Dr Stavros Makris

  • Affiliate (School of Law)

email: Stavros.Makris@glasgow.ac.uk

The Stair Building, 10 Professor Square, Glasgow, G12 8QH

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0009-0006-4696-1474


Dr Stavros Makris joined the University of Glasgow as a Lecturer in Competition Law in September 2022. He previously taught EU Competition Law and US Antitrust at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Law School, and various law courses at Wageningen University (Netherlands) and Sciences Po Paris (France).

Stavros holds a Bachelor of Law and a Master in Philosophy of Law (with distinction) from the University of Athens, Law School, and an LLM (with distinction) from University College London (UCL).

Stavros completed his PhD in competition law at the European University Institute (EUI). His thesis develops the idea of EU competition law as responsive law, and explores the European Commission’s commitments practice under this lens. During his doctoral studies, he was an editor and the EU Law Head of Section of the European Journal Legal Studies, the coordinator of the EUI Competition Law Working Group and a Grotius visiting researcher at the University of Michigan Law School.

Stavros has served as an expert adviser for the Hellenic Competition Commission and as a peer reviewer for several leading competition law journals (Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, Journal of Competition Law and Economics).

Research interests

Stavros’s research revolves around three key themes: competition law, digital technologies and sustainability. In his research he focuses on how competition law can incorporate new knowledge and remain adaptive to changing societal circumstances without losing its integrity, as well as on how competition law and regulation can be used to bring digital markets in line with a competitive, fair and sustainable economy. Stavros is particularly keen to work on projects concerning the philosophical foundations of competition law, and the challenges of digital and greener economy antitrust and digital markets.

Current work themes:

Stavros is currently working on a book with Cambridge University Press, entitled ‘Responsive Antitrust: An Inquiry Into European Commission’s Commitment Practice’. The book is planned for 2023.

He is also co-editing a collective volume with Cambridge University Press, entitled ‘Handbook on the Theoretical Foundations of Competition Law: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Rethinking Competition Law’. The book is planned for 2023.

Stavros is currently working on these themes:

  • The philosophical foundations of competition law
  • The role of legal theory and interdisciplinary knowledge in understanding, applying and refining competition law.
  • The role of value disagreements in competition law.
  • How competition law and regulation could address the challenges of digital markets.
  • The role of sustainability and innovation concerns in merger control.
  • How competition law and regulation can contribute to the shaping of sustainable and inclusive food value chains.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2014
Number of items: 18.


Makris, S. (2023) Where EU Competition Law and DMA Meet: Innovation Competition – Part II. [Website]

Eben, M. and Makris, S. (2023) Market power. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of European Law. Edward Elgar. (Submitted)

Makris, S. (2023) Where EU Competition Law and DMA Meet: Innovation Competition – Part I. [Website]

Deutscher, E. and Makris, S. (2023) Sustainability concerns in EU merger control: from output-maximising to polycentric innovation competition. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 11(3), pp. 350-399. (doi: 10.1093/jaenfo/jnac019)

Makris, S. (2023) Privacy rights and effective enforcement of competition law: a tumultuous relationship. [Website]

Makris, S. (2023) Responsive competition law enforcement: lessons from the Greek Competition Authority. World Competition, 46(2), pp. 205-244.

Makris, S. (2023) The Effective Competitive Constraint Standard. [Website]

Makris, S. (2023) Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework: dealing with crisis and transitioning to a net-zero economy – but at what cost? [Website]

Makris, S. (2023) Procompetitive effects in EU competition law. In: Andriychuk, Oles (ed.) Antitrust and the Bounds of Power – 25 Years On. Hart Publishing, pp. 117-164. ISBN 9781509962167 (doi: 10.5040/9781509962167.ch-007)


Kloppenburg, S., Gupta, A., Kruk, S. R.L., Makris, S. , Bergsvik, R., Korenhof, P., Solman, H. and Toonen, H. M. (2022) Scrutinizing environmental governance in a digital age: New ways of seeing, participating, and intervening. One Earth, 5(3), pp. 232-241. (doi: 10.1016/j.oneear.2022.02.004)

Makris, S. (2022) Clarifying the notion of ‘Single and Continuous Infringement’: the optical disc drivers cartel cases. [Website]

Makris, S. (2022) Conceptualising Procedural Fairness in EU Competition Law by Haukur Logi Karlsson. European Competition and Regulatory Law Review, 6(2), pp. 180-189. (doi: 10.21552/core/2022/2/14)[Book Review]


Makris, S. (2021) Openness and integrity in antitrust. Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 17(1), pp. 1-62. (doi: 10.1093/joclec/nhaa018)

Makris, S. (2021) EU competition law as responsive law. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 23, pp. 228-268. (doi: 10.1017/cel.2021.9)


