Dr Lea Raible

  • Senior Lecturer (School of Law)


Lea joined the School in 2019. Previously, she held academic positions at Maastricht University, the University of Edinburgh and University College London. Her research interests are in the areas of international and constitutional law, as well as their relationship with political philosophy. She has written on a range of topics, including the extraterritorial application of human rights, human rights adjudication and participatory democracy, and the theory and practice of referendums. She is the author of Human Rights Unbound: A Theory of Extraterritoriality (OUP 2020).

Research interests

Lea’s research is in the areas of international and constitutional law, as well as their relationship with political philosophy. She is particularly interested in questions concerning the value of territory, political community, and how they interact with human rights. She has written on a range of topics, including the extraterritorial application of human rights, human rights adjudication and participatory democracy, and the theory and practice of referendums.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013
Number of items: 29.


Raible, L. (2024) Climate change and positive obligations in the ECHR. [Website]

Raible, L. (2024) Priorities for climate litigation at the European Court of Human Rights. [Website]

Raible, L. (2024) Allocating human rights obligations in the ECHR. Human Rights Law Review, 24(1), ngad030. (doi: 10.1093/hrlr/ngad030)


Raible, L. (2023) Justifying Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations and Climate Change as a Counterexample. [Website]

Raible, L. (2023) Self-determination at the UK Supreme Court and the failure of international law. Edinburgh Law Review, 27(2), pp. 219-225. (doi: 10.3366/elr.2023.0833)

Raible, L. (2023) A look at the ECHR’s democratic society – secessionist movements and human rights. [Research Reports or Papers]


Vidmar, J., McGibbon, S. and Raible, L. (Eds.) (2022) Research Handbook on Secession. Series: Research Handbooks in International Law. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781788971744

Vidmar, J., McGibbon, S. and Raible, L. (2022) Introduction. In: Vidmar, Jure, McGibbon, Sarah and Raible, Lea (eds.) Research Handbook on Secession. Series: Research Handbooks in International Law. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781788971744

Vidmar, J. and Raible, L. (2022) State creation and the concept of statehood in international law. In: Vidmar, Jure, McGibbon, Sarah and Raible, Lea (eds.) Research Handbook on Secession. Series: Research Handbooks in International Law. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781788971744

Raible, L. (2022) Consideration of the need for and feasibility of a further instrument or instruments in the field of human rights and the environment – limitations linked to extraterritoriality, with a particular focus on climate change. [Research Reports or Papers]

Raible, L. (2022) Between facts and principles: jurisdiction in international human rights law. Jurisprudence, 13(1), pp. 52-72. (doi: 10.1080/20403313.2021.1990597)

Raible, L. (2022) Incidental jurisdiction in human rights litigation: surprising absence and rival techniques. AJIL Unbound, 116, pp. 176-180. (doi: 10.1017/aju.2022.28)


Raible, L. (2021) Expanding Human Rights Obligations to Facilitate Climate Justice? A Note on Shortcomings and Risks. [Website]

Raible, L. (2021) Extraterritoriality between a rock and hard place. Questions of International Law, 82, pp. 7-29.

Raible, L. (2021) Comments on the Interim Report of the Working Group on Unification Referendums on the Island of Ireland. [Research Reports or Papers]


Raible, L. (2020) Human Rights Unbound: A Theory of Extraterritoriality. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198863373 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198863373.001.0001)


Raible, L. (2019) Why Brexit shouldn’t be the end of referendums [Blog post].


Raible, L. (2018) Let’s not talk about universality [Blog post].

Raible, L. (2018) Title to territory and jurisdiction in international human rights law: three models for a fraught relationship. Leiden Journal of International Law, 31(2), pp. 315-334. (doi: 10.1017/S0922156518000018)


Raible, L. (2017) Human Rights Watch v Secretary of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office : victim status, extraterritoriality and the search for principled reasoning. Modern Law Review, 80(3), pp. 510-524. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2230.12268)

Raible, L. and Trueblood, L. (2017) The Swiss system of referendums and the impossibility of direct democracy [Blog post].


