Professor Claire McDiarmid

  • Professor of Criminal Law and Children's Rights, Head of School, Law (School of Law)

telephone: 5239
pronouns: She/her/hers

School of Law, The Stair Building, 5-9 The Square, Glasgow, G12 8QQ

Import to contacts


Professor Claire McDiarmid joined the University of Glasgow as Head of the School of Law on 1st October 2023.  Before that, she had worked at the University of Strathclyde for 24 years and had held the position of Head of its Law School from 2019 – 2023, throughout the global pandemic. She had previously been the Associate Dean of Post-Graduate Research for its faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences from 2013 – 2015. 

Her research and teaching have been focussed in the area of Criminal Law with particular expertise in relation to children who offend and the law of homicide.  In 2018, she was seconded to the Scottish Law Commission’s project on Homicide for four months.  She is a highly experienced lecturer as well as a qualified (non-practising) solicitor in Scotland.

Research interests

Criminal Law generally (in particular Scots Criminal Law)

Children who offend – especially the way in which law and the legal system responds; the child’s criminal capacity; the age of criminal responsibility; the Scottish children’s hearings system; the concept of childhood and crime

Law of Homicide