Modeling the Mitral Valve: From Medical Image Analysis to Fluid-Structure Interaction
Pierre-Frédéric Villard (University of Lorraine)
Thursday 20th February 14:00-15:00 Maths 116
In this presentation, I will discuss our ongoing research on mitral valve modeling, aimed at developing tools to assist in the surgical repair of the valve.
The first study focuses on extracting the valve geometry from medical images. I will introduce a fully automated pipeline designed to extract the chordal architecture of the valve, which is compatible with computational models. This process begins with an initial segmentation achieved through sub-mesh topology analysis and a RANSAC-like model-fitting approach. The chordal structure is then refined using objective functions that account for mechanical, anatomical, and image-based factors.
Next, I will present a fluid-structure interaction model for simulating valve closure under blood flow. Given the highly nonlinear nature of this problem, capturing contact in fluid-structure interaction simulations is particularly challenging. I will describe a model based on the immersed boundary method, which effectively captures the contact map and ensures perfect valve closure, avoiding the orifice holes that commonly arise in existing methods.
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