Professor Rosa Greaves

  • Affiliate (School of Law)

telephone: 01413304555

R416, Level 4, 5-9 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ

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Rosa Greaves joined the School of Law at the University of Glasgow in 2006 and was Head of School from 2009 to 2013. Rosa is a Professor II at the University of Oslo and a Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Lisbon. She has been a Visiting Professor at Universities in Australia, US, Europe and UK.  She is Barrister and member of Inner Temple (London). In 2000 she was awarded a Doctores Juris Honoris Causa conferred by the University of Oslo and in 2015 she was elected to membership of the Academia Europaea. 

Rosa specialises in European commercial law in both her research and teaching interests. She is the author of Transport Law of the European Community (1991, Athlone Press), EC Competition Law: Banking and Insurance Services (Wiley, 1992), EEC Block Exemption Regulations (Wiley, 1994), EC Transport Law (Longmans, 2000) and co-authored Advocate General and EC Law (OUP, 2007). She has edited the following books: European Company Law: A Guide to Community, EFTA and Member State Legislation (2nd ed. 1989), Protecting and Exploiting Biotechnological Inventions (1990) and a volume for the second series of The International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory on Competition Law (2003)  and another Volume II entitled Dominance and Monopolization (2012).

She was a “stagiaire” in the Legal Service of the Commission (1976), worked with a firm of City of London (1985) and spent two years in Brussels (1989 - 1990) where she worked as an in-house consultant to the Directorate General responsible Enterprise Policy and Distributive Trades (DGXXIII) and for Coopers Lybrand Europe. In 1995 she spent three months in Judge David Edward’s Chambers at the European Court of Justice. During research leave in 1999, 2004 and 2014 she was a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for European Legal Studies and a Visiting Fellow at Lucy Cavendish College (both at the University of Cambridge, UK).

She delivered the 15th Hershell Smith Annual Public Lecture at Queen Mary & Westfield College (London University) and the 18th Gabriele Ganz Annual Lecture on Public Law at the University of Southampton (October 2013).


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1982 | 1981
Number of items: 75.


Greaves, R. and Nasibyan, S. (2016) Exclusionary abuses: refusal to license intellectual property rights. In: Pais, S.O. (ed.) Competition Law Challenges in the Next Decade. Series: Euroclio; Etudes et documents (94). Peter Lang: Bruxelles, pp. 159-177. ISBN 9782875743282

Greaves, R. (2016) EU competition rules and maritime agreements post 2008. In: Edward, D., MacLennan, J. and Komninos, A. (eds.) Ian S. Forrester QC LLD: A Scot Without Borders, Liber Amicorum, Volume 2. Institute of Competition Law, pp. 139-152. ISBN 978-1939007278


Greaves, R. (2015) The impact of EU secondary legislation on issues concerning ships: a case study of national proceedings in respect of waste liability and insolvency. In: Ringbom, H. (ed.) Jurisdiction over Ships: Post-UNCLOS Developments in the Law of the Sea. Series: Publications on ocean development (80). Brill, pp. 405-421. ISBN 9789004303508 (doi: 10.1163/9789004303508_017)


Greaves, R. (2014) Disclosure of Documents In Private Actions: The Pfleiderer and the National Grid Cases. In: EU Competition Law and its application in Malta, 13-14 Sep 2012, pp. 46-48.

Greaves, R. (2014) The Interaction Between The Eu Commission & The National Competition Authorities (Ncas) – Council Regulation 1/2003. In: EU Competition Law and its application in Malta, 13-14 Sep 2012, pp. 25-28.

Greaves, R. (2014) Judicial Review of NCA Decisions: The UK Experiece. In: EU Competition Law and its application in Malta, 13-14 Sep 2012, pp. 29-31.

Greaves, R. (2014) The Role of the Eu Commission and the National Competition Authorities (Ncas) In Private Cases. In: EU Competition Law and its application in Malta, 13-14 Sep 2012, pp. 35-37.


