Dr Vera Pavlou

  • Senior Lecturer (School of Law)


Vera joined the Law School in 2018, having previously held postdoctoral positions at Goethe University in Germany and at the University of Castilla-la Mancha in Spain. She earned a PhD in Law from the European University Institute with a thesis on migrant domestic workers. Vera’s doctoral thesis was awarded the 2017 Mauro Cappelletti prize for the best thesis in comparative law. Her doctoral work formed the basis of a monograph, ‘Migrant domestic workers in Europe: law and the construction of vulnerability’, published with Hart Publishing in late 2021. Reviews of Vera’s monograph were published in the Modern Law Review, the Industrial Law Journal, the Common Market Law Review and the Giornale di diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali.

Vera also holds an MA in Human Rights from the European Inter-University Centre in Venice and a Degree in Law from the University of Athens.

Since 2019, Vera has been a member of the European Equality Law Network which provides independent legal advice to the European Commission on issues relating to gender equality and the implementation of the EU gender equality acquis. In 2023 Vera co-led a large study on women’s representation in political decision-making for the European Commission.

Vera is currently the School’s Deputy Director of Postgraduate Research.

Research interests

Vera’s research focuses on labour law, labour migration, gender equality and feminist approaches to work. Her extensive research on migrant domestic workers examined the role of different legal regimes in producing vulnerability to exploitation, as well as the potential law offers to marginalised workers for resistance and transformative legal change.

Currently, Vera is involved in a collaborative project that examines the impacts of green capitalism on workers and their communities.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2016
Number of items: 16.


Pavlou, V. (2024) Crisis, domestic workers and socio-economic rights. In: Rubio Marín, R., Estrada-Tanck, D., Menezes Queiroz, B. and Staiano, F. (eds.) Handbook on Migration and Human Rights. Elgar Publishing. (Accepted for Publication)

Pavlou, V. (2024) Towards the Inclusion of Migrant Domestic Workers – Renewing Efforts Towards Ratification of ILO Convention No. 189. [Research Reports or Papers]

Stewart, C., MacNeil, I. , Jokubauskaite, G., Pavlou, V. , Williams, R. , Droubi, S., Chalaczkiewicz-Ladna, K. and Shapovalova, D. (2024) Situating Just Transition as a distinct legal concept. SSRN,


Stewart, C., Jokubauskaite, G., MacNeil, I. , Chalaczkiewicz-Ladna, K. and Pavlou, V. (2023) Legal Challenges To Just Transitions: Summary Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Pavlou, V. (2023) Sustainability, social reproduction and the future of labour law. In: Géa, F. and Palli, B. (eds.) L'avenir du droit du travail: Perspectives internationale et comparée. Larcier, pp. 667-686. ISBN 9782802769446

EC Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, ., Kotevska, B. and Pavlou, V. (2023) Promotion of Gender Balance in Political Decision-Making. [Research Reports or Papers]


Pavlou, V. (2022) ¿Un trabajo como ningún otro’? Un comentario sobre la sentencia CJ v Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (TGSS) del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea. Revista de Derecho Social, 2022(97), pp. 123-129.


Pavlou, V. (2021) Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe: Law and the Construction of Vulnerability. Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781509942374


Pavlou, V. (2020) Whose equality? Paid domestic work and EU gender equality law. European Equality Law Review, 2020(1), pp. 36-46.


Pavlou, V. (2018) Where to look for change? A critique of the use of modern slavery and trafficking frameworks in the fight against migrant domestic workers’ vulnerability. European Journal of Migration and Law, 20(1), pp. 83-107. (doi: 10.1163/15718166-12340021)

Pavlou, V. (2018) Percorso di lettura: la dottrina femminista del diritto del lavoro. Giornale del diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali, 159(3), pp. 709-714. (doi: 10.3280/GDL2018-159010)

Waas, B., Pavlou, V. and Gramano, E. (2018) Digital economy and the law: introduction to this Special Issue. Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation, 12(2), pp. 7-11. (doi: 10.13169/workorgalaboglob.12.2.0007)


Pavlou, V. (2016) Migrant domestic labour and models of immigration and employment law regulation: a comparative perspective of Cyprus and Spain. Revista de Investigaciones Feministas, 7(1), pp. 149-168. (doi: 10.5209/rev_INFE.2016.v7.n1.52130)

Pavlou, V. and Garcia-Muñoz, A. (2016) La Directiva 1999/70/CE sobre el trabajo de duración determinada y la contratación temporal en España. Un comentario a las sentencias del TJUE del 14 de septiembre de 2016. Revista de Derecho Social, 75, pp. 139-158.

Pavlou, V. (2016) Domestic work in EU law: the relevance of EU employment law in challenging domestic workers' vulnerability. European Law Review, 41(3), pp. 379-398.

