Professor Sheila McLean
- Professor Emerita of Law and Ethics in Medicine (School of Law)
R405 Level 4, Law, 5 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ
McLean, S. A. (2016) The law, medicine and women's rights. In: Luesley, D. M. and Kilby, M. D. (eds.) Obstetrics and Gynaecology: An evidence-based text for MRCOG [3rd Ed]. CRC Press: Boca Raton, pp. 27-32. ISBN 9781482233827
McLean, S. (2015) Consent and bioethics. In: Bagheri, A., Moreno, J.D. and Semplici, S. (eds.) Global Bioethics: The Impact of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee. Series: Advancing global bioethics (5). Springer: Dordrecht, pp. 43-56. ISBN 9783319226491
McLean, S. (2015) Terminal sedation: good medicine? Good ethics? Good law? Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal, 16(1), pp. 113-124. (doi: 10.5204/qutlr.v16i1.624)
McLean, S. A. (2015) Mitochondrial DNA transfer: some reflections from the United Kingdom. BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto, 2015(2), pp. 81-88.
McLean, S. (2014) Ethics and healthcare: a view from the United Kingdom. In: Faitini, T., Galvagni, L. and Nicoletti, M. (eds.) Etica e Professione Sanitarie in Europs: Un dialogo tra Medicina e Filosofia. Series: Quaderni: Università degli studi di Trento. Dipartimento di lettere e filosofia_ (5). Università degli studi di Trento: Trento, pp. 39-56. ISBN 9788884435545
McLean, S. (2014) Forum: law and the life sciences. BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto, 2014(1), p. 75.
McLean, S. A.M. (2014) Respect for human vulnerability and personal integrity. In: ten Have, H. A.M.J. and Gordijn, B. (eds.) Handbook of Global Bioethics. Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht, pp. 105-117. ISBN 9789400725119 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-2512-6_71)
McLean, S.A.M. (2013) Introduction. In: McLean, S.A.M. and Elliston, S. (eds.) Regulating Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis: A Comparative and Theoretical Analysis. Series: Biomedical law and ethics library. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 1-3. ISBN 9780415686440
McLean, S.A.M. and Elliston, S. (Eds.) (2013) Regulating Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis: A Comparative and Theoretical Analysis. Series: Biomedical law and ethics library. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415686440
McLean, S. (2013) Did she or didn't she? The case of Madeleine Smith. In: Grant, J.P. and Sutherland, E.E. (eds.) Pronounced for Doom: Early Scots Law Tales. Avizandum: Edinburgh, pp. 75-89. ISBN 9781904968658
McLean, S. and Elliston, S. (2012) Conclusion. In: McLean, S. and Elliston, S. (eds.) Regulating Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9780415686440
McLean, S. (2012) Ethical dilemmas in obstetrics and gynaecology. In: Edmonds, K. (ed.) Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Wiley: Chichester, UK, pp. 805-814. ISBN 9780470654576
McLean, S. (2012) Decisions and dilemmas at the end of life. In: Mulhearn, M. (ed.) Scottish Life and Society: The Law. Series: A Compendium of Scottish Ethnology (13). John Donald / Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 737-749. ISBN 9781906566043
McLean, S. (2012) Regno Unito. In: Palazzani, L. and Nepi, L. (eds.) GEN-IUS: Consulenza generica e normative europee. Edizioni Studium: Rome, pp. 155-162. ISBN 9788838241888
Sch, U., Van Delden, J.J.M., Downie, J., McLean, S.A.M., Upshur, R. and Weinstock, D. (2011) End-of-life decision-making in Canada: the report by the Royal Society of Canada expert panel on end-of-life decision-making. Bioethics, 25(s1), pp. 1-73. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8519.2011.01939.x)
Gertz, R. and McLean, S. (2010) Meeting the needs of the alcohol dependent: different models in public health policy in England and New Zealand. Medical Law International, 10(3), pp. 217-238. (doi: 10.1177/096853321001000303)
McLean, S. (2010) Autonomy, Consent and the Law. Series: Biomedical law and ethics library. Routledge-Cavendish. ISBN 9780415473392
McLean, S.A.M. (2010) Human Rights and Bioethics. [Research Reports or Papers]
McLean, S. (2010) The ethical dilemma of vegetative states. Guardian,
McLean, S. (2010) Giving up or Letting Go?; Law Hospital NHS Trust v Lord Advocate. In: Sutherland, E. and Grant, J. (eds.) Scots Law Tales. Dundee University Press: Dundee, pp. 137-152. ISBN 9781845860677
McLean, S. (2010) The law, medicine and women's rights. In: Luesley, D. M. and Baker, P. N. (eds.) Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd: London, pp. 25-30. ISBN 9780340990131
McLean, S. and Morgan, D. (2010) Taking it or leaving it: Demanding and refusing medical treatment in intensive care. In: Danbury, C., Newdick, C., Lawson, A. and Waldmann, C. (eds.) Law and Ethics in Intensive Care. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 91-114. ISBN 978-0199562039
McLean, S. (2009) Making public health policy: what place for the alcohol-dependent? Journal of Law and Medicine, 17(3), pp. 373-385.
McLean, S. (2009) Sheila McLean on advance directives and the case of Kerrie Wooltorton. BMJ Group Blogs, (doi:
Connelly, C., McLean, S. and Mason, J.K. (2009) Purdy in Scotland: we hear, but should we listen? Juridical Review, 121(4), pp. 265-284.
McLean, S. (2009) Are advance directives legally binding or simply the starting point for discussion on patients' best interests? Ethical view. British Medical Journal, 339,
McLean, S. (2009) Autonomy, consent and the law: a critique. Revista de Direito Médico e da Saúde, 15, pp. 85-111.
McLean, S. (2009) Live and Let Die. British Medical Journal, 339,
McLean, S.A. and Morgan, D. (2009) Choosing death or life: law, medicine and patients' rights. Juridical Review, 14(2), pp. 129-148.
McLean, S. (2009) Clinical ethics consultation in the United Kingdom. Diametros, 22, pp. 76-89.
McLean, S. (2009) Law and Regulation. In: Atkinson, P., Glasner, P. and Lock, M. (eds.) Handbook of Genetics and Society. Series: Routledge International Handbooks. Routledge: London, pp. 267-282. ISBN 9780415410809
McLean, S. A.M. (2009) Interests of the Future Child. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Wiley: Oxford. ISBN 9780470015902 (doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0005220.pub2)
McLean, S. (2008) Whose decision is it anyway? BMJ Group Blogs,
McLean, S. A. (2008) Why have a free vote on saviour siblings. BioNews, 453,
Gertz, R., Leverick, F. and McLean, S. (2008) Alcoholism and Criminal Liability. Juridical Review(3), pp. 171-191.