Greaves, R., Colino, S.M. and Galloway, J. (Eds.) (2013) The Library of Essays on Antitrust and Competition Law [3 Vols.: Volume I (Cartels and Anti-Anticompetitive Agreements); Volume II (Dominance and Monopolization); Volume III (Mergers and Acquisitions)]. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9780754629115

Greaves, R. (2013) EU competition law and research and development agreements. In: Pittard, M., Monotti, A.L. and Duns, J. (eds.) Business Innovation and the Law: Perspectives from Intellectual Property, Labour, Competition and Corporate Law. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK, pp. 299-311. ISBN 9781781001615


Greaves, R. (2012) A private right conferred directly by EU trade mark law: an analysis of the concept of 'distinctiveness' under EU Law. In: Nic Shuibhne, N. and Gormley, L.W. (eds.) From Single Market to Economic Union. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 135-153. ISBN 9780199695706

Greaves, R. (2012) Obituary, Alan Ferguson Rodger (1944-2011), Lord Rodger of Earlsferry. Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law, 1(2), pp. 6-8. (doi: 10.7574/cjicl.01.02.11)


Greaves, R. (2011) The effectiveness of EU law in proceedings before national courts. In: Buttigieg, E. (ed.) Enforcing One's Rights under EU Law. Gutenberg Press: Malta, pp. 9-16. ISBN 9789995700515

Greaves, R. and Nasibyan, S. (2011) EU rules of competition and the maritime industry. In: Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law 2010 Yearbook. Nordisk Institut for Sjørett: Oslo, Norway, pp. 97-132.

Greaves, R. (2011) Reforming some Aspects of the Role of Advocates General. In: Arnull, A., Barnard, C., Dougan, M. and Spaventa, E. (eds.) A Constitutional Order of States: Essays in EU Law in Honour of Alan Dashwood. Hart: Oxford, pp. 161-177. ISBN 9781849460460


Greaves, R. (2010) Essay: Selected Opinions of Advocate General Slynn. Fordham International Law Journal, 33, pp. 1522-1532.

Greaves, R. (2010) Selected opinions of Lord Slynn as Advocate General. Fordham International Law Journal, 33(1), pp. 1522-1532.

Greaves, R. and Scicluna, A. (2010) Challenges to the education sector from the application of Articles 101 and 102 TFEU. International Journal of Education Law and Policy, Specia(1-2), pp. 11-23.


Greaves, R. (2009) Application of the EC Common Rules on Competition to cabotage, including island cabotage. In: Athanassiou, A. (ed.) Competition and Regulation in Shipping and Shipping Related Industries. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 167-184. ISBN 9789004173958

Greaves, R. (2009) Autonomous Regions, Taxation and EC State Aids Rules. European Law Review, 34(5), pp. 779-793.


McMahon, J. and Greaves, R. (2007) EC maritime transport law and policy. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 56(2), pp. 415-421. (doi: 10.1093/iclq/lei170)

Burrows, N. and Greaves, R. (2007) The Advocate General and EC Law. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 978019929900-3

Greaves, R. (2007) A common law contribution to EU administrative procedure: the hearing officer. In: Studia in Honorem of Professor Pelaysia Yessiou-Faltsi. Sakkoulas, pp. 309-318.

Greaves, R. (2007) EC external competences: recent developments and the implications for maritime agreements. In: Wilhelmsen, T.-L. (ed.) Simply 2007: Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law Yearbook. Series: MarIus (360). University of Oslo: Oslo, pp. 175-197.

Greaves, R. (2007) The importance of Regulation 1/2003 within the EU: is cooperation within the ECN enough? Is procedural harmonisation needed? In: Mateus, A.M. and Moreira, T. (eds.) Competition Law and Economics. Kluwer, pp. 31-39.


Greaves, R. (2006) A commentary on selected opinions of advocate General Jacobs. Fordham International Law Journal, 29(4), pp. 690-715.


Davenport, K. and Greaves, R. (2004) Working Relationship between the ECJ and the House of Lords. In: Graver, H. (ed.) National judicial reaction to supranationality in the EC and the EEA. Universitetsforl, pp. 93-119. ISBN 82-15-00560-8

Greaves, R. (2004) A study of selected opinions delivered by Advocate General Lagrange. In: Bell, J. (ed.) Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies. Hart: Oxford, pp. 83-103. ISBN 9781841133614

Greaves, R. (2004) Collecting Societies and EC Law. Irish Jurist, 40, pp. 42-59.

Greaves, R. (2004) The Provision of Maritime Transport Services in the European Community. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly(1), pp. 104-121.

