Dr Asli Ozcelik Olcay

  • Senior Lecturer (Law)


Asli Ozcelik Olcay is Senior Lecturer in Law. She is Programme Co-Director of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in International Law of Global Security, Peace and Development, and a theme lead for the University's interdisciplinary research theme "Peaceful, Secure and Empowered Societies".

Asli's research relates to international peace and security, with a focus on armed conflicts and peacemaking. Her ongoing research projects focus on the relationship between peacemaking and international law, constitution-making in (post)conflict situations, youth and peacebuilding, and humanitarian assistance and healthcare in protracted armed conflicts.

Prior to her current position, Asli was a Postdoctoral Researcher and Academic Coordinator of the Glasgow Centre for International Law and Security. She holds degrees from the University of Glasgow (PhD), University of Cambridge (LLM), and Bilkent University in Turkey (LLB), and was a Visiting Researcher at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.

Research interests

Public international law in general.

In particular: international peace and security, the laws of armed conflict, peacemaking, transitional justice, post-conflict constitution-making, youth and peace, humanitarian assistance, and use of force. 


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016
Number of items: 20.


Nesterova, Y. and Ozcelik, A. (2024) Strengthening youth engagement in peace processes: what we know and steps forward. In Earle, C. R. and M. V. Faul (Eds.) (2024). Meaningful Youth Engagement: Time to Deliver. Policy Insights #05. [Research Reports or Papers]


Ozcelik, A. and Shaw, D. O. (2023) References to Youth in Peace Agreements, 1990-2022: Introducing a new dataset. [Research Reports or Papers]

Ozcelik Olcay, A. (2023) Peacemaking and International Law: Legal Status, Negotiation Process, and Content of Peace Agreements. Cambridge University Press. (Accepted for Publication)


Ozcelik, A. and Olcay, T. (2022) Reformas (in)constitucionales basadas en acuerdos de paz. Revista Derecho del Estado, 53, pp. 5-53. (doi: 10.18601/01229893.n53.01)


Ozcelik Olcay, A. (2021) The Peace Treaty Initiative: facilitating the pathway of negotiation through international law. [Website]

Nesterova, Y. and Ozcelik, A. (2021) Youth has a key role in peace processes. Impakter, 27 Jul 2021.

Ozcelik, A. , Nesterova, Y. , Young, G. and Maxwell, A. (2021) Youth-led peace: The role of youth in peace processes. [Research Reports or Papers]

Methymaki, E. and Ozcelik, A. (2021) Europe. In: Geiss, Robin and Melzer, Nils (eds.) Oxford Handbook on the International Law of Global Security. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198827276 (doi: 10.1093/law/9780198827276.003.0048)

Ozcelik, A. (2021) The challenges of legalised peacemaking: the case of the 2012-16 peace negotiations in Colombia. In: Turner, Catherine and Wäehlisch, Martin (eds.) Rethinking Peace Mediation: Critical Perspectives on International Peacemaking. Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781529208191

Geiss, R. and Ozcelik, A. (2021) Ethnic cleansing. In: Peters, Anne (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law. Oxford University Press.

Geiss, R. and Ozcelik Olcay, A. (2021) Modern Peace and Ceasefire Agreements: An Annotated Collection. Cambridge University Press. (Accepted for Publication)


Ozcelik Olcay, A. (2020) Negotiating peace with (proscribed) Non-State Armed Groups. [Website]

Ozcelik, A. and Olcay, T. (2020) (Un)constitutional change rooted in peace agreements. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 18(4), pp. 1373-1404. (doi: 10.1093/icon/moaa090)

Ozcelik, A. (2020) Entrenching peace in law: do peace agreements possess international legal status? Melbourne Journal of International Law, 21(1), pp. 190-299.

Ozcelik Olcay, A. (2020) “Corona Ceasefires”: An Opportunity for Negotiated Agreements? [Website]


Ozcelik, A. (2019) Cindy Wittke, Law in the Twilight: International Courts and Tribunals, the Security Council and the Internationalisation of Peace Agreements between State and Non-State Parties. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 24(2), pp. 418-422. (doi: 10.1093/jcsl/kry030)[Book Review]


Ozcelik, A. and Sapiano, J. (2018) The Bangsamoro Organic Law: a Concrete Step towards Peace in Mindanao. [Website]


Ozcelik, A. (2017) Legal Normativity in the Resolution of Internal Armed Conflict by Philipp Kastner. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 18(1), pp. 104-109. [Book Review]


Ozcelik, A. (2016) Szafrański v Poland, Merits and just satisfaction, 17249/12, IHRL 4002 (ECHR 2015), 15th December 2015, European Court of Human Rights [ECHR]. In: Oxford Reports on International Law. Oxford University Press: New York.

Ozcelik Olcay, A. (2016) Wenner v Germany, Merits and just satisfaction, 62303/13, IHRL 3985 (ECHR 2016), 1st September 2016, European Court of Human Rights [ECHR]. In: Oxford Reports on International Law. Oxford University Press: New York.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 14:46:31 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 20.