McLean, S. (2008) Assisted Dying - The View From the United Kingdom. In: Birnbacher, D. and Dahl, E. (eds.) Giving Death a Helping Hand: Physician Assisted Suicide and Public Policy. An International Perspective. Springer, pp. 113-128. ISBN 1402064969
McLean, S. (2008) Clinical ethics committees, due process and the right to a fair hearing. Journal of Law and Medicine, 15(4), pp. 520-529.
McLean, S. (2008) Clinical Ethics Committees: A due process wasteland? Clinical Ethics, 3(2), pp. 99-104.
McLean, S. (2008) The Human Embryo as Clinical Tool. In: Mieth, D., Rehmann-Sutter, C. and Duwell, M. (eds.) The Contingent Nature of Life: Bioethics and the Limits of Human Existence. Springer-Verlag, pp. 209-220. ISBN 9781402067624
McLean, S., Campbell, A. and Gutridge, K. (2008) Human tissue legislation: listening to the professionals. Journal of Medical Ethics, 34(2), pp. 104-108.
McLean, S. (2008) Decision-making in the terminal phase in UK. Waseda Proceedings of Comparative Law, 11, pp. 77-86.
McLean, S. (2008) Hannah's Choice. Guardian,
Stenson, B. and McLean, S. (2008) Ethics. In: McIntosh, N., Helms, P., Smyth, R. and Logan, S. (eds.) Forfar & Arneill's Textbook of Pediatrics. Churchill Livingston: Edinburgh, 163 -174. ISBN 978-0443103964
McLean, S. (2007) Understanding our Rights. Guardian,
Clery, E., McLean, S. and Phillips, M. (2007) Quickening death: the euthanasia debate. In: Park, A. (ed.) British Social Attitudes: Perspectives on a Changing Society : the 23rd Report. SAGE Publications, in association with the National Centre for Social Research. ISBN 9781412934329
McLean, S. (2007) Assisted Reproduction and the Welfare of the Child. In: Gunning, J. and Holm, S. (eds.) Ethics, Law and Society. Ashgate: Aldershot, pp. 107-122.
McLean, S. (2007) Consent or assent in paediatric research. In: Paediatric Clinical Research Manual. BMJ Group, 9.1-9.20.
McLean, S. (2007) Who and What Are Clinical Ethics Committees For? Journal of Medical Ethics, 33(9), pp. 497-500.
McLean, S. (2007) Withholding Medical Treatment: The United Kingdom Position. Quality End of Life Care: Research on Medical Safety and Health Technology Assessment, pp. 89-103.
McLean, S. and Williamson L, (2007) The Demise of UKXIRA and the Regulation of Solid Organ Xenotransplantation in the United Kingdom. Journal of Medical Ethics, 33(7), pp. 373-375.
McLean, S. (2007) Assisted Dying: Reflections on the Need for Law Reform. Series: Biomedical law and ethics library. Routledge-Cavendish. ISBN 9781844720552
McLean, S. (2007) Genes, Society and the Future Vol 2. Human Genome Research Project. ISBN 9780473126612
McLean, S. (2007) Law, ethics and health care. In: Ashcroft, R.E., Dawson, A., Draper, P. and McMillan, J.R. (eds.) Principles of Health Care Ethics. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9780470027134
McLean, S. (2007) Law, ethics and intensive care – an introduction. In: Ridley, S. (ed.) Ethical Issues in Intensive Care. Series: Critical care focus (13). Intensive Care Society: London, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9780955589706
McLean, S. and Williamson, L. (2007) Impairment and Disability: Law and Ethics at the Beginning and End of Life. Series: Biomedical law and ethics library. Routledge-Cavendish. ISBN 9781844720415
Williamson, L., Fox, M. and McLean, S. (2007) The Regulation of Xenotransplantation in the UK after UKXIRA: Legal and Ethical Issues. Journal of Law and Society, 34(4), pp. 441-464.
Williamson, L., McLean, S. and Connell, J. (2007) Clinical Ethics Committees in the United Kingdom - Towards Evaluation. Medical Law International, 8(3), pp. 221-238.
McLean, S. (2006) An ethical dilemma? Life and Work(9),
McLean, S. (2006) De-Regulating Assisted Reproduction: Some Reflections. Medical Law International, 7(3), pp. 233-247.
McLean, S. (2006) Ethico-Legal Decision-Making in Healthcare. NES Education for Scotland/ Glasgow University,
McLean, S. (2006) From Bland to Burke: The Law and Politics of Assisted Nutrition and Hydration. In: McLean, S. (ed.) First Do No Harm: Law, Ethics and Healthcare. Ashgate: Aldershot, pp. 421-446. ISBN 978-0754626145
McLean, S. (2006) Law and Ethics: A New Governance Issue? Clinical Risk, 11(3), pp. 110-115.
McLean, S. (2006) Is Consent always the Appropriate Concept? In: Proceedings International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO (IBC), 12 th Session. UNESCO, pp. 193-196.
McLean, S. (2006) La fecondazione medicalmente assistita nel Regno Unito: il dibattito sulla regolazione giuridica. In: Casonato, C. and Frosini, T.E. (eds.) La fecondazione assistita nel diritto comparato. Series: Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo (2). Giappichelli, pp. 93-105. ISBN 9788834863756
McLean, S. (2006) Life, the right to: assisted suicide. In: Smith, R.K.M. and van den Anker, C. (eds.) The Essentials of Human Rights. Hodder Arnold, pp. 236-238. ISBN 9780340815758
McLean, S. (2006) Main findings. In: Henaghan, M. (ed.) Genes for Future Children: Regulating Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. New Zealand Law Foundation/Human Genome Research Project, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9780473113124
McLean, S. (2006) Modern Dilemmas: Choosing Children. Capercaillie Press. ISBN 9780955124624
McLean, S., Campbell, A., Gutridge, K. and Harper, H. (2006) Human tissue legislation and medical practice: A benefit or a burden? Medical Law International, 8(1), pp. 1-21. (doi: 10.1177/096853320600800101)
McLean, S. (2005) The Legal Context. In: Morris, Z. S., Chang, L.R., Dawson, S. and Garside, P. (eds.) Policy Futures for UK Health. Radcliffe Publishing: Abington, pp. 43-50. ISBN 1 84619 003 7
McLean, S. (2005) Our inheritance, our future: their rights? International Journal of Children's Rights, 13(1-2), pp. 255-272.
McLean, S. (2005) Permanent vegetative state: The legal position. pp. 237-250.