Greaves, R. (2004) When will the European court of justice become a supranational court. Amicus Curiae, 52,


Greaves, R. (Ed.) (2003) Competition Law. Series: The international library of essays in law and legal theory: second series. Ashgate: Aldershot. ISBN 9780754621171

Greaves, R. (2003) Judge David Edward acting as advocate general. In: Edward, D.A., Hoskins, M. and Robinson, W. (eds.) A True European: Essays for Judge David Edward. Hart: Oxford, pp. 91-98. ISBN 9781841134475

Greaves, R. (2003) The community's external competence: air transport services. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 52(02), pp. 499-520. (doi: 10.1093/iclq/52.2.499)

Greaves, R. (2003) The demise of EC regulation 17/62. Amicus Curiae, 46,


Greaves, R. (2002) EC transport. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 51(1), pp. 177-185.

Greaves, R. (2002) How should the EU constitution in an enlarged community safeguard micro island states. In: Xuereb, P.G. (ed.) The Future of the European Union: Unity in Diversity. European Documentation and Research Centre, University of Malta: Malta, pp. 64-76. ISBN 9789990967111


Greaves, R. (2001) The legal personality of the EU. Amicus Curiae, 35,


Greaves, R. (2000) EC competition law: centralised or decentralised enforcement. European Current Law, xi-xv.

Greaves, R. (2000) EC Transport Law. Series: European law series. Longman: Harlow. ISBN 9780582414259

Greaves, R. (2000) EC transport law and policy: a status report. In: Dashwood, A. and Ward, A. (eds.) Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies Vol 2, 1999. Hart Publishing: Oxford, pp. 261-280. ISBN 9781841131276

Greaves, R. (2000) Judicial review of commission decisions on state aids to airlines. In: O'Keeffe, D. and Bavasso, A. (eds.) Judicial Review in European Union Law:Essays in Honour of Lord Slynn. Series: Liber amicorum in honour of Lord Slynn of Hadley (1). Kluwer Law International: The Hague, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9789041113726


Newman, K. and Greaves, R. (1999) Transport. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 48(01), pp. 229-236. (doi: 10.1017/S0020589300062990)


Greaves, R. (1998) Advertising restrictions and the free movement of goods and services. European Law Review, 23(4), pp. 305-319.

Greaves, R. (1998) The Herchel Smith lecture 1998: Article 86 of the E.C. Treaty and intellectual property rights. European Intellectual Property Review, 20(10), pp. 379-385.


Greaves, R. (1997) EC’s maritime transport policy: a retrospective view. In: Bull, H. J. and Stemshaug, H. (eds.) EC Shipping Policy: The 17th Nordic Maritime Law Conference, 2-4 September 1996. Juridisk Forlag: Oslo, pp. 19-32. ISBN 9788275130523

Newman, K. and Greaves, R. (1997) IV. Transport. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 46(03), pp. 716-721. (doi: 10.1017/S0020589300060942)


Greaves, R. (1996) Article 5(3) of the 1968 EC convention on jurisdiction and enforcement in civil and commercial matters. In: Recht in Europa: Festschrift f. H. Fenge. Verlag Dr Kovac: Hamburg, pp. 33-45.

Greaves, R. (1996) The Nature and Binding Effect of Decisions under Article 189 EC Treaty. European Law Review, 21(1), pp. 3-16.

Newman, K. and Greaves, R. (1996) II. Transport. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 45(01), pp. 219-225. (doi: 10.1017/S0020589300058759)


Greaves, R. (1995) Non-transport aspects of European maritime law. In: Aspden, P. (ed.) Shipping Law Faces Europe: European Policy, Competition and Environment: International Colloquium held on 16, 17 and 18 November. Maklu: Antwerpen, pp. 77-89. ISBN 9789062154760

Greaves, R. (1995) Magill est arrive...RTE and ITP v Commission of the European Communities. European Competition Law Review, 16(4), pp. 244-247.


Greaves, R. (1994) Transport by sea, air, road and rail. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 43(03), pp. 716-721. (doi: 10.1093/iclqaj/43.3.716)

Greaves, R. and Barnard, C. (1994) The application of community law in the UK 1986 - 1993. Common Market Law Review, 31(5), pp. 1055-1092.

