Prof Tara Brendle attended a workshop "Topology of Arrangements and Representation Stability" in Oberwolfach from Sunday 14th until Saturday 20th January.

Tara also attended the conference "Winter Braids" at CIRM in Luminy, France, between Monday 5th and Friday 9th February, giving a mini-course "Congruence braid groups".

Dr Sira Gratz visited her research collaborators Karin Baur and Eleonore Faber in Leeds to work on frieze patterns for one week in January. This continues a collaboration, joint with Khrystyna Serhiyenko and Gordana Todorov, that originated at a WINART = Women In Noncommutative Algebra and Representation Theory workshop in Banff in 2016.

The SECURE (Statistics of Environmental Change, Resources and Ecosystems) network whose PI is Prof Marian Scott, joined together with two other EPSRC Networks, PEN (Past Earth Network) and ReCoVER (Research on Changes of Variability and Environmental Risk) for a joint conference at the University of Leeds on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th January. The conference featured talks from the network PI's, reviews of feasibility studies funded through the networks, a poster session, and discussion periods.

Four researchers from the School of Mathematics and Statistics and one from Interdisciplinary Studies have led feasibility projects during SECURE’s three year (2015-2018) network: Professor Adrian Bowman, Dr Claire Miller, Dr Surajit Ray, Dr Lauren Parry (Interdisciplinary Studies) and Dr Duncan Lee.

Duncan gave a presentation on his “Grand Challenge” feasibility project at the conference, entitled: “Quantifying the impact of air pollution in Scotland: Evidence for locating a Low Emission Zone”.

Dr Peter Henrys from CEH spoke on his project: “Modelling species’ population trends accounting for weather-related observation bias”. Dr Alejandro Gonzalez-Ollauri from Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU), who was part of the team on another SECURE funded feasibility project led by Dr Slobodan B. Mickovski (GCU), presented a poster entitled “A novel tool for prediction of the aggregated spatial effects of biosolids applied to agricultural land”.

Marian also hosted Dr Esam Mahdi who visited the School for just over one week from Monday 15th January. Dr Mahdi is a statistician at the Islamic University of Gaza in Palestine, who visited the University on an Erasmus “mobility for staff” exchange. He was involved in meetings with research students but also in the teaching of Environmental Statistics.

Dr Peter Stewart gave an invited seminar on “Fluid Mechanics of the optic nerve” at the University of Dundee on Monday 21st January.

Dr Christian Voigt attended the workshop “Tensor categories, Hopf algebras and quantum groups” in Marburg (Germany), from Monday 22nd to Friday 26th January, at which he gave a series of three lectures with title “An introduction to complex semisimple quantum groups”.

Prof Stuart White gave a colloquium in Vienna on “Quasidiagonality and Amenability” and a seminar on “crossed product C*-algebras and classification” between Monday 29th January and Thursday 1st February.

First published: 15 February 2018