You Play Stupid Games, You Win Stupid Prizes - External Engagement via a board game

Eilidh Jack; Craig Anderson (University of Glasgow)

Friday 31st May 13:00-14:00 Maths 311B


People from the most deprived parts of the country are more at risk of poor health, live shorter lives on average and have reduced opportunities in education and employment. Although policymakers and the public are aware that these inequalities exist, it can often be challenging to communicate the impact they have on the day-to-day lives of real people living in Scotland.

“Life’s Not Fair” is a board game which explores the complex interactions between inequality, privilege, and health, developed for engagement with the general public and policymakers. In this interactive seminar session, you will have the opportunity to play the game, and we will also share our experiences of delivering the game to different audiences, the lessons we have learned and our plans for the future.

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