Greaves, R. (1994) EC Block Exemption Regulations. Series: European practice library. Chancery Law Publications: London. ISBN 9780471936534


Greaves, R. (1993) III. Transport. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 42(1), pp. 180-185. (doi: 10.1093/iclqaj/42.1.180)

Greaves, R. (1993) EC competition rules and maritime trransport. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, pp. 202-206.


Greaves, R. (1992) 1992 and cremation. Pharos International, 56, pp. 148-152.

Greaves, R. (1992) EC Competition Law: Banking and Insurance Services. Series: European practice library. Chancery Law Pub: London. ISBN 9781856300209

Greaves, R. (1992) EC competition rules and maritime transport: French-West African shipowners’ committees. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, pp. 459-466.

Greaves, R. (1992) EC maritime transport policy and regulation. Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, 3(1), pp. 119-145.


Greaves, R. (1991) Protecting and Exploiting Biotechnological Inventions. Worldwide Information: New York. ISBN 9782883160088

Greaves, R. (1991) Transport Law of the European Community. Series: European community law series, 3. Atlantic Highlands: London. ISBN 9780485700060


Greaves, R. (1990) Liberalisering av bankjenester i EF” (1993) Okonomisk Revy 37-40“EC competition policy in the field of transport. Utilities Law Review, pp. 167-179.


Greaves, R. (1988) Who is a dependent member of a worker's family? European Law Review, 13(4), pp. 270-275.

Greaves, R. and Hannigan, B. (1988) Gratuitous transfers and financial assistance after Brady. Company Lawyer, 10, pp. 135-139.


Greaves, R. (1987) Concurrent jurisdiction in EEC competition law: when should a national court stay proceedings? European Competition Law Review, 8(3), pp. 256-272.

Greaves, R. (1987) Copyright: public interest and statutory powers under the competition act 1980. European Intellectual Property Review, 9(1), pp. 3-5.

Greaves, R. and Hannigan, B. (1987) Common market in insurance: do we have one? Company Lawyer, 9, pp. 212-216.


Greaves, R. (1986) European Company Law: Guide to Community and Member States Legislation. Financial Times Business Information: London. ISBN 9780903199988

Greaves, R. (1986) Locus standi under article 173 EEC when seeking annulment of a regulation. European Law Review, 11(2), pp. 119-133.

Greaves, R. (1986) Tax concessions for oil companies: breach of both English and EEC law. Oil and Gas Law, 5, pp. 321-323.


Greaves, R. (1985) Judicial review of anti-dumping cases by the European Court of Justice. European Law Review, 10, pp. 135-145.


Greaves, R. (1982) Article 119 and its Interpretation by the European Court of Justice. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 33(3), pp. 199-214.

Greaves, R. (1982) The impact of Article 119 and the equal pay and equal treatment directives. Fordham International Law Journal, 6, pp. 261-264.


Greaves, R. and Byrne, N. (1981) The Brussels convention on jurisdiction and recognition of judgements. New Law Journal, 131, pp. 395-529.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 15:07:50 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 75.


Greaves, R. (2012) Obituary, Alan Ferguson Rodger (1944-2011), Lord Rodger of Earlsferry. Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law, 1(2), pp. 6-8. (doi: 10.7574/cjicl.01.02.11)

Greaves, R. (2010) Essay: Selected Opinions of Advocate General Slynn. Fordham International Law Journal, 33, pp. 1522-1532.

Greaves, R. (2010) Selected opinions of Lord Slynn as Advocate General. Fordham International Law Journal, 33(1), pp. 1522-1532.

Greaves, R. and Scicluna, A. (2010) Challenges to the education sector from the application of Articles 101 and 102 TFEU. International Journal of Education Law and Policy, Specia(1-2), pp. 11-23.

Greaves, R. (2009) Autonomous Regions, Taxation and EC State Aids Rules. European Law Review, 34(5), pp. 779-793.

McMahon, J. and Greaves, R. (2007) EC maritime transport law and policy. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 56(2), pp. 415-421. (doi: 10.1093/iclq/lei170)

Greaves, R. (2006) A commentary on selected opinions of advocate General Jacobs. Fordham International Law Journal, 29(4), pp. 690-715.

Greaves, R. (2004) Collecting Societies and EC Law. Irish Jurist, 40, pp. 42-59.

Greaves, R. (2004) The Provision of Maritime Transport Services in the European Community. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly(1), pp. 104-121.

