Dr Matina Papadaki

  • Lecturer in International Law (Law)


Dr Matina Papadaki is a Lecturer in International Law at the University of Glasgow, and International Law Researcher at the Academy of Athens and Research Coordinator of the Athens Public International Law Centre. She has worked as Commissioning Coordinator and Copy Chief for the Max Planck Encyclopedia for International Procedural Law (EiPro). She has published on a range of issues related to international courts and tribunals including most notably their jurisdiction. Her work has been cited by judges in international proceedings and she has practical experience of working at the International Law Commission


Prior publications


Matina Papadaki, (2022) Incidental Questions as a Gatekeeping Doctrine AJIL Unbound (doi: 10.1017/aju.2022.27)(issn: 2398-7723); source: Matina Papadaki

M. Papadaki, (2014) Compromissory Clauses as the Gatekeepers of the Law to be 'Used' in the ICJ and the PCIJ Journal of International Dispute Settlement (doi: 10.1093/jnlids/idu012)(issn: 2040-3585)(issn: 2040-3593); source: Matina Papadaki

Book section

(2024) Chapter 9 Incidental Proceedings in the ICJ and the Fateful Passage of Time Time and International Adjudication (doi: 10.1163/9789004716377)(isbn: 9789004716377)(isbn: 9789004716360); source: Matina Papadaki

Photini Pazartzis, Matina Papadaki, (2019) General Principles and International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law General Principles and the Coherence of International Law (doi: 10.1163/9789004390935_022)(isbn: 9789004390935)(isbn: 9789004390928); source: Matina Papadaki

Matina Papadaki, (2019) Substantive and Procedural Rules in International Adjudication: Exploring their Interaction in Intervention before the International Court of Justice International Law and Litigation (doi: 10.5771/9783845299051-37); source: Matina Papadaki


Papadaki Matina, (2018) Intervention: International Court of Justice (ICJ) Max Planck Encylopedia of International Procedural Law (doi: 10.1093/law-mpeipro/e3025.013.3025); source: Matina Papadaki


United Nations Law

Advanced Introduction to the Law of the United Nations

Public International Law

Advanced International Law

Public International Law and Human Rights

Transnational Crime, Justice and Security