New School building

After the impressively rapid construction of the structure of our new School building in December (if you haven't see the time-lapse video at, do take a look) the internal work is proceeding apace. The workstream leaders and myself had the opportunity of a walk round the interior very recently and the general reaction was very positive on many of the spaces we were able to view briefly. There are a few issues left to address, including sightlines in the larger lecture theatre, and these should resolve over the next month.

There will be a general update on the building at the School meeting on Wednesday 15th February. The timetable remains that the building will be ready by the end of March and we will move over a two week period from 3rd April. We now need to put in place the practicalities of that. We will spend the first part of the meeting on Wednesday 15th February on this. Please do come (all staff and research students) if you can. We need to ensure that our planning doesn't miss important issues so a general discussion will be very helpful.

The University has now published its broad plan for estates development - you may well have seen this in recent University communications. The Teaching & Learning Hub, to be constructed on our present site, is the first big project, with some other buildings identified in what the University is referring to as Phase 1a and b. A permanent location for our School is currently scheduled for Phase 2, over the period 2027-35. So the prediction we made of occupying the new University Place building for about 10 years has proved reasonably accurate - indeed it may be a little longer. On the other hand, it is very good to see that we have been clearly identified in the plan and that there will be an associated budget line.


First published: 2 February 2017