Correspondences, K-theory and homology for étale groupoids

Alistair Miller (University of Southern Denmark)

Thursday 30th May 16:00-17:00 Maths 116


This is a talk about the K-theory of étale groupoid C*-algebras with the purpose of emphasising two key points. The first is the abundance and usefulness of a kind of groupoid morphism called étale correspondences. The second point is the close connection between groupoid homology and operator K-theory for ample groupoids.

Unlike continuous homomorphisms of étale groupoids, étale correspondences play nicely with C*-algebras, their K-theory and groupoid homology groups. We use correspondences to translate computations in groupoid homology to K-theory. In particular, we can for a new class of inverse semigroups compute the K-theory of their left regular C*-algebras.

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