Success with EPSRC Programme Grant

We are delighted to announce that the EPSRC Programme Grant "Enhancing Representation Theory, Noncommutative Algebra And Geometry Through Moduli, Stability And Deformations" has been funded, jointly between Glasgow through Professor Michael Wemyss, Edinburgh (Gordon, Smoktunowicz, Bayer) and Sheffield (Bridgeland). This a £3.3M grant, lasting 6 years, that brings 18 years of RAs to the team, together with a great deal of support for other activities including workshops, visitors and outreach. This is the first ever programme grant with algebra at its heart, and the first in the Mathematical Sciences in Scotland.

This is an excellent development. Many congratulations to Michael and the team.

2017 Wiley-TIES Best Environmetrics Paper Award

Dr Claire Miller and co-authors Prof Marian Scott, Dr Kelly Gallacher, Dr Robert Willows, Dr Linda Pope and Mr John Douglass of the paper "Flow-directed PCA for monitoring networks", which was published in the journal Environmetrics, has won the 2017 Wiley-TIES Best Environmetrics Paper Award. This award is relatively new and was established in 2014. 

Claire and Marian will attend the TIES 2018 meeting in Guanajuato, Mexico, July 16-21 (see where Claire will present the paper in a special session.

Congratulations to all involved in the paper!

Computational Statistics: Nomination for Springer's Change the World

Prof Dirk Husmeier and co-author Dr Vinny Davies had their article selected in Springer's annual "Change the World" article competition as the first choice from their journal! Springer announced: “Must-read article from the area of Computational Statistics with a potentially huge impact for researchers in Medicine and Biostatistics, in particular those working with viruses and effective vaccine strains."

Publication in the Proceedings of AISTATS

Prof Dirk Husmeier, Dr Alan Lazarus and Dr Theo Papamarkou have had a paper accepted for publication in the Proceedings of AISTATS, which they presented at a conference in Lanzarote in the second week of April. This is a prestigious interdisciplinary conference at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistics, with an average rejection rate of 70%.

Learning & Teaching Conference Success

Presenting his work on Embedding Play in Higher Education, Dr Andrew Wilson was honoured with the award of best presentation at the 11th University of Glasgow Learning & Teaching Conference held at the end of March. Arguing that we cannot afford not to embrace playfulness in our educational toolkit, he reported:

“Delighted (and surprised!) to have won the Best Presentation — thanks to the audience for playing along!”

Andrew has been invited to share this presentation locally at our local School's Learning & Teaching Colloquium, so watch this space for updates!

Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) Focus On: Feedback from Assessment event

Speaking on Assessment & Feedback to Large Cohorts, Dr Andrew Wilson, shared our School's expertise in introducing a holistic assessment and feedback approach to our large non-honours mathematics programme. This approach, that integrates e-assessment and scanning technology and is 'paid' for by creating procedural efficiencies elsewhere and removing ineffective assessments, attracted both College and University Teaching Excellence Awards in 2014 and 2015 and a Herald Jisc Innovation Technology Excellence Award in 2016 for the Level-1 and Level-2 Teams. If you want to learn more, listen to Dr Wilson together with Profs Strachan and Brendle talk through aspects of this large team project in their Jisc podcast.

Interview on QAA's upcoming Focus On: Feedback from Assessment film suite with Dr Andrew Wilson

After his success at the University of Glasgow Learning & Teaching Conference, Dr Andrew Wilson was whisked away to the QAA Scotland offices in the centre of Glasgow to be interviewed for the upcoming QAA film suite to accompany their current Focus On theme. The film suite is due to appear later in 2018.‌

Special issue publication in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society

Congratulations to Dr Colin Torney who has had a special issue in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society published. See all the details at

Media attention for University of Glasgow research

The paper, 'Inferring the rules of interaction of migrating caribou', by Dr Colin Torney and others has been attracting the attention of various media outlets including National Geographic and The New York Times. In the paper, drone technology and computer vision was used to examine the complex social dynamics of caribou as they made their migration from Victoria Island to mainland Canada.

You can read both articles at and

STEM for Britain

Dr Raimondo Penta took part in the annual STEM for Britain poster competition, where early career researchers present a poster concerning their findings in parliament.

Raimondo attended the Mathematical Sciences exhibition on the 12th March 2018 at the House of Commons in London and presented a poster on his research on tumour modelling entitled "Multiscale modelling and simulations of fluid and drug transport in vascularised tumours".

He also had an opportunity to interact with members of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee and discuss this research with our local MP, Patrick Grady. 

Multiscale Models in Mechano and Tumor Biology: Edited book

Dr Raimondo Penta and his co-editors Dr Alf Gerisch and Prof. Jens Lang (TU Darmstadt, Germany) had their edited book "Multiscale Models in Mechano and Tumor Biology: Modeling, Homogenization, and Applications (" published in the series "Lecture notes in computational science and engineering, Springer.

This book presents and discusses the state of the art and future perspectives in mathematical modeling and homogenization techniques with the focus on addressing key physiological issues in the context of multiphase healthy and malignant biological materials.

SofTMech grant success

SofTMech (Profs Xiaoyu Luo, Nick Hill and Dr Hao Gao along with Dr Sean McGinty from the School of Engineering), have successfully secured a Royal Society-Newton Mobility Grant (£12,000) for two years from 1st April 2018, to work with Xi'an Jiaotong University on "Towards the next generation stenting - The evaluation and study on mechanics behaviour of novel shape memory polymer stent". 

First published: 24 April 2018