Dr Andy Baker travelled to Sheffield between Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th December to give two seminar talks. One talk was given at the Topology seminar entitled “Hopf invariant one elements and E-infinity ring spectra” and the other a Colloquium talk entitled “Derived commutative rings”.

Dr Gwyn Bellamy travelled to Wuppertal to give a talk at the Darstellungstheorietage workshop on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th January. His talk was entitled “Graded algebras admitting a triangular decomposition”.

Dr Nema Dean gave a PhD short course on Tuesday 13th December in the University of Sheffield for Social Science PhD students on "Statistical Network Analysis using R packages" as part of the AQMeN project.

Drs Mayetri Gupta and Surajit Ray attended the Platinum Jubilee International Conference on Applications of Statistics at the University of Calcutta between Wednesday 21st and Friday 23rd December, as invited speakers. Mayetri’s talk was entitled “A Bayesian latent variable approach to predicting differential methylation in bisulphite sequencing data” and Surajit’s talk was “Integrated Framework for Analyzing Spatially Correlated Functional Data”.

Dr Claire Miller and Prof Marian Scott visited The University of Bologna for one week, from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th January. The purpose of the visit was to meet with colleagues who are involved with the coordination and delivery of our Double Degree in Statistics, and for research meetings with Dr Francesco Finazzi, Dr Linda Alteri, Dr Maria Franco-Villoria and Dr Massimo Ventrucci, all of whom are research associates and honorary fellows of the School.

Dr Radostin Simitev travelled to the University of Nottingham to give a research seminar talk on Tuesday 13th December. The title of the talk was "The break-up of propagating excitation waves in models of atrial tissue".

Dr Peter Stewart attended the Royal Society Workshop on “Unifying scientific disciplines to understand and solve emerging membrane filtration challenges” from Monday 9th to Wednesday 11th January. This included giving a presentation on his work on network modelling in inhomogeneous membrane filters.

Dr Christian Voigt visited the Fields Institute Toronto from Saturday 3rd to Friday 16th December, working with P Hajac (Warsaw). This included a seminar talk at the Fields Institute and a one-day workshop on Noncommutative Geometry in London (Ontario), organized by M. Khalkhali.

Prof Michael Wemyss is spending three months in Bonn as part of a research trip, from January to March 2017, visiting Prof Catharina Stroppel and Prof Daniel Huybrechts. Michael is also hoping to interact with many of the visitors to the Max-Planck Institute, the Hausdorff Centre and the Mathematics Institute.

Dr Mike Whittaker gave a Pure Mathematics Colloquium talk in Lancaster on Wednesday 7th December entitled "Fractal substitution tilings with applications to noncommutative geometry".
Further to that, on Tuesday 13th December, Mike gave a Geometry and Analysis Seminar at Queen Mary University London entitled "Fractal substitution tilings with applications to noncommutative geometry".

First published: 2 February 2017