McLean, S. (2005) The Right to Life: Euthanasia. In: Smith, R.K.M. and van den Anker, C. (eds.) The Essentials of Human Rights. Hodder Arnold: London, pp. 242-244. ISBN 9780340815748
McLean, S. and Doyal, L. (2005) Choosing Children: Intergenerational Justice? Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 10(Suppl), pp. 119-124.
McLean, S. and Elliston, S. (2005) The Management of Pregnancy and Labour. In: Norman, J. and Greer, I. (eds.) Preterm Labour: Managing Risk in Clinical Practice. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 329-363. ISBN 052182186X
McLean, S. (2005) Assisted Reproduction and the Welfare of the Child. Cardiff Centre for Ethics, Law and Society.
McLean, S. (2005) Consent or assent in paediatric research. In: Helms, P. and Stonier, P. (eds.) Paediatric Clinical Research Manual: a Practical International Handbook for all those Working in Clinical Research. Euromed Communications.
McLean, S. (2005) The Right to Life: assisted suicide. In: Smith, R.K.M. and Anker, C. v.d. (eds.) The Essentials of Human Rights. Hodder Arnold, pp. 236-238. ISBN 9780340815748
McLean, S. (2005) Sex selection: Intergenerational justice or injustice. International Journal of Medicine and Law, 24(4), pp. 761-774.
McLean, S. and Williamson, L. (2005) Xenotransplantation: Law and Ethics. Ashgate. ISBN 9780754623793
McLean, S. (2004) Morals or ethics? Chemical Engineer, 29,
Elliston, S. and McLean, S. (2004) Death, Decision Making and the Law. Juridical Review(3), pp. 265-293.
McLean, S. (2004) Consent and Refusal: The Competent Adult. In: Thomas, D., Thompson, J. and Ridler, B. (eds.) A Manual for Blood Conservation. TFM Publishing Ltd, pp. 203-212. ISBN 1903378249
McLean, S. (2004) The Genetics Revolution - Can the Law Cope? In: Magill, G., (ed.) Genetics and Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Study. St. Louis University Press, pp. 35-52. ISBN 978-0965292979
McLean, S. (2004) Regulating Research and Experimentation: A View from the UK. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 32(4), pp. 604-612.
McLean, S. (2004) United Kingdom - The Illegality of Euthanasia. In: Ethical Eye: Euthanasia: National and European Perspectives. Council of Europe, pp. 95-104. ISBN 92-871-5200-4
McLean, S. and Williamson, L. (2004) Xenotransplantation: A Pig in a Poke? Current Legal Problems, 57, pp. 443-468.
McLean, S. (2004) Intergenerational justice - duties, responsibilities, and choices. In: Medical Ethics Tomorrow. British Medical Association.
McLean, S. (2004) Introduction. In: Genetics and Gene Therapy. Series: International library of medicine, ethics, and law. Ashgate, xi-xxx. ISBN 9780754620556
McLean, S. (2004) The Law, medicine and women's rights. In: Luesley, D. and Baker, P. (eds.) Obstetrics and Gynaecology: An Evidence-based text for MRCOG. Arnold, pp. 24-32. ISBN 9780340808757
McLean, S. and Elliston, S. (2004) Managing Pregnancy and Labour. In: Norman, J., and Greer, I. (eds.) Preterm Labour: Managing Risk in Clinical Practice. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 329-363. ISBN 978-0521821865
McLean, S. (2003) Genetic Screening Programs. Nature Encyclopaedia of Human Genetics, 2, pp. 930-934.
McLean, S. (2003) The Genetic Testing of Children. In: Sandor, J. (ed.) Society and Genetic Information: Codes and Laws in the Genetic Era. Central European University Press: Budapest, pp. 145-160. ISBN 963 9241 75X
McLean, S. (2003) Interests of the Future Child. Nature Encyclopaedia of Human Genetics, 3, pp. 528-530.
McLean, S. (2003) Recent Issues in assisted reproduction in the United Kingdom. Clinical Risk, 9(1), pp. 18-22.
McLean, S. (2003) Reviewing UK transplant legislation. In: Morris, S. P. (c.) (ed.) Transplants. Series: Ethical eye. Council of Europe Publ., pp. 149-160. ISBN 9789287147790
McLean, S. (2003) The Right to Live and the Right to Die. DRC.
McLean, S. and Mason, J.K. (2003) Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Care. Greenwich Medical Media. ISBN 1841101281
McLean, S. and Ramsey, J. (2002) Human rights, reproductive freedom, medicine and the law. Medical Law International, 5(4), pp. 239-258. (doi: 10.1177/096853320200500401)
McLean, S. (2002) Birth. In: The Seven Ages of Life. Centre for Reform, pp. 19-34.
McLean, S. (2002) Post-Mortem Examinations: Removal and Retention of Organs in the United Kingdom. Res Publica, 11, pp. 20-23.
McLean, S. (2002) Post-Mortem Human Reproduction: Legal and Other Regulatory Issues. Journal of Law and Medicine, 9(4), pp. 429-437.
McLean, S. (2002) A regulamentacao da Nova Genetics. In: Casabona, C. R. (ed.) Biotecnologia Direito e Bioetica. Del Rey, pp. 146-155. ISBN 8586480045
McLean, S. (2002) Sheila McLean. In: Devine, T. and Logue, P. (eds.) Being Scottish: Personal Reflections on Scottish Identity Today. Polygon: Edinburgh, pp. 171-173. ISBN 1902930363
McLean, S. (2002) What is wrong with human reproductive cloning? Genetics Law Monitor,
McLean, S. (2002) Commentary on Glannon and Ross, and McKay. Journal of Medical Ethics, 28(2), p. 74. (doi: 10.1136/jme.28.2.74)
McLean, S. (2002) Introduction. In: McLean, S. (ed.) Medical Law and Ethics. Series: The international library of essays in law and legal theory. Ashgate Dartmouth, xi-xxiii. ISBN 0754620034
McLean, S. (2002) Legal and Ethical Issues in Xenotransplantation. [Research Reports or Papers]
McLean, S. (2002) Prenatal diagnostics, abortion and access to procreational care. In: Zwartjens, D. (ed.) Legal Aspects of Medical Care: honours class 2001. Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, pp. 61-66.
McLean, S. (2001) Permanent vegetative state and the law. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 71(Sup 1), i26-i27. (doi: 10.1136/jnnp.71.suppl_1.i26)
McLean, S. (2001) The gene genie: good fairy or wicked witch. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 32(4), pp. 723-739.
McLean, S. (2001) Patient status: the foetus and the pregnant woman. In: Children on the Agenda. Prospect Media Pty, pp. 223-238.
McLean, S. (2001) The new genetics - a critique. In: Torrance, I. (ed.) Bio-ethics for the New Millennium. St. Andrew Press, pp. 1-29. ISBN 0861533054
McLean, S. (2001) Women who offend: sanction, sympathy, segregation or strategy? In: James Smart Lecture 2000. Scottish Police College, pp. 1-29.
McLean, S. (2000) Aspects ethiques, juridiques et reglementaires de utilisation de cellules souches embryonnaires humaines en Grande-Bretagne. In: Dodet, B. and Vicari, M. (eds.) Cellules souches pluripotentes: perspectives therapeutiques et aspects ethiques. John Libbey, pp. 35-44. ISBN 2742003681
McLean, S. (2000) Gene Therapy - Cure or Challenge? In: Freeman, M. and Lewis, A. (eds.) Law and Medicine. Series: Current Legal Issues Volume 3. Oxford University Press, pp. 205-222. ISBN 978-0-19-829918-9
McLean, S. (2000) Genetic Screening - Controlling the Future. Biological Sciences, 12, pp. 36-39.
McLean, S. (2000) Information Disclosure and Consent. In: Gunning, J. (ed.) Assisted Conception: Research, Ethics and Law. Ashgate, pp. 67-74. ISBN 754621499
McLean, S. (2000) Informed Consent, Medical Research and the Competent Adult. In: Informed Research in Medical Research. BMJ Books, pp. 166-172.
McLean, S. (2000) Intergenerational Justice: A Brave New World or a Leap in the Dark. Genetics Law Monitor,
McLean, S. (2000) A Moral Right to Procreation? Assisted Procreation and Persons at Risk of Hereditary Genetic Disease. In: Haker, H. and Beyleveld, D. (eds.) The Ethics of Genetics in Human Procreation. Ashgate, pp. 13-27. ISBN 978-0754610212
McLean, S. (2000) No consent means not treating the patient with respect (Commentary). In: Informed Research in Medical Research. BMJ Books.
McLean, S. (2000) Making Ethical Decisions. [Research Reports or Papers]
McLean, S. (1999) Consent/Assent to Treatment. In: Webb, A., Shapiro,, M., Singer, M. and Suter., P. (eds.) Oxford Textbook of Critical Care. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 192627376
McLean, S. (1999) Controlling the Future? - Human Rights and Biotechnology. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 6(3), pp. 299-307.
McLean, S. (1999) Creating Postmorten Pregnancies: A UK Perspective. Juridical Review(6), pp. 323-342.
McLean, S. (1999) Law, Ethics and Medical Progress - Allies or Adversaries? Journal of Law and Medicine, 7, pp. 1-25.
McLean, S. (1999) Legal and Ethical Aspects of the Vegetative State. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 52, pp. 490-493.
McLean, S. (1999) Regulating the New Genetics. In: Romeo Casabona, C.,M. (ed.) Biotechnology, Law and Bioethics: Comparative Perspectives. Bruylant: Brussels, pp. 209-222. ISBN 2802712926
McLean, S. (1999) A UK Perspective on Health Care Constraints. In: Exter, D. and Hermans, H. (eds.) The Right to Health Care in Several European Countries. Kluwer Law International. ISBN 9789041110879
McLean, S. (1999) Old Law, New Medicine: Medical Ethics and Human Rights. Pandora/Rivers Oram. ISBN 9780863584039
McLean, S. (1998) Dialysis Treatment Withdrawal - Legal Aspects (UK). Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 13(5), pp. 1152-1153.
McLean, S. (1998) The Genetic Testing of Children: Some Legal and Ethical Concerns. In: Clark, A.J. (ed.) The Genetic Testing of Children. Taylor & Francis, pp. 17-26. ISBN 1859961460
McLean, S. (1998) Interventions in the Human Genome. Modern Law Review, 61(5), pp. 681-696.
McLean, S. (1998) Interventions in the Human Genome. In: Brownsword, R., Cornish, W. and Llewelyn, M. (eds.) Law and Human Genetics: Regulating a Revolution. Hart: Oxford, pp. 89-104. ISBN 1841130060
McLean, S. (1998) La regulacion de la Nueva Gentica. In: Casabona, C. (ed.) Biotechnologia y Derecho Perspectivas en Derecho Comparado. Comares, pp. 193-206. ISBN 84-8151-690-2
McLean, S. (1998) The Moral and Legal Boundaries of Fetal Intervention: Whose Right/Whose Duty? Seminars in Neonatology, 3(4), pp. 249-254.
McLean, S. (1998) The New Genetics. Life and Work, 10,
McLean, S. (1998) Review of the Consent Provisions of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act. Department of Health,
McLean, S. (1998) Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Prolonging Treatment. Medical Law International, 3(2/3), pp. 169-182.
McLean, S. and Gannon, P. (1998) Genetics and Insurance. In: Sorell, T. (ed.) Health Care, Ethics and Insurance. Routledge, pp. 87-100. ISBN 041516284X
McLean, S. (1997) Consent and the law: Review of the Current Provisions of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 for the UK Health Ministers. Department of Health, pp. 1-78.
McLean, S. (1997) Litigation. In: Boyd, K., Higgs, R. and Pinching, A. (eds.) The New Dictionary of Medical Ethics. Wiley. ISBN 978-0727910011
McLean, S. (1997) No consent means not treating the patient with respect. British Medical Journal, 314, p. 1076.
McLean, S. (1997) The Role of the Lawyer in Medical Ethics. In: Harper, J. R. (ed.) Global Law in Practice. Kluwer Law International, pp. 83-98. ISBN 9041104607
McLean, S. and Britton, A. (1997) The Case for Physician Assisted Suicide. Series: Pandora soapbox series. Pandora Press.
McLean, S. and Britton, A. (1997) Sometimes a Small Victory (Report on Physician Assisted Suicide). [Research Reports or Papers]
McLean, S. (1996) Law at the End of Life - What Next. In: McLean, S. (ed.) Death, Dying and the Law. Dartmouth Publishing, pp. 49-66. ISBN 1855216574
McLean, S. (1996) Transplantation and the 'Nearly Dead': The Case of Elective Ventilation. In: McLean, S. (ed.) Contemporary Issues in Law, Medicine and Ethics. Dartmouth Publishing, pp. 143-162. ISBN 978-1855215863
McLean, S. and Petersen, K. (1996) Patient Status: The Foetus and the Pregnant Woman. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 2(2), pp. 229-241.
McLean, S. (1996) Advance directives - legal and ethical considerations. In: Pace, N. and McLean, S. (eds.) Ethics and the Law in Intensive Care. Series: Oxford medical publications. Oxford University Press, pp. 68-83. ISBN 0192625209
McLean, S. (1996) The New Genetics : A Challenge to Clinical Values? Proceedings of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 26, pp. 41-50.
McLean, S. (2015) Terminal sedation: good medicine? Good ethics? Good law? Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal, 16(1), pp. 113-124. (doi: 10.5204/qutlr.v16i1.624)
McLean, S. A. (2015) Mitochondrial DNA transfer: some reflections from the United Kingdom. BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto, 2015(2), pp. 81-88.
McLean, S. (2014) Forum: law and the life sciences. BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto, 2014(1), p. 75.
Sch, U., Van Delden, J.J.M., Downie, J., McLean, S.A.M., Upshur, R. and Weinstock, D. (2011) End-of-life decision-making in Canada: the report by the Royal Society of Canada expert panel on end-of-life decision-making. Bioethics, 25(s1), pp. 1-73. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8519.2011.01939.x)
Gertz, R. and McLean, S. (2010) Meeting the needs of the alcohol dependent: different models in public health policy in England and New Zealand. Medical Law International, 10(3), pp. 217-238. (doi: 10.1177/096853321001000303)
McLean, S. (2010) The ethical dilemma of vegetative states. Guardian,
McLean, S. (2009) Making public health policy: what place for the alcohol-dependent? Journal of Law and Medicine, 17(3), pp. 373-385.
McLean, S. (2009) Sheila McLean on advance directives and the case of Kerrie Wooltorton. BMJ Group Blogs, (doi:
Connelly, C., McLean, S. and Mason, J.K. (2009) Purdy in Scotland: we hear, but should we listen? Juridical Review, 121(4), pp. 265-284.
McLean, S. (2009) Are advance directives legally binding or simply the starting point for discussion on patients' best interests? Ethical view. British Medical Journal, 339,
McLean, S. (2009) Autonomy, consent and the law: a critique. Revista de Direito Médico e da Saúde, 15, pp. 85-111.
McLean, S. (2009) Live and Let Die. British Medical Journal, 339,
McLean, S.A. and Morgan, D. (2009) Choosing death or life: law, medicine and patients' rights. Juridical Review, 14(2), pp. 129-148.
McLean, S. (2009) Clinical ethics consultation in the United Kingdom. Diametros, 22, pp. 76-89.
McLean, S. (2008) Whose decision is it anyway? BMJ Group Blogs,
McLean, S. A. (2008) Why have a free vote on saviour siblings. BioNews, 453,
Gertz, R., Leverick, F. and McLean, S. (2008) Alcoholism and Criminal Liability. Juridical Review(3), pp. 171-191.
McLean, S. (2008) Clinical ethics committees, due process and the right to a fair hearing. Journal of Law and Medicine, 15(4), pp. 520-529.
McLean, S. (2008) Clinical Ethics Committees: A due process wasteland? Clinical Ethics, 3(2), pp. 99-104.
McLean, S., Campbell, A. and Gutridge, K. (2008) Human tissue legislation: listening to the professionals. Journal of Medical Ethics, 34(2), pp. 104-108.
McLean, S. (2008) Decision-making in the terminal phase in UK. Waseda Proceedings of Comparative Law, 11, pp. 77-86.
McLean, S. (2008) Hannah's Choice. Guardian,
McLean, S. (2007) Understanding our Rights. Guardian,
McLean, S. (2007) Who and What Are Clinical Ethics Committees For? Journal of Medical Ethics, 33(9), pp. 497-500.
McLean, S. (2007) Withholding Medical Treatment: The United Kingdom Position. Quality End of Life Care: Research on Medical Safety and Health Technology Assessment, pp. 89-103.
McLean, S. and Williamson L, (2007) The Demise of UKXIRA and the Regulation of Solid Organ Xenotransplantation in the United Kingdom. Journal of Medical Ethics, 33(7), pp. 373-375.
Williamson, L., Fox, M. and McLean, S. (2007) The Regulation of Xenotransplantation in the UK after UKXIRA: Legal and Ethical Issues. Journal of Law and Society, 34(4), pp. 441-464.
Williamson, L., McLean, S. and Connell, J. (2007) Clinical Ethics Committees in the United Kingdom - Towards Evaluation. Medical Law International, 8(3), pp. 221-238.
McLean, S. (2006) An ethical dilemma? Life and Work(9),
McLean, S. (2006) De-Regulating Assisted Reproduction: Some Reflections. Medical Law International, 7(3), pp. 233-247.
McLean, S. (2006) Ethico-Legal Decision-Making in Healthcare. NES Education for Scotland/ Glasgow University,
McLean, S. (2006) Law and Ethics: A New Governance Issue? Clinical Risk, 11(3), pp. 110-115.
McLean, S., Campbell, A., Gutridge, K. and Harper, H. (2006) Human tissue legislation and medical practice: A benefit or a burden? Medical Law International, 8(1), pp. 1-21. (doi: 10.1177/096853320600800101)
McLean, S. (2005) Our inheritance, our future: their rights? International Journal of Children's Rights, 13(1-2), pp. 255-272.
McLean, S. (2005) Permanent vegetative state: The legal position. pp. 237-250.
McLean, S. and Doyal, L. (2005) Choosing Children: Intergenerational Justice? Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 10(Suppl), pp. 119-124.
McLean, S. (2005) Sex selection: Intergenerational justice or injustice. International Journal of Medicine and Law, 24(4), pp. 761-774.
McLean, S. (2004) Morals or ethics? Chemical Engineer, 29,
Elliston, S. and McLean, S. (2004) Death, Decision Making and the Law. Juridical Review(3), pp. 265-293.
McLean, S. (2004) Regulating Research and Experimentation: A View from the UK. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 32(4), pp. 604-612.
McLean, S. and Williamson, L. (2004) Xenotransplantation: A Pig in a Poke? Current Legal Problems, 57, pp. 443-468.
McLean, S. (2003) Genetic Screening Programs. Nature Encyclopaedia of Human Genetics, 2, pp. 930-934.
McLean, S. (2003) Interests of the Future Child. Nature Encyclopaedia of Human Genetics, 3, pp. 528-530.
McLean, S. (2003) Recent Issues in assisted reproduction in the United Kingdom. Clinical Risk, 9(1), pp. 18-22.
McLean, S. and Ramsey, J. (2002) Human rights, reproductive freedom, medicine and the law. Medical Law International, 5(4), pp. 239-258. (doi: 10.1177/096853320200500401)
McLean, S. (2002) Post-Mortem Examinations: Removal and Retention of Organs in the United Kingdom. Res Publica, 11, pp. 20-23.
McLean, S. (2002) Post-Mortem Human Reproduction: Legal and Other Regulatory Issues. Journal of Law and Medicine, 9(4), pp. 429-437.
