Ania Dingwall, 2024 Diploma in Professional Legal Practice Graduate

Can you tell us your plans after graduating from the Diploma in Professional Practice at the University of Glasgow?

Since graduating I have been applying for traineeships and relaxing! I have now secured a training contract with a small general practice in Glasgow, commencing in August.


How did activities you underwent on the Diploma contribute to building employability skills? Did you participate in any competitions or external events?

I attended as many networking events as I could, many of which were organised by the Diploma team. Since I was unsure on what I wanted after the Diploma, these events allowed me to meet other individuals who had experience of the legal world and obtain insight from them to help with my decision.


What activities or experiences did you find helped you when applying for summer placements and traineeships / training contracts?

The Diploma team are focused on helping you find the right path and I found that discission with them alongside my peers really helped me decide what direction to go. From these discussions I was able to see what area of law I wanted to work in and what type of firm I wanted to progress in.