forest biomass modelling.


The Centre for Mathematics Applied to Life Sciences (CMALS) held a one-day sandpit event in the School on Friday 9th January. The 25 participants, representing Glasgow, Strathclyde and Glasgow Caledonian Universities,  studied two problems related to the treatment and diagnosis of cancer, one presented by Prof Robert Insall (Beatson Institute, GU) and the other by Dr Philip Riches (Department of Biomechanical Engineering, Strathclyde University). Through the day the participants constructed some preliminary mathematical models; these models will be developed over the coming months and hopefully form the basis of collaborative papers and grant proposals.

Forthcoming events

"An afternoon in low-dimensions, Glasgow" Workshop

Liam Watson is organising a workshop entitled "An afternoon in low-dimensions, Glasgow" for Friday 20th March. Further details will follow in due course.

LMS 150th Anniversary

The School is hosting, as part of the LMS 150th Anniversary events, the visit of Prof. Nalini Joshi, University of Sydney and Hardy Fellow 2015. The provisional date is Monday 22nd June. 

For further information or assitance with organising your event please contact

First published: 3 February 2015