Profs Adrian Bowman and Marian Scott attended a workshop on Big Data held in Taiwan in October. The workshop was organised under the Royal Society of Edinburgh and Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan) agreement, and the workshop leaders were Adrian and Professor Henry Lu. Adrian gave a seminar on “Big Questions, Informative Data, Excellent Science & Technology” at the National Chiao Tung University and Marian gave a seminar to Academica Sinica on “The environmental data deluge – sinking or swimming?”. It is hoped that there may be some interesting connections developing from our visits around the smart campus agenda. 

Dr Duncan Lee gave a two-day training course on “Spatial Mapping and Modelling Disease Data” to analysts in NHS Scotland on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th December.

Dr Claire Miller was an invited speaker at the Trondheim Symposium in Statistics, which took place at NTNU, Norway, on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th October. Claire’s talk was entitled “Functional data approaches for satellite data”.

Dr Surajit Ray has been invited to give a special talk at the International Conference in Statistics and Probability, which will be held at the University of Calcutta between Tuesday 2nd and Thursday 4th January 2018. His talk is entitled “An Integrated framework for analyzing Spatially Correlated Functional Data”.

Dr Peter Stewart gave a plenary lecture at the 3rd Maxwell Institute Graduate School on Evolution Equations, held at the ICMS in Edinburgh between Wednesday 15th and Friday 17th November.

Dr Andrew Wilson was delighted to be invited back to speak at the Leading Enhancement in Assessment and Feedback (LEAF) Symposium about Assessment and Feedback to Large Cohorts organised by Dr Amanda Sykes and Prof. Moira Fischbacher-Smith on Tuesday 7th November. This symposium, currently in its third year and as a parallel component of the project that produced the Assessment and Feedback Toolkit, focused on the topics of staff-student partnerships and large-group assessment and feedback. The biggest barrier identified in the session to implementing changes in the assessment and feedback to large cohorts was that of workload — for which our School's award winning solutions were shared seeking to inspire others to follow our successes. 

Honorary Research Fellow Dr Francesco Finazzi visited the School for three weeks in over the months of October and November. While here, Francesco was discussing some new applications of model emulation to environmental impacts of fish farms and was also filmed for the upcoming MOOC in Environmental Statistics and Renewables, talking about his app for earthquake detection.

First published: 19 December 2017