Networking, Events, and Opportunities
The School of Law has a dedicated and distinct employability team which works in conjunction with Careers, Employability & Opportunity, student societies and the College of Social Sciences Employability team to offer dedicated support, skills development opportunities, networking and specialised law careers panel events for students.
Many of our events bring alumni of the School of Law, including senior judges and lawyers, back to our campus to offer students a unique and valuable opportunity to discuss their future careers and network. There are also employability opportunities embedded within the curriculum. For example, we are the only law school in Scotland that offers students an opportunity to undertake supervised clinical legal case work through a specially established law firm, on the Emma Ritch Law Clinic Project Course. There are also exciting initiatives that exist on an extra-curricular basis such as the Environmental Law Foundation Policy Clinic.
Legal internships are advertised throughout the year through the University's Student Opportunities Hub, including School of Law Employability Interns. Whilst Glasgow is an ancient university, its legal employability programme comprehensively meets the needs of the modern workplace.
UofG Careers, Employability & Opportunity
Explore the following UofG Careers resources on masterclasses, careers fairs and events, as well as general careers advice:
University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - Careers
University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - Careers masterclasses
University of Glasgow - MyGlasgow - Careers fairs and events
College Employability Programme
The College Student Experience Team provides in-course support for skills and employability, academic writing and learning, and induction and transitions. If you are looking to develop your students’ professional skills and employability within your credit-bearing teaching, we can support you in the following ways:
Develop new work-related learning activities and assessments, including:
· Collaborative and challenge-based dissertations
· Consultation projects
· Policy briefs
· Industry speakers
Embed and assess professional skills through our College Employability Programme, including:
Policy brief writing
Collaborative research
Reflection on and communication of skills
If you are interested in developing new work-related learning activities and assessments in your teaching, or would like to know how we can support your students’ development of professional skills through our College Employability Programme, please get in touch with the Employability team
The Law Fair and School of Law events
The Law Fair
The Law Fair takes place at the beginning of each academic year and is an opportunity for University of Glasgow School of Law students to meet recruiters face-to-face, discover what opportunities are out there and get quick in person career advice. The Law Fair is open to all University of Glasgow students. Dozens of employers within the legal field will be represented. Registration takes place in the lead up to the event via Glasgow Careers.
If you are an employer wishing to take part in the law fair, please contact us by heading to the Information for external partner's page:
School of Law Employability Panel and Networking events
Every year, the School of Law organises various events with external speakers that aim to expose students to different careers in Law and beyond, several of these annual events are organised collaboratively with School of Law student societies. Current planned events include; Your Career in Human Rights and the Humanitarian Sector, Your Career in Law and a Wide Ranging Legal careers networking event. Details about these events are advertised to students regularly throughout the academic year, through our Employability Moodle site and our Employability bulletin.
Semester 1 School of Law Employability events:
- How to build your career from the first year (Law Society of Scotland talk)
- Meet the School of Law Societies
- Get that Traineeship! (Careers Service and Law Society of Scotland talk)
- The Law Fair & Legal Careers Beyond Scotland Panel Event
- Citizens Advice Bureau Placements Briefing Lecture
- Diploma Networking Events 1 & 2
- LLM Checkpoint 1: How to enhance your employability on your LLM year
- Your Career in Criminal Law with The Criminal Law Society
- Your Career in Law with GULS
- Training Contracts/ Traineeships & Summer Vacation Schemes: What you need to know.
Semester 2 School of Law Employability events:
- Your Career in Human Rights with LWOB Student Division
- Everything you need to know about applying for the Diploma (Law Society of Scotland Talk)
- Wide Ranging Legal Careers with GULS
- Working at the Competition Markets Authority – Internships, careers, and information afternoon
- LLM Checkpoint 2: Working in the UK
- Breaking Barriers, Demystifying Criminal Law Careers
- Corporate / Commercial Law Networking Event
- Your Career in Academia
In addition, we host ad hoc employer presentations across the course of the year, past examples of these include ‘Life as a Finance Lawyer’, and a London based Magic Circle firm Employer presentation. In addition to the Law Fair, the Careers and Global Opportunities Service also host their own programme of events, many of which are attractive to law students. Examples include; a ‘Civil Service Careers Fair', 'Third Sector Fair and Panel Talk’, and the ‘Cabinet Office Conversations’ series.