Raible, L. (2016) The extraterritoriality of the ECHR: why Jaloud and Pisari should be read as game changers. European Human Rights Law Review, 2, pp. 161-168.

Raible, L. (2016) Title to Territory and Jurisdiction in International Human Rights Law. 4th Annual TAU Workshop for Junior Scholars, Faculty of Laws, Tel Aviv University, 21-23 Nov 2016.


Raible, L. (2015) Extraterritorial Obligations under the ICESCR and the Significance of Political Power. In: International Conference. The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration Towards a Users’ Perspective, Ghent, Belgium, 9-11 Dec 2015,

Raible, L. (2015) The Place of Jurisdiction in an Account of Human Rights: The Case of the Right to Privacy. In: Yale Law School Doctoral Scholarship Conference 2015, Yale University, 4-5 Dec 2015,

Raible, L. (2015) A Silent Revolution? The Extraterritoriality of the ECHR in Jaloud v Netherlands. Rights!,


Raible, L. (2014) Global Distributive Justice and Socioeconomic Rights in an Extraterritorial Context: Differences and Why They Matter. In: Social Justice 2014, London School of Economics, London UK, 2 Aug 2014,


Raible, L. (2013) Europäisierung des schweizerischen Asylrechts – Chancen und Gefahren für Individual-rechtsschutz und Rechtssicherheit. In: Fahrländer, Lukas and Heizmann, Reto (eds.) Europäisierung der schweizerischen Rechtsordnung. Series: Analysen und Perspektiven von Assistierenden des RWI (APARIUZ) (15). Dike: Zurich. ISBN 9783037515877

Raible, L. and Moeckli, D. (2013) Die Direkte Demokratie in der Rechtsprechung des EGMR. In: Good, Andrea and Plattipodis, Bettina (eds.) Direkte Demokratie: Herausforderungen zwischen Politik und Recht – Festschrift für Andreas Auer. Stämpfli: Bern. ISBN 9783727229664

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 10:17:49 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 29.


Raible, L. (2024) Allocating human rights obligations in the ECHR. Human Rights Law Review, 24(1), ngad030. (doi: 10.1093/hrlr/ngad030)

Raible, L. (2023) Self-determination at the UK Supreme Court and the failure of international law. Edinburgh Law Review, 27(2), pp. 219-225. (doi: 10.3366/elr.2023.0833)

Raible, L. (2022) Between facts and principles: jurisdiction in international human rights law. Jurisprudence, 13(1), pp. 52-72. (doi: 10.1080/20403313.2021.1990597)

Raible, L. (2022) Incidental jurisdiction in human rights litigation: surprising absence and rival techniques. AJIL Unbound, 116, pp. 176-180. (doi: 10.1017/aju.2022.28)

Raible, L. (2021) Extraterritoriality between a rock and hard place. Questions of International Law, 82, pp. 7-29.

Raible, L. (2019) Why Brexit shouldn’t be the end of referendums [Blog post].

Raible, L. (2018) Let’s not talk about universality [Blog post].

Raible, L. (2018) Title to territory and jurisdiction in international human rights law: three models for a fraught relationship. Leiden Journal of International Law, 31(2), pp. 315-334. (doi: 10.1017/S0922156518000018)

Raible, L. (2017) Human Rights Watch v Secretary of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office : victim status, extraterritoriality and the search for principled reasoning. Modern Law Review, 80(3), pp. 510-524. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2230.12268)

Raible, L. and Trueblood, L. (2017) The Swiss system of referendums and the impossibility of direct democracy [Blog post].

Raible, L. (2016) The extraterritoriality of the ECHR: why Jaloud and Pisari should be read as game changers. European Human Rights Law Review, 2, pp. 161-168.

