Profs. Ogden (PI), Luo, Hill, Husmeier, and Drs. Simitev and Stewart, from the School of Mathematics and Statistics, have recently received £2M in funding for 4 years for an EPSRC Research Centre (SofTMech) which aims to develop new mathematics for multiscale soft tissue modelling targeted at heart disease and cancer. SofTMech will start on 1st April 2016, with a launch event to be held on 21 April 2016.

SofTMech is one of the five centres funded by a £10M initiative for Mathematical Sciences in Healthcare. SofTMech will support 5 post-doctoral RAs, and 8 PhD students. User engagement, networking and new collaborations will be part of the key activities of the Centre. Other applicants include 5 CIs from MVLS and Engineering, and 3 CIs from the Universities of St Andrews, Heriot-Watt, and Sheffield. SofTMech is also supported by a large number of international collaborators, hospitals, and industrial companies.

Congratulations to everyone involved!

First published: 22 January 2016