Pavlou, V. (2016) El potencial del derecho laboral de la UE para luchar contra la vulnerabilidad de los trabajadores domésticos: implicaciones para el ordenamiento jurídico español. Revista de Derecho Social, 76, pp. 83-106.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 23:55:58 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 16.


Stewart, C., MacNeil, I. , Jokubauskaite, G., Pavlou, V. , Williams, R. , Droubi, S., Chalaczkiewicz-Ladna, K. and Shapovalova, D. (2024) Situating Just Transition as a distinct legal concept. SSRN,

Pavlou, V. (2022) ¿Un trabajo como ningún otro’? Un comentario sobre la sentencia CJ v Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (TGSS) del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea. Revista de Derecho Social, 2022(97), pp. 123-129.

Pavlou, V. (2020) Whose equality? Paid domestic work and EU gender equality law. European Equality Law Review, 2020(1), pp. 36-46.

Pavlou, V. (2018) Where to look for change? A critique of the use of modern slavery and trafficking frameworks in the fight against migrant domestic workers’ vulnerability. European Journal of Migration and Law, 20(1), pp. 83-107. (doi: 10.1163/15718166-12340021)

Pavlou, V. (2018) Percorso di lettura: la dottrina femminista del diritto del lavoro. Giornale del diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali, 159(3), pp. 709-714. (doi: 10.3280/GDL2018-159010)

Waas, B., Pavlou, V. and Gramano, E. (2018) Digital economy and the law: introduction to this Special Issue. Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation, 12(2), pp. 7-11. (doi: 10.13169/workorgalaboglob.12.2.0007)

Pavlou, V. (2016) Migrant domestic labour and models of immigration and employment law regulation: a comparative perspective of Cyprus and Spain. Revista de Investigaciones Feministas, 7(1), pp. 149-168. (doi: 10.5209/rev_INFE.2016.v7.n1.52130)

Pavlou, V. and Garcia-Muñoz, A. (2016) La Directiva 1999/70/CE sobre el trabajo de duración determinada y la contratación temporal en España. Un comentario a las sentencias del TJUE del 14 de septiembre de 2016. Revista de Derecho Social, 75, pp. 139-158.

Pavlou, V. (2016) Domestic work in EU law: the relevance of EU employment law in challenging domestic workers' vulnerability. European Law Review, 41(3), pp. 379-398.

Pavlou, V. (2016) El potencial del derecho laboral de la UE para luchar contra la vulnerabilidad de los trabajadores domésticos: implicaciones para el ordenamiento jurídico español. Revista de Derecho Social, 76, pp. 83-106.


Pavlou, V. (2021) Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe: Law and the Construction of Vulnerability. Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781509942374

Book Sections

Pavlou, V. (2024) Crisis, domestic workers and socio-economic rights. In: Rubio Marín, R., Estrada-Tanck, D., Menezes Queiroz, B. and Staiano, F. (eds.) Handbook on Migration and Human Rights. Elgar Publishing. (Accepted for Publication)

Pavlou, V. (2023) Sustainability, social reproduction and the future of labour law. In: Géa, F. and Palli, B. (eds.) L'avenir du droit du travail: Perspectives internationale et comparée. Larcier, pp. 667-686. ISBN 9782802769446

Research Reports or Papers

Pavlou, V. (2024) Towards the Inclusion of Migrant Domestic Workers – Renewing Efforts Towards Ratification of ILO Convention No. 189. [Research Reports or Papers]

Stewart, C., Jokubauskaite, G., MacNeil, I. , Chalaczkiewicz-Ladna, K. and Pavlou, V. (2023) Legal Challenges To Just Transitions: Summary Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

EC Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, ., Kotevska, B. and Pavlou, V. (2023) Promotion of Gender Balance in Political Decision-Making. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 23:55:58 2025 GMT.


In 2024 £20,000 from the Glasgow Centre for International Development Small Grants Fund for the project “Green Precarity” (with Dr Giedre Jokubauskaite)

In 2023 EUR 7,500 from the Autonomous University of Madrid to fund 3-month research stay (declined)

In 2019 £1,250 from the John Robertson Bequest for the project “The role of ILO Convention C.189 on decent work for domestic workers as a law reform and mobilisation tool”

In 2017 EUR 12,000 from the University of Castilla-la Mancha to fund a research stay


Vera is interested in supervising postgraduate research students in her areas of expertise. Current students under supervision include:

  • Deng, Jiaheng
    Protection of the Rights of Female Migrant Domestic Workers and Child Labourers--Two Sides of the Same Coin
  • Saddington, Neil
    Algorithmic Management: A proposed method for navigating a contested domain
  • Zhang, Qingqin
    Workplace surveillance and protecting of worker’s privacy in the UK and China


Vera currently convenes and teaches Labour Law (level 2) and Migration and Work (honours).

She also teaches Politics of Labour Law (honours). Past teaching includes EU Law and Comparative Labour Law.