Greaves, R. (2004) When will the European court of justice become a supranational court. Amicus Curiae, 52,

Greaves, R. (2003) The community's external competence: air transport services. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 52(02), pp. 499-520. (doi: 10.1093/iclq/52.2.499)

Greaves, R. (2003) The demise of EC regulation 17/62. Amicus Curiae, 46,

Greaves, R. (2002) EC transport. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 51(1), pp. 177-185.

Greaves, R. (2001) The legal personality of the EU. Amicus Curiae, 35,

Greaves, R. (2000) EC competition law: centralised or decentralised enforcement. European Current Law, xi-xv.

Newman, K. and Greaves, R. (1999) Transport. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 48(01), pp. 229-236. (doi: 10.1017/S0020589300062990)

Greaves, R. (1998) Advertising restrictions and the free movement of goods and services. European Law Review, 23(4), pp. 305-319.

Greaves, R. (1998) The Herchel Smith lecture 1998: Article 86 of the E.C. Treaty and intellectual property rights. European Intellectual Property Review, 20(10), pp. 379-385.

Newman, K. and Greaves, R. (1997) IV. Transport. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 46(03), pp. 716-721. (doi: 10.1017/S0020589300060942)

Greaves, R. (1996) The Nature and Binding Effect of Decisions under Article 189 EC Treaty. European Law Review, 21(1), pp. 3-16.

Newman, K. and Greaves, R. (1996) II. Transport. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 45(01), pp. 219-225. (doi: 10.1017/S0020589300058759)

Greaves, R. (1995) Magill est arrive...RTE and ITP v Commission of the European Communities. European Competition Law Review, 16(4), pp. 244-247.

Greaves, R. (1994) Transport by sea, air, road and rail. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 43(03), pp. 716-721. (doi: 10.1093/iclqaj/43.3.716)

Greaves, R. and Barnard, C. (1994) The application of community law in the UK 1986 - 1993. Common Market Law Review, 31(5), pp. 1055-1092.

Greaves, R. (1993) III. Transport. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 42(1), pp. 180-185. (doi: 10.1093/iclqaj/42.1.180)

Greaves, R. (1993) EC competition rules and maritime trransport. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, pp. 202-206.

Greaves, R. (1992) 1992 and cremation. Pharos International, 56, pp. 148-152.

Greaves, R. (1992) EC competition rules and maritime transport: French-West African shipowners’ committees. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, pp. 459-466.

Greaves, R. (1992) EC maritime transport policy and regulation. Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, 3(1), pp. 119-145.

Greaves, R. (1990) Liberalisering av bankjenester i EF” (1993) Okonomisk Revy 37-40“EC competition policy in the field of transport. Utilities Law Review, pp. 167-179.

Greaves, R. (1988) Who is a dependent member of a worker's family? European Law Review, 13(4), pp. 270-275.

Greaves, R. and Hannigan, B. (1988) Gratuitous transfers and financial assistance after Brady. Company Lawyer, 10, pp. 135-139.

Greaves, R. (1987) Concurrent jurisdiction in EEC competition law: when should a national court stay proceedings? European Competition Law Review, 8(3), pp. 256-272.

Greaves, R. (1987) Copyright: public interest and statutory powers under the competition act 1980. European Intellectual Property Review, 9(1), pp. 3-5.

Greaves, R. and Hannigan, B. (1987) Common market in insurance: do we have one? Company Lawyer, 9, pp. 212-216.

Greaves, R. (1986) Locus standi under article 173 EEC when seeking annulment of a regulation. European Law Review, 11(2), pp. 119-133.

Greaves, R. (1986) Tax concessions for oil companies: breach of both English and EEC law. Oil and Gas Law, 5, pp. 321-323.

Greaves, R. (1985) Judicial review of anti-dumping cases by the European Court of Justice. European Law Review, 10, pp. 135-145.

Greaves, R. (1982) Article 119 and its Interpretation by the European Court of Justice. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 33(3), pp. 199-214.

Greaves, R. (1982) The impact of Article 119 and the equal pay and equal treatment directives. Fordham International Law Journal, 6, pp. 261-264.

Greaves, R. and Byrne, N. (1981) The Brussels convention on jurisdiction and recognition of judgements. New Law Journal, 131, pp. 395-529.


