Dr Bosko Tripkovic
- Senior Lecturer in Legal Theory and the Philosophy of Law (School of Law)
Bosko Tripkovic joined the school in 2024. Before that, he worked at the University of Birmingham, European University Institute and the University of Novi Sad, and he held visiting positions at New York University and the University of Glasgow. He obtained his PhD and LLM from the European University Institute, MJur from the University of Oxford, and MPhil and LLB degrees from the University of Novi Sad.
Bosko Tripkovic’s research explores the metaphysical, meta-ethical and moral foundations of law. His work has appeared in world-leading generalist journals (Oxford Journal of Legal Studies), as well as the best journals in legal philosophy (Legal Theory) and constitutional law (International Journal of Constitutional Law). Dr Tripkovic’s book The Metaethics of Constitutional Adjudication (Oxford University Press 2017) develops an original theory of the role of moral values in constitutional reasoning. His article ‘The Morality of Foreign Law’ won the Special Mention Award from the International Society of Public Law in 2020, and his doctoral thesis was awarded the Mauro Cappelletti Prize in 2016.
Bosko Tripkovic sits on the Executive Editorial Board of Jurisprudence: An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought. He has performed various expert roles in a number of organizations (such as the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and OSCE), and he has been invited to deliver judicial training in Mexico and Serbia.
Research interests
- Philosophy of Law
- Constitutional Theory
- Philosophy of Human Rights Law
Prior publications
Bosko Tripkovic (2023) Skupštinska kontrola vlade: Smjernice za poslanike i poslanice Bosko Tripkovic.
Bosko Tripkovic, Dennis Patterson (2023) The Promise and Limits of Grounding in Law Crossref. (doi: 10.1017/S1352325223000149)
Bosko Tripkovic (2023) Book Review: European Consensus between Strategy and Principle: The Uses of Vertically Comparative Legal Reasoning in Regional Human Rights Adjudication, by Jens T. Theilen. (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2021) Bosko Tripkovic. ISSN 0165-0750
Bosko Tripkovic (2022) A New Philosophy for the Margin of Appreciation and European Consensus Crossref. (doi: 10.1093/ojls/gqab031)
Bosko Tripkovic (2020) Constructing the Constitutional Self: Meaning, Value, and Abuse of Constitutional Identity Bosko Tripkovic.
Bosko Tripkovic (2019) The morality of foreign law Crossref Metadata Search. ISSN 1474-2659 (doi: 10.1093/icon/moz065)
Bosko Tripkovic (2014) Judicial Comparativism and Legal Positivism Crossref Metadata Search. ISSN 2041-4013 (doi: 10.5235/20414005.5.2.285)
Bosko Tripkovic (2013) Militantna Demokratija i Autonomija Bosko Tripkovic.
Tripkovic Bosko (2013) Militant democracy and autonomy Crossref Metadata Search. ISSN 2217-2815 (doi: 10.5937/pravzap5-4863)
Bosko Tripkovic (2009) Nastanak odgovornosti šefa države u Nemačkoj i Austriji: opoziv i sudski impičment u perspektivi polupredsedničkog sistema Bosko Tripkovic. ISSN 0550-2179
Bosko Tripkovic (2009) O odgovornosti šefa države u Srbiji: dva nedovršena koncepta Bosko Tripkovic. ISSN 0017-0933
Bosko Tripkovic (2008) Evropski nalog za hapšenje u praksi ustavnog sudstva: ka kooperativnom konstitucionalizmu Bosko Tripkovic. ISSN 0550-2179
Bosko Tripkovic (2008) Pojam odgovornosti u ustavnom pravu: pokušaji tipologije Bosko Tripkovic. ISSN 0350-0500
Bosko Tripkovic (2007) Pravo na pristup informacijama od javnog značaja u Evropskoj uniji Bosko Tripkovic. ISSN 0550-2179
