Dr Arantxa Gutierrez
- Lecturer (School of Law)
Prior to my current position, I was an Early Career Fellow in the Law of Obligations at the University of Edinburgh (2022/23) and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford (2021/22). I completed my PhD at the University of Edinburgh. I earned my first degree in Legal and Social Sciences from the University of Chile, followed by an LLM in European and Comparative Private Law at the University of Edinburgh. I have been a visiting and exchange student at Université de Strasbourg, Universität Heidelberg, and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
I welcome inquiries from prospective PhD students interested in research in Tort Law, Comparative Law broadly contrued (theory, methodology, etc), Defamation, Privacy Protection, and Personal Injury compensation. I am particularly keen to supervise projects that engage with comparative and doctrinal approaches, as well as those exploring emerging legal challenges in these areas.
If you are considering a PhD and would like to discuss potential research topics, please feel free to get in touch.
- LLB Law of Torts
- LLB Comparative Tort Law
- LLB Comparative Law
- LLB Common Law System and Method
Professional activities & recognition
Editorial boards
- 2024: Revista Diké, Irene y Eunomía
Professional & learned societies
- 2017: Ordinary Member, Society of Legal Scholars
Selected international presentations
- 2022: 1st Girona evidence Week (Girona, Spain)
- 2023: 2nd International Conference on Private Law (Santiago, Chile)
Additional information
- Gutiérrez, A. (2023, March 21). Keynote presentation. La vulnerabilidad en el Derecho, Universidad Central, Santiago de Chile.
Invited talks
- Gutiérrez, A, ‘Damages for infringements to Privacy emerging trends in France, England, and Scotland.’ (Franco British-Lawyers Association, Edinburgh, 13 March 2024).
- Gutiérrez, A, ‘Comparando sistemas jurídicos estructuralmente diferentes - Las dificultades al contrastar categorías de perjuicios compensables en derecho inglés, francés y chileno’ (Seminario Austral de Derecho Comparado, online, 20 October, 2021).
- Gutiérrez, A, ‘La compensación del daño moral en el derecho de responsabilidad inglés y francés: desafíos teóricos y taxonómicos’. (Ciclo de Seminarios de Derecho Comparado, Universidad Católica de Chile, online, August 17, 2021).
Guest lecturer
- PhD seminar, Universidad de Concepción, Chile – 10 October, 2024.
- Postgraduate Diploma seminar, Universidad de Chile, Chile – 11 May 2022.
Conference presentations
- Gutiérrez, A, ‘Comparing Apples and Oranges: Normative Losses and Consequential losses in the context of compensation of non-pecuniary losses in English tort law’ (Society of Legal Scholars 112th Annual Conference, Bristol, 4 September 2024).
- Gutiérrez, A, ‘Taxonomía de las categorías de perjuicios en el derecho de responsabilidad inglés, francés y chileno’ (II Congreso Internacional de Derecho Privado, Santiago de Chile, 6 July 2023).
- Gutiérrez, A, ‘Structural insights into the relationship between remedies and losses in light of the Defamation Act 2013 and subsequent case law’ (10 Years of Defamation Reform, Glasgow, 23 November 2023).
- Gutiérrez, A, ‘Future directions for a Scots Law of Privacy’ (Edinburgh Centre for Private Law, March 2023)
- Gutiérrez, A, ‘Conceptual and historical issues around the compensation of non-pecuniary losses in English and French law’ (Ius Commune Annual Conference 2021, online, November 25, 2021).
- Gutiérrez, A, ‘Comparing Apples and Oranges: Normative Losses and Consequential losses in the context of compensation of non-pecuniary losses in English tort law’ (Society of Legal Scholars 110th Annual Conference, Preston, 4 September 2019).
- Gutiérrez A, ‘The Taxonomy of Non-Pecuniary Losses in English Tort law: Comparative Remarks From The Perspective of French Law.’ (Ius Commune Master class, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 7 June 2019).
- Gutiérrez, A, ‘The Taxonomy of Non-Pecuniary Losses. A Comparative Study of English Law and French Law’ (British Association of Comparative Law Postgraduate Workshop, Lancaster, 12 April 2019).
- Gutiérrez, A, ‘Compensation of Non-Pecuniary Losses in English Law and French Law’ (6th Early Career Researchers’ Colloquium, University of Strasbourg, 13 December 2018).
Workshop Organisation
- 'Problemas probatorios en el derecho de daños' – II Girona Evidence Week 2022, Girona, Spain
- 'Problemas probatorios de los estados mentales en el derecho de los Contratos y de la Responsabilidad Civil' – III Girona Evidence Week 2025, Girona, Spain – [forthcoming, June 2025]