School of Law employability internships
The School of Law employability team, currently offer an internship every academic year to a current postgraduate student. The employability intern, produces a biweekly employability bulletin with relevant opportunities for School of Law students. They also assist the team in the organisation of the school's jam packed employability event schedule and the promotion of these events.
Student Opportunities Hub
The Student Opportunities Hub is part of the Careers & Global Opportunities team at the University of Glasgow and each year we facilitate around 350 internships. All opportunities advertised have been fully vetted and are designed to provide relevant experience for your future career. Opportunities are available to students of all degree disciplines and both part time internships are available during term time and full time internships during the summer. The majority of our opportunities are paid although we do advertise some unpaid roles with registered charities. All internships are advertised via Glasgow Careers and applications are made directly online. We will also send details of our internships to the School of Law to promote directly.
Mooting Society and Law School student societies
The Mooting Society
The Mooting Society is a student-led group within the School of Law which takes part in “moots,” mock hearings which simulate the activity of lawyers appearing before courts. In a moot, teams of students apply the law to a fictional legal dispute, presenting their arguments before a judge to persuade the moot court of the worthiness of their respective positions. In some ways, mooting is similar to debating, but has its own rules, etiquette, and an emphasis on law. Mooting is a way to develop skills in problem-solving, communication and critical thinking, that are useful to aspiring lawyers; not least as it simulates many aspects of real-life court cases. The Mooting Society takes part in various competitions across the academic year, competing within the School of Law, nationally, and internationally. As a result, mooting is not only a helpful way to improve legal skills and communication, but also a good basis for networking with other students, academics, and practitioners, and a forum for developing a strong profile as an active and engaged student. To learn more about the Mooting Society, their events, and available mooting opportunities, you can check out their social media: @uofgmooting (Instagram) or uofgmootingsociety (Facebook). For any enquires you can contact the Society directly at:
Law School student societies
At the School of Law, we have around a dozen distinct student-led societies dedicated to different fields and areas of law. These societies organise collectively to host meetings, social events, employability events, projects, conferences, online newsletters, and more. Being involved in a student society is one of the most productive ways to boost your employability skills during your studies, with many students making industry contacts through being involved with a society. Here is a list of our current active societies:
GULS - Glasgow University Law Society
GUCAS - Glasgow University Commercial Awareness Society
GUELS - Glasgow University Environmental Law Society
GUILS - Glasgow University International Law Society
GU CrimSoc - Glasgow University Criminal Law Society
GUBAS - Glasgow University Bar and Advocacy Society
GU LWOB Student Division - Lawyers Without Borders (Student Divison at the University of Glasgow)
UofG Women in Law
UofG Legal Tech
Glasgow University Intersectionality in Law
Find out more about the different UofG law student societies and how to contact them here:
Glasgow Open Justice Centre
GO Justice is dedicated to driving social change through legal education and research, aiming to empower communities and individuals to use the law to access justice and achieve social and economic inclusion. GO Justice seeks to achieve this aim by raising awareness of social justice issues, identifying and addressing unmet legal needs while at the same time instilling core ethical values in students. In academic year 2023/24, more than 90 students are actively involved in a wide range of clinic-based projects within the Centre, contributing to the provision of advice and representation, research and policy advocacy, and public legal education. We are constantly evolving and exploring new ways to drive social change and implement experiential learning opportunities, that our students may not otherwise have access to.
To get involved or find out more about Go Justice, visit their dedicated page: University of Glasgow - Schools - School of Law - GO Justice or email