Burrows, N. and Greaves, R. (2007) The Advocate General and EC Law. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 978019929900-3

Greaves, R. (2000) EC Transport Law. Series: European law series. Longman: Harlow. ISBN 9780582414259

Greaves, R. (1994) EC Block Exemption Regulations. Series: European practice library. Chancery Law Publications: London. ISBN 9780471936534

Greaves, R. (1992) EC Competition Law: Banking and Insurance Services. Series: European practice library. Chancery Law Pub: London. ISBN 9781856300209

Greaves, R. (1991) Protecting and Exploiting Biotechnological Inventions. Worldwide Information: New York. ISBN 9782883160088

Greaves, R. (1991) Transport Law of the European Community. Series: European community law series, 3. Atlantic Highlands: London. ISBN 9780485700060

Greaves, R. (1986) European Company Law: Guide to Community and Member States Legislation. Financial Times Business Information: London. ISBN 9780903199988

Book Sections

Greaves, R. and Nasibyan, S. (2016) Exclusionary abuses: refusal to license intellectual property rights. In: Pais, S.O. (ed.) Competition Law Challenges in the Next Decade. Series: Euroclio; Etudes et documents (94). Peter Lang: Bruxelles, pp. 159-177. ISBN 9782875743282

Greaves, R. (2016) EU competition rules and maritime agreements post 2008. In: Edward, D., MacLennan, J. and Komninos, A. (eds.) Ian S. Forrester QC LLD: A Scot Without Borders, Liber Amicorum, Volume 2. Institute of Competition Law, pp. 139-152. ISBN 978-1939007278

Greaves, R. (2015) The impact of EU secondary legislation on issues concerning ships: a case study of national proceedings in respect of waste liability and insolvency. In: Ringbom, H. (ed.) Jurisdiction over Ships: Post-UNCLOS Developments in the Law of the Sea. Series: Publications on ocean development (80). Brill, pp. 405-421. ISBN 9789004303508 (doi: 10.1163/9789004303508_017)

Greaves, R. (2013) EU competition law and research and development agreements. In: Pittard, M., Monotti, A.L. and Duns, J. (eds.) Business Innovation and the Law: Perspectives from Intellectual Property, Labour, Competition and Corporate Law. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK, pp. 299-311. ISBN 9781781001615

Greaves, R. (2012) A private right conferred directly by EU trade mark law: an analysis of the concept of 'distinctiveness' under EU Law. In: Nic Shuibhne, N. and Gormley, L.W. (eds.) From Single Market to Economic Union. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 135-153. ISBN 9780199695706

Greaves, R. (2011) The effectiveness of EU law in proceedings before national courts. In: Buttigieg, E. (ed.) Enforcing One's Rights under EU Law. Gutenberg Press: Malta, pp. 9-16. ISBN 9789995700515

Greaves, R. and Nasibyan, S. (2011) EU rules of competition and the maritime industry. In: Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law 2010 Yearbook. Nordisk Institut for Sjørett: Oslo, Norway, pp. 97-132.

Greaves, R. (2011) Reforming some Aspects of the Role of Advocates General. In: Arnull, A., Barnard, C., Dougan, M. and Spaventa, E. (eds.) A Constitutional Order of States: Essays in EU Law in Honour of Alan Dashwood. Hart: Oxford, pp. 161-177. ISBN 9781849460460

Greaves, R. (2009) Application of the EC Common Rules on Competition to cabotage, including island cabotage. In: Athanassiou, A. (ed.) Competition and Regulation in Shipping and Shipping Related Industries. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 167-184. ISBN 9789004173958

Greaves, R. (2007) A common law contribution to EU administrative procedure: the hearing officer. In: Studia in Honorem of Professor Pelaysia Yessiou-Faltsi. Sakkoulas, pp. 309-318.

Greaves, R. (2007) EC external competences: recent developments and the implications for maritime agreements. In: Wilhelmsen, T.-L. (ed.) Simply 2007: Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law Yearbook. Series: MarIus (360). University of Oslo: Oslo, pp. 175-197.

Greaves, R. (2007) The importance of Regulation 1/2003 within the EU: is cooperation within the ECN enough? Is procedural harmonisation needed? In: Mateus, A.M. and Moreira, T. (eds.) Competition Law and Economics. Kluwer, pp. 31-39.

