The potential for climate litigation to help reduce the contribution of coal companies to the current climate emergency

Writing a collaborative dissertation has certainly brought an added value to my LLM experience, since it gave me the opportunity to explore a more practical area of the legal world. The collaboration with professionals on existent legal issues has been undoubtedly challenging, driving me far from my ‘comfort zone’. However, the opportunity to share, discuss and shape concrete ideas together has allowed me to experience and develop a more creative approach, taking distance from a purely academic dimension.

From a personal perspective, it has been an honour to me to work with NGO’s representatives invested in the fight against environmental and social issues. I like to think that by putting my dissertation at service of a greater goal, I had the opportunity to make a contribution, even if the smallest, to the community. Furthermore, I find getting in touch with a different legal system and a different culture extremely stimulating both for my personal and professional growth.

Anita Lucchini, LLM in Corporate and Financial Law (2021)


Participating in a collaborative LLM dissertation was a highly valuable experience. To have a highly skilled student researching on a topic that is very useful for our organization and to count with Professor's Solana supervision was an incredible opportunity for a Latin-American NGO as the one I work for. Anita, supervised by Javier, did an impressive research and came up with very interesting suggestions as to how we could proceed with the creation of a financial climate litigation case in Chile.

Florencia Ortúzar, Attorney, Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense