Dr Arantxa Gutierrez

  • Lecturer (School of Law)


Prior to my current position, I was an Early Career Fellow in the Law of Obligations at the University of Edinburgh (2022/23) and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford (2021/22). I completed my PhD at the University of Edinburgh. I earned my first degree in Legal and Social Sciences from the University of Chile, followed by an LLM in European and Comparative Private Law at the University of Edinburgh. I have been a visiting and exchange student at Université de Strasbourg, Universität Heidelberg, and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.


List by: Type | Date

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Number of items: 4.


Gatica, M. P., Gutierrez, A., Ithurria, M. J., Morales, M. E. and Wegmann, A. (Eds.) (2024) Estudios de derecho comparado. Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN 9788410566941

Gutierrez, A. (2024) Taxonomía de los sistemas jurídicos del mundo desde la perspectiva de Latinoamérica: Conceptos prevalentes y nuevas aproximaciones a la clasificación. In: Gatica, M. P., Gutierrez, A., Ithurria, M. J., Morales, M. E. and Wegmann, A. (eds.) Estudios de derecho comparado. Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN 9788410566941


Gutierrez, A. (2020) “Weakness” in the context of the compensation of non-pecuniary losses in English law and French law. In: Gakis, S., Kiapekaki, M. K., Okyay, N. K., Perrin, M. and Place, R. (eds.) La faiblesse en droit. Mare et Martin. ISBN 9782849344491

Gutierrez, A. (2020) Compensación del daño moral “puro” de las víctimas secundarias o por rebote. Comentarios comparados en derecho Inglés y Francés. Corte suprema, 24 de enero de 2019, rol n.o 38.037-2017 = Compensation of “pure” emotional distress claimed by secondary victims. A comparative overview of English and French law. Case comment: Chilean Supreme Court, January 24, 2019, n° 38037-2017. Revista Chilena de Derecho Privado, 34, pp. 217-238. (doi: 10.32995/S0718-80722020479)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 11:28:28 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 4.


Gutierrez, A. (2020) Compensación del daño moral “puro” de las víctimas secundarias o por rebote. Comentarios comparados en derecho Inglés y Francés. Corte suprema, 24 de enero de 2019, rol n.o 38.037-2017 = Compensation of “pure” emotional distress claimed by secondary victims. A comparative overview of English and French law. Case comment: Chilean Supreme Court, January 24, 2019, n° 38037-2017. Revista Chilena de Derecho Privado, 34, pp. 217-238. (doi: 10.32995/S0718-80722020479)

Book Sections

Gutierrez, A. (2024) Taxonomía de los sistemas jurídicos del mundo desde la perspectiva de Latinoamérica: Conceptos prevalentes y nuevas aproximaciones a la clasificación. In: Gatica, M. P., Gutierrez, A., Ithurria, M. J., Morales, M. E. and Wegmann, A. (eds.) Estudios de derecho comparado. Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN 9788410566941

Gutierrez, A. (2020) “Weakness” in the context of the compensation of non-pecuniary losses in English law and French law. In: Gakis, S., Kiapekaki, M. K., Okyay, N. K., Perrin, M. and Place, R. (eds.) La faiblesse en droit. Mare et Martin. ISBN 9782849344491

Edited Books

Gatica, M. P., Gutierrez, A., Ithurria, M. J., Morales, M. E. and Wegmann, A. (Eds.) (2024) Estudios de derecho comparado. Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN 9788410566941

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 11:28:28 2025 GMT.


I welcome inquiries from prospective PhD students interested in research in Tort Law, Comparative Law broadly contrued (theory, methodology, etc), Defamation, Privacy Protection, and Personal Injury compensation. I am particularly keen to supervise projects that engage with comparative and doctrinal approaches, as well as those exploring emerging legal challenges in these areas.

If you are considering a PhD and would like to discuss potential research topics, please feel free to get in touch.