Raible, L. (2015) A Silent Revolution? The Extraterritoriality of the ECHR in Jaloud v Netherlands. Rights!,


Raible, L. (2020) Human Rights Unbound: A Theory of Extraterritoriality. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198863373 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198863373.001.0001)

Book Sections

Vidmar, J., McGibbon, S. and Raible, L. (2022) Introduction. In: Vidmar, Jure, McGibbon, Sarah and Raible, Lea (eds.) Research Handbook on Secession. Series: Research Handbooks in International Law. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781788971744

Vidmar, J. and Raible, L. (2022) State creation and the concept of statehood in international law. In: Vidmar, Jure, McGibbon, Sarah and Raible, Lea (eds.) Research Handbook on Secession. Series: Research Handbooks in International Law. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781788971744

Raible, L. (2013) Europäisierung des schweizerischen Asylrechts – Chancen und Gefahren für Individual-rechtsschutz und Rechtssicherheit. In: Fahrländer, Lukas and Heizmann, Reto (eds.) Europäisierung der schweizerischen Rechtsordnung. Series: Analysen und Perspektiven von Assistierenden des RWI (APARIUZ) (15). Dike: Zurich. ISBN 9783037515877

Raible, L. and Moeckli, D. (2013) Die Direkte Demokratie in der Rechtsprechung des EGMR. In: Good, Andrea and Plattipodis, Bettina (eds.) Direkte Demokratie: Herausforderungen zwischen Politik und Recht – Festschrift für Andreas Auer. Stämpfli: Bern. ISBN 9783727229664

Edited Books

Vidmar, J., McGibbon, S. and Raible, L. (Eds.) (2022) Research Handbook on Secession. Series: Research Handbooks in International Law. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781788971744

Research Reports or Papers

Raible, L. (2023) A look at the ECHR’s democratic society – secessionist movements and human rights. [Research Reports or Papers]

Raible, L. (2022) Consideration of the need for and feasibility of a further instrument or instruments in the field of human rights and the environment – limitations linked to extraterritoriality, with a particular focus on climate change. [Research Reports or Papers]

Raible, L. (2021) Comments on the Interim Report of the Working Group on Unification Referendums on the Island of Ireland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Raible, L. (2016) Title to Territory and Jurisdiction in International Human Rights Law. 4th Annual TAU Workshop for Junior Scholars, Faculty of Laws, Tel Aviv University, 21-23 Nov 2016.

Conference Proceedings

Raible, L. (2015) Extraterritorial Obligations under the ICESCR and the Significance of Political Power. In: International Conference. The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration Towards a Users’ Perspective, Ghent, Belgium, 9-11 Dec 2015,

Raible, L. (2015) The Place of Jurisdiction in an Account of Human Rights: The Case of the Right to Privacy. In: Yale Law School Doctoral Scholarship Conference 2015, Yale University, 4-5 Dec 2015,

Raible, L. (2014) Global Distributive Justice and Socioeconomic Rights in an Extraterritorial Context: Differences and Why They Matter. In: Social Justice 2014, London School of Economics, London UK, 2 Aug 2014,


Raible, L. (2024) Climate change and positive obligations in the ECHR. [Website]

Raible, L. (2024) Priorities for climate litigation at the European Court of Human Rights. [Website]

Raible, L. (2023) Justifying Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations and Climate Change as a Counterexample. [Website]

Raible, L. (2021) Expanding Human Rights Obligations to Facilitate Climate Justice? A Note on Shortcomings and Risks. [Website]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 10:17:49 2025 GMT.


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  • Temel, Hatice Sare - Refugee Rights in Rawlsian Justice Theory
  • Ngonga, Alphaeus
    Climate change and Human Rights: How best can international human rights law inspire future policies for achieving climate justice in developing countries such as Malawi?


Lea convenes the honours course Human Rights Systems: Law and Legitimacy and also teaches on Constitutional Law 1.

Additional information

Twitter: @swiss_biscuit