Davenport, K. and Greaves, R. (2004) Working Relationship between the ECJ and the House of Lords. In: Graver, H. (ed.) National judicial reaction to supranationality in the EC and the EEA. Universitetsforl, pp. 93-119. ISBN 82-15-00560-8

Greaves, R. (2004) A study of selected opinions delivered by Advocate General Lagrange. In: Bell, J. (ed.) Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies. Hart: Oxford, pp. 83-103. ISBN 9781841133614

Greaves, R. (2003) Judge David Edward acting as advocate general. In: Edward, D.A., Hoskins, M. and Robinson, W. (eds.) A True European: Essays for Judge David Edward. Hart: Oxford, pp. 91-98. ISBN 9781841134475

Greaves, R. (2002) How should the EU constitution in an enlarged community safeguard micro island states. In: Xuereb, P.G. (ed.) The Future of the European Union: Unity in Diversity. European Documentation and Research Centre, University of Malta: Malta, pp. 64-76. ISBN 9789990967111

Greaves, R. (2000) EC transport law and policy: a status report. In: Dashwood, A. and Ward, A. (eds.) Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies Vol 2, 1999. Hart Publishing: Oxford, pp. 261-280. ISBN 9781841131276

Greaves, R. (2000) Judicial review of commission decisions on state aids to airlines. In: O'Keeffe, D. and Bavasso, A. (eds.) Judicial Review in European Union Law:Essays in Honour of Lord Slynn. Series: Liber amicorum in honour of Lord Slynn of Hadley (1). Kluwer Law International: The Hague, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9789041113726

Greaves, R. (1997) EC’s maritime transport policy: a retrospective view. In: Bull, H. J. and Stemshaug, H. (eds.) EC Shipping Policy: The 17th Nordic Maritime Law Conference, 2-4 September 1996. Juridisk Forlag: Oslo, pp. 19-32. ISBN 9788275130523

Greaves, R. (1996) Article 5(3) of the 1968 EC convention on jurisdiction and enforcement in civil and commercial matters. In: Recht in Europa: Festschrift f. H. Fenge. Verlag Dr Kovac: Hamburg, pp. 33-45.

Greaves, R. (1995) Non-transport aspects of European maritime law. In: Aspden, P. (ed.) Shipping Law Faces Europe: European Policy, Competition and Environment: International Colloquium held on 16, 17 and 18 November. Maklu: Antwerpen, pp. 77-89. ISBN 9789062154760

Edited Books

Greaves, R., Colino, S.M. and Galloway, J. (Eds.) (2013) The Library of Essays on Antitrust and Competition Law [3 Vols.: Volume I (Cartels and Anti-Anticompetitive Agreements); Volume II (Dominance and Monopolization); Volume III (Mergers and Acquisitions)]. Ashgate: Farnham, UK. ISBN 9780754629115

Greaves, R. (Ed.) (2003) Competition Law. Series: The international library of essays in law and legal theory: second series. Ashgate: Aldershot. ISBN 9780754621171

Conference Proceedings

Greaves, R. (2014) Disclosure of Documents In Private Actions: The Pfleiderer and the National Grid Cases. In: EU Competition Law and its application in Malta, 13-14 Sep 2012, pp. 46-48.

Greaves, R. (2014) The Interaction Between The Eu Commission & The National Competition Authorities (Ncas) – Council Regulation 1/2003. In: EU Competition Law and its application in Malta, 13-14 Sep 2012, pp. 25-28.

Greaves, R. (2014) Judicial Review of NCA Decisions: The UK Experiece. In: EU Competition Law and its application in Malta, 13-14 Sep 2012, pp. 29-31.

Greaves, R. (2014) The Role of the Eu Commission and the National Competition Authorities (Ncas) In Private Cases. In: EU Competition Law and its application in Malta, 13-14 Sep 2012, pp. 35-37.

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Professor Greaves has been awarded the following grant:


£5,000 was awarded to Prof Greaves (PI) in 2012 by The Modern Law Review for MLR Scholarships.


Research Students Under Supervision

Kirsty McDougall - 'The application of Article 102 TFEU to the EU energy sector'

Chin-Chia Tien - 'Regulating IUU Fishing Through Flag States: Development of State Responsibility in the Context of the Law of the Sea'