Ozcelik, A. and Olcay, T. (2022) Reformas (in)constitucionales basadas en acuerdos de paz. Revista Derecho del Estado, 53, pp. 5-53. (doi: 10.18601/01229893.n53.01)

Nesterova, Y. and Ozcelik, A. (2021) Youth has a key role in peace processes. Impakter, 27 Jul 2021.

Ozcelik, A. and Olcay, T. (2020) (Un)constitutional change rooted in peace agreements. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 18(4), pp. 1373-1404. (doi: 10.1093/icon/moaa090)

Ozcelik, A. (2020) Entrenching peace in law: do peace agreements possess international legal status? Melbourne Journal of International Law, 21(1), pp. 190-299.


Ozcelik Olcay, A. (2023) Peacemaking and International Law: Legal Status, Negotiation Process, and Content of Peace Agreements. Cambridge University Press. (Accepted for Publication)

Geiss, R. and Ozcelik Olcay, A. (2021) Modern Peace and Ceasefire Agreements: An Annotated Collection. Cambridge University Press. (Accepted for Publication)

Book Sections

Methymaki, E. and Ozcelik, A. (2021) Europe. In: Geiss, Robin and Melzer, Nils (eds.) Oxford Handbook on the International Law of Global Security. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198827276 (doi: 10.1093/law/9780198827276.003.0048)

Ozcelik, A. (2021) The challenges of legalised peacemaking: the case of the 2012-16 peace negotiations in Colombia. In: Turner, Catherine and Wäehlisch, Martin (eds.) Rethinking Peace Mediation: Critical Perspectives on International Peacemaking. Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781529208191

Geiss, R. and Ozcelik, A. (2021) Ethnic cleansing. In: Peters, Anne (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law. Oxford University Press.

Ozcelik, A. (2016) Szafrański v Poland, Merits and just satisfaction, 17249/12, IHRL 4002 (ECHR 2015), 15th December 2015, European Court of Human Rights [ECHR]. In: Oxford Reports on International Law. Oxford University Press: New York.

Ozcelik Olcay, A. (2016) Wenner v Germany, Merits and just satisfaction, 62303/13, IHRL 3985 (ECHR 2016), 1st September 2016, European Court of Human Rights [ECHR]. In: Oxford Reports on International Law. Oxford University Press: New York.

Book Reviews

Ozcelik, A. (2019) Cindy Wittke, Law in the Twilight: International Courts and Tribunals, the Security Council and the Internationalisation of Peace Agreements between State and Non-State Parties. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 24(2), pp. 418-422. (doi: 10.1093/jcsl/kry030)[Book Review]

Ozcelik, A. (2017) Legal Normativity in the Resolution of Internal Armed Conflict by Philipp Kastner. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 18(1), pp. 104-109. [Book Review]

Research Reports or Papers

Nesterova, Y. and Ozcelik, A. (2024) Strengthening youth engagement in peace processes: what we know and steps forward. In Earle, C. R. and M. V. Faul (Eds.) (2024). Meaningful Youth Engagement: Time to Deliver. Policy Insights #05. [Research Reports or Papers]

Ozcelik, A. and Shaw, D. O. (2023) References to Youth in Peace Agreements, 1990-2022: Introducing a new dataset. [Research Reports or Papers]

Ozcelik, A. , Nesterova, Y. , Young, G. and Maxwell, A. (2021) Youth-led peace: The role of youth in peace processes. [Research Reports or Papers]


Ozcelik Olcay, A. (2021) The Peace Treaty Initiative: facilitating the pathway of negotiation through international law. [Website]

Ozcelik Olcay, A. (2020) Negotiating peace with (proscribed) Non-State Armed Groups. [Website]

Ozcelik Olcay, A. (2020) “Corona Ceasefires”: An Opportunity for Negotiated Agreements? [Website]

Ozcelik, A. and Sapiano, J. (2018) The Bangsamoro Organic Law: a Concrete Step towards Peace in Mindanao. [Website]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 14:46:31 2025 GMT.





Dr Ozcelik Olcay is interested in supervising research students in international law, and in particular in the following areas: international peace and security, use of force, the laws of armed conflict, international human rights law, peacekeeping, peacemaking, transitional justice, self-determination, non-state armed groups, post-conflict constitution-making, and international criminal law.

In addition to proposals for doctoral research, she welcomes applications by students seeking to study towards an LLM by Research.


  • Piperides, Andreas
    International Legal Humanitarianism(s): A Critique
  • Yildiz Demir, Ayse
    Externalization of Migration Control: International Legal Guarantees against the Erosion of Refugee Protection


  • International Law of Global Security, Peace and Development (LLM)
  • International Law and International Security (LLM)
  • The Laws of Armed Conflict (LLM)
  • Transnational Crime, Justice and Security (LLM)
  • Public International Law (LLB)

Research datasets

Jump to: 2023
Number of items: 1.


Ozcelik, A. and Shaw, D. (2023) A Dataset of References to Youth in Peace Agreements (YPAD), 1990-2022. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 16:14:16 2025 GMT.