Dr Julieta Lobato

  • Research Associate (School of Law)


Julieta holds an LLB, LLM, and PhD from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.  She joined the University of Glasgow in October 2024 as a British Academy International Fellow. Prior to this, she was a teaching assistant and lecturer in labour law at the University of Buenos Aires (2017-2024) and a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (2022–2024). 

Julieta has worked with the ILO in Spain (2019–2020) and as an external collaborator with the ILO (2020–2021). She has served as a visiting professional at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (2023) and worked as a paralegal and legal practitioner (2012-2017). 

Her current project investigates the implications for labour law of transitions from neoliberalism to right-wing authoritarian regimes. 

Research interests

Julieta employs a socio-legal approach to work regulation. Her research integrates legal analysis with economic sociology, political economy, and feminist theory embedding questions of labour law within broader discussions on the dynamics of work in contemporary capitalism. To date, Julieta’s work spans three central agendas:  


1. Law as a Technology of Exclusion: The Legal Construction of the Labour-Gender-Race Interface

Julieta’s doctoral thesis, funded by the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), explored how law contributes to the gendering and racialisation of work. The thesis argued that law plays a dual role. On the one hand, it protects certain work relations codified in the "standard employment relationship" (SER) (law as a protective mechanism). On the other hand, however, law systematically excludes and devalues other forms of work, especially those performed by racialised and gendered workers (law as a technology of exclusion). The thesis traced the oscillation between protection and exclusion in the development of international labour law during the 20th century and in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ case law concerning workers’ rights.


2. Critical Approaches to Human Rights and the Legal Mediation of the Labour–Capital Conflict

Positioned at the intersection of labour law, constitutional theory, and human rights, Julieta’s second area of research focuses on critical approaches to human rights. By engaging with the debates on the 'human rights' turn' in labour law, she advocates for a political approach that contextualises this shift within the broader framework of the reshaping of labour law under neoliberalism. Julieta has also examined the potential of ‘transformative constitutionalism’ in framing labour law in Latin America, emphasising a materialist perspective that addresses how social conflict inherent in the labour–capital relationship can be partially or wholly drained institutionally through legal discourse. Additionally, she has scrutinised the contested nature of the right to strike in human rights law — particularly, its recognition under ILO Convention No. 87 by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 


3. Labour Law and Neoliberalism

The final strand of Julieta’s research investigates the links between labour law and neoliberalism. She explores three interconnected dimensions: 1) the role of ‘flexibility’ and legal reform in the reshaping of labour law; 2) the structural role of (so–called) 'informal work' for contemporary capitalism and the artificial character of the 'formal–informal' dichotomy, and 3) the emergence of new labour subjects.  

Julieta's current research project, Regulating the Labour–Capital Conflict in a Turbulent Era: Neoliberalism Reloaded or New Right–Wing Populist Wave?, funded by a British Academy International Fellowship, explores whether neoliberalism's dominance in shaping the labour–capital conflict is diminishing, with a focus on the UK and Argentina as case studies. This project examines the historical evolution of labour law from the 1980s to current times, focusing on two main aspects: 1) the role of the state in mediating the labour–capital conflict, particularly the role of violence in enforcing labour policies, and 2) the reconfiguration of the political subjectivity of labour.  


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024
Number of items: 3.


Lobato, J. (2025) Unveiling the structural character of informal work: new labour subject and financial exploitation beyond the promise of transition. Industrial Law Journal, (doi: 10.1093/indlaw/dwae057) (Early Online Publication)


Cantamutto, F., Lobato, J. , Rodríguez, C., Féliz, E. and Féliz, M. (2024) Sustentabilidad de la deuda y derechos humanos desde la perspectiva de la sostenibilidad de la vida. In: Bohoslavsky, J. P. and Clérico, M. L. (eds.) Deuda y Derechos Humanos: Claves desde el Sistema Interamericano. Series: Derechos Humanos. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (EDULP): La Plata, pp. 170-195. ISBN 9786316568410

Lobato, J. (2024) Derecho del Trabajo y Neoliberalismo(s) = Labour law and neoliberalism(s). Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, 32, pp. 191-214.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 23:02:07 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 3.


Lobato, J. (2025) Unveiling the structural character of informal work: new labour subject and financial exploitation beyond the promise of transition. Industrial Law Journal, (doi: 10.1093/indlaw/dwae057) (Early Online Publication)

Lobato, J. (2024) Derecho del Trabajo y Neoliberalismo(s) = Labour law and neoliberalism(s). Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, 32, pp. 191-214.

Book Sections

Cantamutto, F., Lobato, J. , Rodríguez, C., Féliz, E. and Féliz, M. (2024) Sustentabilidad de la deuda y derechos humanos desde la perspectiva de la sostenibilidad de la vida. In: Bohoslavsky, J. P. and Clérico, M. L. (eds.) Deuda y Derechos Humanos: Claves desde el Sistema Interamericano. Series: Derechos Humanos. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (EDULP): La Plata, pp. 170-195. ISBN 9786316568410

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 23:02:07 2025 GMT.

Prior publications

Book Section

Julieta Lobato, Mariela Morales Antoniazzi (2022) Un Paso Al Frente: La Huelga Como Derecho Humano En El Sistema Interamericano De Derechos Humanos Julieta Lobato.


2024 – British Academy International Fellowship (£226,228, with Prof. Ruth Dukes as sponsor).

2022-2024 – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdients (DAAD). Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees.

2021 – Max Planck Society for research project on the right to strike in international human rights law (€2,730).

2019-2022 – University of Buenos Aires. Doctoral Scholarship.


Julieta contributes to teaching in the following modules:

  • The Politics of Labour Law
  • Law and Political Economy