McLean, S. (2002) What is wrong with human reproductive cloning? Genetics Law Monitor,
McLean, S. (2002) Commentary on Glannon and Ross, and McKay. Journal of Medical Ethics, 28(2), p. 74. (doi: 10.1136/jme.28.2.74)
McLean, S. (2001) Permanent vegetative state and the law. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 71(Sup 1), i26-i27. (doi: 10.1136/jnnp.71.suppl_1.i26)
McLean, S. (2001) The gene genie: good fairy or wicked witch. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 32(4), pp. 723-739.
McLean, S. (2000) Genetic Screening - Controlling the Future. Biological Sciences, 12, pp. 36-39.
McLean, S. (2000) Intergenerational Justice: A Brave New World or a Leap in the Dark. Genetics Law Monitor,
McLean, S. (1999) Controlling the Future? - Human Rights and Biotechnology. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 6(3), pp. 299-307.
McLean, S. (1999) Creating Postmorten Pregnancies: A UK Perspective. Juridical Review(6), pp. 323-342.
McLean, S. (1999) Law, Ethics and Medical Progress - Allies or Adversaries? Journal of Law and Medicine, 7, pp. 1-25.
McLean, S. (1999) Legal and Ethical Aspects of the Vegetative State. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 52, pp. 490-493.
McLean, S. (1998) Dialysis Treatment Withdrawal - Legal Aspects (UK). Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 13(5), pp. 1152-1153.
McLean, S. (1998) Interventions in the Human Genome. Modern Law Review, 61(5), pp. 681-696.
McLean, S. (1998) The Moral and Legal Boundaries of Fetal Intervention: Whose Right/Whose Duty? Seminars in Neonatology, 3(4), pp. 249-254.
McLean, S. (1998) The New Genetics. Life and Work, 10,
McLean, S. (1998) Review of the Consent Provisions of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act. Department of Health,
McLean, S. (1998) Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Prolonging Treatment. Medical Law International, 3(2/3), pp. 169-182.
McLean, S. (1997) Consent and the law: Review of the Current Provisions of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 for the UK Health Ministers. Department of Health, pp. 1-78.
McLean, S. (1997) No consent means not treating the patient with respect. British Medical Journal, 314, p. 1076.
McLean, S. and Petersen, K. (1996) Patient Status: The Foetus and the Pregnant Woman. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 2(2), pp. 229-241.
McLean, S. (1996) The New Genetics : A Challenge to Clinical Values? Proceedings of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 26, pp. 41-50.
McLean, S. (2010) Autonomy, Consent and the Law. Series: Biomedical law and ethics library. Routledge-Cavendish. ISBN 9780415473392
McLean, S. (2007) Assisted Dying: Reflections on the Need for Law Reform. Series: Biomedical law and ethics library. Routledge-Cavendish. ISBN 9781844720552
McLean, S. (2007) Genes, Society and the Future Vol 2. Human Genome Research Project. ISBN 9780473126612
McLean, S. and Williamson, L. (2007) Impairment and Disability: Law and Ethics at the Beginning and End of Life. Series: Biomedical law and ethics library. Routledge-Cavendish. ISBN 9781844720415
McLean, S. (2006) Modern Dilemmas: Choosing Children. Capercaillie Press. ISBN 9780955124624
McLean, S. (2005) Assisted Reproduction and the Welfare of the Child. Cardiff Centre for Ethics, Law and Society.
McLean, S. and Williamson, L. (2005) Xenotransplantation: Law and Ethics. Ashgate. ISBN 9780754623793
McLean, S. (2003) The Right to Live and the Right to Die. DRC.
McLean, S. and Mason, J.K. (2003) Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Care. Greenwich Medical Media. ISBN 1841101281
McLean, S. (1999) Old Law, New Medicine: Medical Ethics and Human Rights. Pandora/Rivers Oram. ISBN 9780863584039
McLean, S. and Britton, A. (1997) The Case for Physician Assisted Suicide. Series: Pandora soapbox series. Pandora Press.
Book Sections
McLean, S. A. (2016) The law, medicine and women's rights. In: Luesley, D. M. and Kilby, M. D. (eds.) Obstetrics and Gynaecology: An evidence-based text for MRCOG [3rd Ed]. CRC Press: Boca Raton, pp. 27-32. ISBN 9781482233827
McLean, S. (2015) Consent and bioethics. In: Bagheri, A., Moreno, J.D. and Semplici, S. (eds.) Global Bioethics: The Impact of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee. Series: Advancing global bioethics (5). Springer: Dordrecht, pp. 43-56. ISBN 9783319226491
McLean, S. (2014) Ethics and healthcare: a view from the United Kingdom. In: Faitini, T., Galvagni, L. and Nicoletti, M. (eds.) Etica e Professione Sanitarie in Europs: Un dialogo tra Medicina e Filosofia. Series: Quaderni: Università degli studi di Trento. Dipartimento di lettere e filosofia_ (5). Università degli studi di Trento: Trento, pp. 39-56. ISBN 9788884435545
McLean, S. A.M. (2014) Respect for human vulnerability and personal integrity. In: ten Have, H. A.M.J. and Gordijn, B. (eds.) Handbook of Global Bioethics. Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht, pp. 105-117. ISBN 9789400725119 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-2512-6_71)
McLean, S.A.M. (2013) Introduction. In: McLean, S.A.M. and Elliston, S. (eds.) Regulating Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis: A Comparative and Theoretical Analysis. Series: Biomedical law and ethics library. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 1-3. ISBN 9780415686440
McLean, S. (2013) Did she or didn't she? The case of Madeleine Smith. In: Grant, J.P. and Sutherland, E.E. (eds.) Pronounced for Doom: Early Scots Law Tales. Avizandum: Edinburgh, pp. 75-89. ISBN 9781904968658
McLean, S. and Elliston, S. (2012) Conclusion. In: McLean, S. and Elliston, S. (eds.) Regulating Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9780415686440
McLean, S. (2012) Ethical dilemmas in obstetrics and gynaecology. In: Edmonds, K. (ed.) Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Wiley: Chichester, UK, pp. 805-814. ISBN 9780470654576
McLean, S. (2012) Decisions and dilemmas at the end of life. In: Mulhearn, M. (ed.) Scottish Life and Society: The Law. Series: A Compendium of Scottish Ethnology (13). John Donald / Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 737-749. ISBN 9781906566043