  • LLB Law of Torts
  • LLB Comparative Tort Law
  • LLB Comparative Law
  • LLB Common Law System and Method

Professional activities & recognition

Editorial boards

  • 2024: Revista Diké, Irene y Eunomía

Professional & learned societies

  • 2017: Ordinary Member, Society of Legal Scholars

Selected international presentations

  • 2022: 1st Girona evidence Week (Girona, Spain)
  • 2023: 2nd International Conference on Private Law (Santiago, Chile)

Additional information


  1. Gutiérrez, A. (2023, March 21). Keynote presentation. La vulnerabilidad en el Derecho, Universidad Central, Santiago de Chile.

Invited talks

  1. Gutiérrez, A, ‘Damages for infringements to Privacy emerging trends in France, England, and Scotland.’ (Franco British-Lawyers Association, Edinburgh, 13 March 2024).
  2. Gutiérrez, A, ‘Comparando sistemas jurídicos estructuralmente diferentes - Las dificultades al contrastar categorías de perjuicios compensables en derecho inglés, francés y chileno’ (Seminario Austral de Derecho Comparado, online, 20 October, 2021).
  3. Gutiérrez, A, ‘La compensación del daño moral en el derecho de responsabilidad inglés y francés: desafíos teóricos y taxonómicos’. (Ciclo de Seminarios de Derecho Comparado, Universidad Católica de Chile, online, August 17, 2021).

Guest lecturer

  1. PhD seminar, Universidad de Concepción, Chile – 10 October, 2024.
  2. Postgraduate Diploma seminar, Universidad de Chile, Chile – 11 May 2022.

Conference presentations

  1. Gutiérrez, A, ‘Comparing Apples and Oranges: Normative Losses and Consequential losses in the context of compensation of non-pecuniary losses in English tort law’ (Society of Legal Scholars 112th Annual Conference, Bristol, 4 September 2024).
  2. Gutiérrez, A, ‘Taxonomía de las categorías de perjuicios en el derecho de responsabilidad inglés, francés y chileno’ (II Congreso Internacional de Derecho Privado, Santiago de Chile, 6 July 2023).
  3. Gutiérrez, A, ‘Structural insights into the relationship between remedies and losses in light of the Defamation Act 2013 and subsequent case law’ (10 Years of Defamation Reform, Glasgow, 23 November 2023).
  4. Gutiérrez, A, ‘Future directions for a Scots Law of Privacy’ (Edinburgh Centre for Private Law, March 2023)
  5. Gutiérrez, A, ‘Conceptual and historical issues around the compensation of non-pecuniary losses in English and French law’ (Ius Commune Annual Conference 2021, online, November 25, 2021).
  6. Gutiérrez, A, ‘Comparing Apples and Oranges: Normative Losses and Consequential losses in the context of compensation of non-pecuniary losses in English tort law’ (Society of Legal Scholars 110th Annual Conference, Preston, 4 September 2019).
  7. Gutiérrez A, ‘The Taxonomy of Non-Pecuniary Losses in English Tort law: Comparative Remarks From The Perspective of French Law.’ (Ius Commune Master class, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 7 June 2019).
  8. Gutiérrez, A, ‘The Taxonomy of Non-Pecuniary Losses. A Comparative Study of English Law and French Law’ (British Association of Comparative Law Postgraduate Workshop, Lancaster, 12 April 2019).
  9. Gutiérrez, A, ‘Compensation of Non-Pecuniary Losses in English Law and French Law’ (6th Early Career Researchers’ Colloquium, University of Strasbourg, 13 December 2018).

Workshop Organisation

  • 'Problemas probatorios en el derecho de daños' – II Girona Evidence Week 2022, Girona, Spain
  • 'Problemas probatorios de los estados mentales en el derecho de los Contratos y de la Responsabilidad Civil' – III Girona Evidence Week 2025, Girona, Spain – [forthcoming, June 2025]