The force hierarchy and geodynamo regimes of Earth's core

Robert Teed (University of Glasgow)

Wednesday 9th October 15:00-16:00 Maths 311B


Planetary magnetic fields are produced by dynamo action through turbulent motions of an electrically conducting fluid within the interior of the planet. Recent numerical experiments of dynamo action relevant to Earth's magnetic field have produced different regime branches identified within bifurcation diagrams [1]. Notable are separate branches in which the resultant magnetic field is either weak or strong (when compared with the fluid flow), as long predicted [2]. Weak field solutions can be identified by the prominent role of viscosity on the motion whereas the magnetic field has a leading order effect on the flow in strong field solutions.

One measure of the success of numerical models of the geodynamo is the ability to replicate the expected balance between forces operating within Earth's core; Coriolis and Lorentz forces are predicted to be most important. The importance of considering lengthscale dependent force balances [3] and ‘gradient-free’ solenoidal forces has been highlighted recently [4].

We review the branches/bifurcations of dynamo action previously explored and introduce new results of branching across wider parameter space. We also review the (lengthscale-dependent) forces and solenoidal forces and examine their use in identifying regimes and branches of dynamo action.

[1] E. Dormy et al, Fluid Dynamics Res. 50, 011415 (2018)

[2] P. Roberts, In: Cupal, I. (ed.), Proc. First Int. Workshop on Dynamo Theory and the Generation of the Earth’s Magnetic Field pp. 7–12. Czech. Geophys. Inst. Rep (1979)

[3] T. Schwaiger et al, Geophys. J. Inter. 219, S101–S114 (2019)

[4] R. J. Teed & E. Dormy, J. Fluid Mech. 964, A26 (2023)


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