McLean, S. (2012) Regno Unito. In: Palazzani, L. and Nepi, L. (eds.) GEN-IUS: Consulenza generica e normative europee. Edizioni Studium: Rome, pp. 155-162. ISBN 9788838241888
McLean, S. (2010) Giving up or Letting Go?; Law Hospital NHS Trust v Lord Advocate. In: Sutherland, E. and Grant, J. (eds.) Scots Law Tales. Dundee University Press: Dundee, pp. 137-152. ISBN 9781845860677
McLean, S. (2010) The law, medicine and women's rights. In: Luesley, D. M. and Baker, P. N. (eds.) Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd: London, pp. 25-30. ISBN 9780340990131
McLean, S. and Morgan, D. (2010) Taking it or leaving it: Demanding and refusing medical treatment in intensive care. In: Danbury, C., Newdick, C., Lawson, A. and Waldmann, C. (eds.) Law and Ethics in Intensive Care. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 91-114. ISBN 978-0199562039
McLean, S. (2009) Law and Regulation. In: Atkinson, P., Glasner, P. and Lock, M. (eds.) Handbook of Genetics and Society. Series: Routledge International Handbooks. Routledge: London, pp. 267-282. ISBN 9780415410809
McLean, S. A.M. (2009) Interests of the Future Child. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Wiley: Oxford. ISBN 9780470015902 (doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0005220.pub2)
McLean, S. (2008) Assisted Dying - The View From the United Kingdom. In: Birnbacher, D. and Dahl, E. (eds.) Giving Death a Helping Hand: Physician Assisted Suicide and Public Policy. An International Perspective. Springer, pp. 113-128. ISBN 1402064969
McLean, S. (2008) The Human Embryo as Clinical Tool. In: Mieth, D., Rehmann-Sutter, C. and Duwell, M. (eds.) The Contingent Nature of Life: Bioethics and the Limits of Human Existence. Springer-Verlag, pp. 209-220. ISBN 9781402067624
Stenson, B. and McLean, S. (2008) Ethics. In: McIntosh, N., Helms, P., Smyth, R. and Logan, S. (eds.) Forfar & Arneill's Textbook of Pediatrics. Churchill Livingston: Edinburgh, 163 -174. ISBN 978-0443103964
Clery, E., McLean, S. and Phillips, M. (2007) Quickening death: the euthanasia debate. In: Park, A. (ed.) British Social Attitudes: Perspectives on a Changing Society : the 23rd Report. SAGE Publications, in association with the National Centre for Social Research. ISBN 9781412934329
McLean, S. (2007) Assisted Reproduction and the Welfare of the Child. In: Gunning, J. and Holm, S. (eds.) Ethics, Law and Society. Ashgate: Aldershot, pp. 107-122.
McLean, S. (2007) Consent or assent in paediatric research. In: Paediatric Clinical Research Manual. BMJ Group, 9.1-9.20.
McLean, S. (2007) Law, ethics and health care. In: Ashcroft, R.E., Dawson, A., Draper, P. and McMillan, J.R. (eds.) Principles of Health Care Ethics. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9780470027134
McLean, S. (2007) Law, ethics and intensive care – an introduction. In: Ridley, S. (ed.) Ethical Issues in Intensive Care. Series: Critical care focus (13). Intensive Care Society: London, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9780955589706
McLean, S. (2006) From Bland to Burke: The Law and Politics of Assisted Nutrition and Hydration. In: McLean, S. (ed.) First Do No Harm: Law, Ethics and Healthcare. Ashgate: Aldershot, pp. 421-446. ISBN 978-0754626145
McLean, S. (2006) Is Consent always the Appropriate Concept? In: Proceedings International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO (IBC), 12 th Session. UNESCO, pp. 193-196.
McLean, S. (2006) La fecondazione medicalmente assistita nel Regno Unito: il dibattito sulla regolazione giuridica. In: Casonato, C. and Frosini, T.E. (eds.) La fecondazione assistita nel diritto comparato. Series: Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo (2). Giappichelli, pp. 93-105. ISBN 9788834863756
McLean, S. (2006) Life, the right to: assisted suicide. In: Smith, R.K.M. and van den Anker, C. (eds.) The Essentials of Human Rights. Hodder Arnold, pp. 236-238. ISBN 9780340815758
McLean, S. (2006) Main findings. In: Henaghan, M. (ed.) Genes for Future Children: Regulating Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. New Zealand Law Foundation/Human Genome Research Project, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9780473113124
McLean, S. (2005) The Legal Context. In: Morris, Z. S., Chang, L.R., Dawson, S. and Garside, P. (eds.) Policy Futures for UK Health. Radcliffe Publishing: Abington, pp. 43-50. ISBN 1 84619 003 7
McLean, S. (2005) The Right to Life: Euthanasia. In: Smith, R.K.M. and van den Anker, C. (eds.) The Essentials of Human Rights. Hodder Arnold: London, pp. 242-244. ISBN 9780340815748
McLean, S. and Elliston, S. (2005) The Management of Pregnancy and Labour. In: Norman, J. and Greer, I. (eds.) Preterm Labour: Managing Risk in Clinical Practice. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 329-363. ISBN 052182186X
McLean, S. (2005) Consent or assent in paediatric research. In: Helms, P. and Stonier, P. (eds.) Paediatric Clinical Research Manual: a Practical International Handbook for all those Working in Clinical Research. Euromed Communications.
McLean, S. (2005) The Right to Life: assisted suicide. In: Smith, R.K.M. and Anker, C. v.d. (eds.) The Essentials of Human Rights. Hodder Arnold, pp. 236-238. ISBN 9780340815748
McLean, S. (2004) Consent and Refusal: The Competent Adult. In: Thomas, D., Thompson, J. and Ridler, B. (eds.) A Manual for Blood Conservation. TFM Publishing Ltd, pp. 203-212. ISBN 1903378249
McLean, S. (2004) The Genetics Revolution - Can the Law Cope? In: Magill, G., (ed.) Genetics and Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Study. St. Louis University Press, pp. 35-52. ISBN 978-0965292979
McLean, S. (2004) United Kingdom - The Illegality of Euthanasia. In: Ethical Eye: Euthanasia: National and European Perspectives. Council of Europe, pp. 95-104. ISBN 92-871-5200-4
McLean, S. (2004) Intergenerational justice - duties, responsibilities, and choices. In: Medical Ethics Tomorrow. British Medical Association.