Makris, S. (2019) Antitrust governance in an era of rapid change. In: Lundqvist, Björn and Gal, Michal S. (eds.) Competition Law for the Digital Economy. Series: ASCOLA Competition Law series. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, pp. 325-364. ISBN 9781788971829 (doi: 10.4337/9781788971836.00021)


Feases, A. R. and Makris, S. (2018) Commitments and network governance in EU antitrust: Gasorba. Common Market Law Review, 55(6), pp. 1959-1987. (doi: 10.54648/cola2018152)


Deutscher, E. and Makris, S. (2016) Exploring the ordoliberal paradigm: the competition-democracy nexus. Competition Law Review, 11(2), pp. 181-214.


Makris, S. (2014) Applying normative theories in EU competition law: Exploring Article 102 TFEU. Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 3(1), pp. 30-57. (doi: 10.14324/111.2052-1871.017)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 13:13:33 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 18.


Deutscher, E. and Makris, S. (2023) Sustainability concerns in EU merger control: from output-maximising to polycentric innovation competition. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 11(3), pp. 350-399. (doi: 10.1093/jaenfo/jnac019)

Makris, S. (2023) Responsive competition law enforcement: lessons from the Greek Competition Authority. World Competition, 46(2), pp. 205-244.

Kloppenburg, S., Gupta, A., Kruk, S. R.L., Makris, S. , Bergsvik, R., Korenhof, P., Solman, H. and Toonen, H. M. (2022) Scrutinizing environmental governance in a digital age: New ways of seeing, participating, and intervening. One Earth, 5(3), pp. 232-241. (doi: 10.1016/j.oneear.2022.02.004)

Makris, S. (2021) Openness and integrity in antitrust. Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 17(1), pp. 1-62. (doi: 10.1093/joclec/nhaa018)

Makris, S. (2021) EU competition law as responsive law. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 23, pp. 228-268. (doi: 10.1017/cel.2021.9)

Feases, A. R. and Makris, S. (2018) Commitments and network governance in EU antitrust: Gasorba. Common Market Law Review, 55(6), pp. 1959-1987. (doi: 10.54648/cola2018152)

Deutscher, E. and Makris, S. (2016) Exploring the ordoliberal paradigm: the competition-democracy nexus. Competition Law Review, 11(2), pp. 181-214.

Makris, S. (2014) Applying normative theories in EU competition law: Exploring Article 102 TFEU. Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 3(1), pp. 30-57. (doi: 10.14324/111.2052-1871.017)

Book Sections

Eben, M. and Makris, S. (2023) Market power. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of European Law. Edward Elgar. (Submitted)

Makris, S. (2023) Procompetitive effects in EU competition law. In: Andriychuk, Oles (ed.) Antitrust and the Bounds of Power – 25 Years On. Hart Publishing, pp. 117-164. ISBN 9781509962167 (doi: 10.5040/9781509962167.ch-007)

Makris, S. (2019) Antitrust governance in an era of rapid change. In: Lundqvist, Björn and Gal, Michal S. (eds.) Competition Law for the Digital Economy. Series: ASCOLA Competition Law series. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, pp. 325-364. ISBN 9781788971829 (doi: 10.4337/9781788971836.00021)

Book Reviews

Makris, S. (2022) Conceptualising Procedural Fairness in EU Competition Law by Haukur Logi Karlsson. European Competition and Regulatory Law Review, 6(2), pp. 180-189. (doi: 10.21552/core/2022/2/14)[Book Review]


Makris, S. (2023) Where EU Competition Law and DMA Meet: Innovation Competition – Part II. [Website]

Makris, S. (2023) Where EU Competition Law and DMA Meet: Innovation Competition – Part I. [Website]

Makris, S. (2023) Privacy rights and effective enforcement of competition law: a tumultuous relationship. [Website]

Makris, S. (2023) The Effective Competitive Constraint Standard. [Website]

Makris, S. (2023) Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework: dealing with crisis and transitioning to a net-zero economy – but at what cost? [Website]

Makris, S. (2022) Clarifying the notion of ‘Single and Continuous Infringement’: the optical disc drivers cartel cases. [Website]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 13:13:33 2025 GMT.


Stavros welcomes invitations to collaborate on projects within his research interests.


Competition Law (Honours Course)

Advanced International Competition Law (Masters Course)

International Competition Law (Masters Course)

Additional information

Guest teacher at London School of Economics

External adviser for the Hellenic Competition Commission

Manuscript referee for the Journal of Antitrust Enforcement (JAE), the Journal of Competition Law and Economics (JCLE), and Palgrave Macmillan

Member of ASCOLA (Academic Society for Competition Law)