Bosko Tripkovic (2006) Paritetna reforma izbornih propisa u Francuskoj: namere, dometi i posledice Bosko Tripkovic. ISSN 0350-0500
Bosko Tripkovic (2005) Regulisanje aktivnog i pasivnog birǎ ckog prava na nivou Evropske unije Bosko Tripkovic. ISSN 0017-0933
Bosko Tripkovic (2004) Politička prava i slobode: međunarodni standardi i njihova implementacija u domaćem pravu Bosko Tripkovic. ISSN 0550-2179
Bosko Tripkovic (2003) The Italian System of Judicial Review of Legislation Bosko Tripkovic. ISSN 0550-2179
Book Section
Bosko Tripkovic, Jan Zglinski, de Almeida, Lucila, Cantero Gamito, Marta, Mateja Djurovic, Purnhagen, Kai Peter (2019) Contestation and accommodation: constitutional and private law pluralism(s) in the EU Bosko Tripkovic. ISBN 9781509932580
Bosko Tripkovic, Dennis Patterson, Mortimer Sellers, Stephan Kirste (2019) Legal Pragmatism Bosko Tripkovic. ISBN 978-94-007-6518-4
Bosko Tripkovic, Andrea Wechsler, Hans-W Micklitz, Andrea Wechsler (2016) Enforcement in Europe as a Market of Justice Bosko Tripkovic. ISBN 9781849468916
Bosko Tripkovic, Brewer-Carias, Allan R. (2011) A Constitutional Court in Transition: Making Sense of Constitutional Adjudication in Post-authoritarian Serbia Bosko Tripkovic.
Bosko Tripkovic, Dragan Bataveljic (2006) Pravne pretpostavke ǔ cě sća ̌ zena u odlǔ civanju o javnim poslovima i novi ustav Srbije Bosko Tripkovic.
Bosko Tripkovic, Bosa Nenadic (2004) Sistemi sudske kontrole ustavnosti Bosko Tripkovic.
Bosko Tripkovic (2018) The Metaethics of Constitutional Adjudication Crossref Metadata Search. ISBN 9780198808084 (doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198808084.001.0001)
Bosko Tripkovic (2007) Ravnopravnost i razlike: Pravo žena na političko reprezentovanje Bosko Tripkovic.
- Research grant, Center for Democratic Transition, 2023 (4,000 EUR)
- Research grant, Seed funding, 2022 (£2,000)
- Workshop grant, QR funding, 2022 (£12,900, with Dr Andreas Kokkinis)
- Workshop grant, PluriCourts, 2022 (£6,000, with Dr Alain Zysset)
- Research assistance grant, CEPLER, 2021 (£1,000)
- Workshop grant, Mercator Foundation, 2020 (£4,000, with Dr Alain Zysset)
- Research assistance grant, CEPLER, 2018 (£1,000)
- Full PhD Grant, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2010-2014 (120,000 EUR)
- Chevening Scholarship, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2009-2010 (£28,000)
- Research grant, OSCE, 2008-2009 (10,000 EUR)
Bosko Tripkovic welcomes proposals for postgraduate research in general legal philosophy, as well as the philosophy of constitutional and human rights law. Potential students are invited to get in touch via e-mail to discuss their preliminary research proposals.
- Moss, Cameron
The Group Theory of Law: An Analysis of Group Agency and Legal Systems - OZCAN, PINAR
Beyond Borders and Pages in International Law as Transnational Culture: A Journey Through the Embeddedness (and Historical Roots) of International Law
In the past, Bosko Tripkovic has supervised PhD projects on:
- Constitutional Protection of Property
- Kelsen and Metaethical Fictionalism
- Restrictions of Freedom of Political Expression on Campus
- Sovereignty, Colonialism, and the Construction of International law
- Metaphysics of Parliamentary Sovereignty
- Universalism, Relativism, and the Human Right to Development
- Fundamental Rights and the Internal Market
- Philosophical Justifications in International Criminal Law Jurisprudence
- Jurisprudence
- Legal Theory
- Law, Justice and Morality