Finite 2-complexes and 4-manifolds

Ian Hambleton (McMaster University)

Thursday 14th November 15:00-16:00 Maths 311B


From a finite 2-complex X, one can construct a closed, smooth 4-manifold M(X), for example as the boundary of a thickened embedding in 5-dimensional Euclidean space. If X and Y have isomorphic fundmental groups, then J H C Whitehead (1939) proved that X and Y become stably homotopy equivalent after adjoining a suitable number of copies of the 2-sphere. The talk will discuss the analogous 4-dimensional stable and unstable uniqueness question. We produce arbitrarily large families of smooth 4-manifolds M(X), by varying X with a given fundamental group, which are all stably diffeomorphic but pairwise distinct up to homotopy. This is joint work in progress with John Nicholson (University of Glasgow).

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