McLean, S. (2004) Introduction. In: Genetics and Gene Therapy. Series: International library of medicine, ethics, and law. Ashgate, xi-xxx. ISBN 9780754620556
McLean, S. (2004) The Law, medicine and women's rights. In: Luesley, D. and Baker, P. (eds.) Obstetrics and Gynaecology: An Evidence-based text for MRCOG. Arnold, pp. 24-32. ISBN 9780340808757
McLean, S. and Elliston, S. (2004) Managing Pregnancy and Labour. In: Norman, J., and Greer, I. (eds.) Preterm Labour: Managing Risk in Clinical Practice. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 329-363. ISBN 978-0521821865
McLean, S. (2003) The Genetic Testing of Children. In: Sandor, J. (ed.) Society and Genetic Information: Codes and Laws in the Genetic Era. Central European University Press: Budapest, pp. 145-160. ISBN 963 9241 75X
McLean, S. (2003) Reviewing UK transplant legislation. In: Morris, S. P. (c.) (ed.) Transplants. Series: Ethical eye. Council of Europe Publ., pp. 149-160. ISBN 9789287147790
McLean, S. (2002) Birth. In: The Seven Ages of Life. Centre for Reform, pp. 19-34.
McLean, S. (2002) A regulamentacao da Nova Genetics. In: Casabona, C. R. (ed.) Biotecnologia Direito e Bioetica. Del Rey, pp. 146-155. ISBN 8586480045
McLean, S. (2002) Sheila McLean. In: Devine, T. and Logue, P. (eds.) Being Scottish: Personal Reflections on Scottish Identity Today. Polygon: Edinburgh, pp. 171-173. ISBN 1902930363
McLean, S. (2002) Introduction. In: McLean, S. (ed.) Medical Law and Ethics. Series: The international library of essays in law and legal theory. Ashgate Dartmouth, xi-xxiii. ISBN 0754620034
McLean, S. (2002) Prenatal diagnostics, abortion and access to procreational care. In: Zwartjens, D. (ed.) Legal Aspects of Medical Care: honours class 2001. Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, pp. 61-66.
McLean, S. (2001) Patient status: the foetus and the pregnant woman. In: Children on the Agenda. Prospect Media Pty, pp. 223-238.
McLean, S. (2001) The new genetics - a critique. In: Torrance, I. (ed.) Bio-ethics for the New Millennium. St. Andrew Press, pp. 1-29. ISBN 0861533054
McLean, S. (2001) Women who offend: sanction, sympathy, segregation or strategy? In: James Smart Lecture 2000. Scottish Police College, pp. 1-29.
McLean, S. (2000) Aspects ethiques, juridiques et reglementaires de utilisation de cellules souches embryonnaires humaines en Grande-Bretagne. In: Dodet, B. and Vicari, M. (eds.) Cellules souches pluripotentes: perspectives therapeutiques et aspects ethiques. John Libbey, pp. 35-44. ISBN 2742003681
McLean, S. (2000) Gene Therapy - Cure or Challenge? In: Freeman, M. and Lewis, A. (eds.) Law and Medicine. Series: Current Legal Issues Volume 3. Oxford University Press, pp. 205-222. ISBN 978-0-19-829918-9
McLean, S. (2000) Information Disclosure and Consent. In: Gunning, J. (ed.) Assisted Conception: Research, Ethics and Law. Ashgate, pp. 67-74. ISBN 754621499
McLean, S. (2000) Informed Consent, Medical Research and the Competent Adult. In: Informed Research in Medical Research. BMJ Books, pp. 166-172.
McLean, S. (2000) A Moral Right to Procreation? Assisted Procreation and Persons at Risk of Hereditary Genetic Disease. In: Haker, H. and Beyleveld, D. (eds.) The Ethics of Genetics in Human Procreation. Ashgate, pp. 13-27. ISBN 978-0754610212
McLean, S. (2000) No consent means not treating the patient with respect (Commentary). In: Informed Research in Medical Research. BMJ Books.
McLean, S. (1999) Consent/Assent to Treatment. In: Webb, A., Shapiro,, M., Singer, M. and Suter., P. (eds.) Oxford Textbook of Critical Care. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 192627376
McLean, S. (1999) Regulating the New Genetics. In: Romeo Casabona, C.,M. (ed.) Biotechnology, Law and Bioethics: Comparative Perspectives. Bruylant: Brussels, pp. 209-222. ISBN 2802712926
McLean, S. (1999) A UK Perspective on Health Care Constraints. In: Exter, D. and Hermans, H. (eds.) The Right to Health Care in Several European Countries. Kluwer Law International. ISBN 9789041110879
McLean, S. (1998) The Genetic Testing of Children: Some Legal and Ethical Concerns. In: Clark, A.J. (ed.) The Genetic Testing of Children. Taylor & Francis, pp. 17-26. ISBN 1859961460
McLean, S. (1998) Interventions in the Human Genome. In: Brownsword, R., Cornish, W. and Llewelyn, M. (eds.) Law and Human Genetics: Regulating a Revolution. Hart: Oxford, pp. 89-104. ISBN 1841130060
McLean, S. (1998) La regulacion de la Nueva Gentica. In: Casabona, C. (ed.) Biotechnologia y Derecho Perspectivas en Derecho Comparado. Comares, pp. 193-206. ISBN 84-8151-690-2
McLean, S. and Gannon, P. (1998) Genetics and Insurance. In: Sorell, T. (ed.) Health Care, Ethics and Insurance. Routledge, pp. 87-100. ISBN 041516284X
McLean, S. (1997) Litigation. In: Boyd, K., Higgs, R. and Pinching, A. (eds.) The New Dictionary of Medical Ethics. Wiley. ISBN 978-0727910011
McLean, S. (1997) The Role of the Lawyer in Medical Ethics. In: Harper, J. R. (ed.) Global Law in Practice. Kluwer Law International, pp. 83-98. ISBN 9041104607
McLean, S. (1996) Law at the End of Life - What Next. In: McLean, S. (ed.) Death, Dying and the Law. Dartmouth Publishing, pp. 49-66. ISBN 1855216574
McLean, S. (1996) Transplantation and the 'Nearly Dead': The Case of Elective Ventilation. In: McLean, S. (ed.) Contemporary Issues in Law, Medicine and Ethics. Dartmouth Publishing, pp. 143-162. ISBN 978-1855215863
McLean, S. (1996) Advance directives - legal and ethical considerations. In: Pace, N. and McLean, S. (eds.) Ethics and the Law in Intensive Care. Series: Oxford medical publications. Oxford University Press, pp. 68-83. ISBN 0192625209
Edited Books
McLean, S.A.M. and Elliston, S. (Eds.) (2013) Regulating Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis: A Comparative and Theoretical Analysis. Series: Biomedical law and ethics library. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415686440
Research Reports or Papers
McLean, S.A.M. (2010) Human Rights and Bioethics. [Research Reports or Papers]
McLean, S. (2002) Legal and Ethical Issues in Xenotransplantation. [Research Reports or Papers]
McLean, S. (2000) Making Ethical Decisions. [Research Reports or Papers]
McLean, S. and Britton, A. (1997) Sometimes a Small Victory (Report on Physician Assisted Suicide). [Research Reports or Papers]