
Alain is a legal and political theorist interested in the practices of constitutional law, human rights law and international law. His research specifically aims to reconstruct and evaluate these practices from the perspective of normative theory. In particular, Alain has examined the practice of the European Court of Human Rights, UN treaty bodies and the International Criminal Court. His theoretical expertise spans human rights theory, constitutional theory, democratic theory and criminal law theory.

His current research project includes a monograph studying the nexus between the European Court of Human Rights and theories of populism. The research is funded by a two-year fellowship from the Norwegian Research Council (2021-23) and the monograph (2024) is under contract with Cambridge University Press' series International Courts and Tribunals.

Alain has published in leading international journals across the disciplines of constitutional law, international law, and legal and political theory. His research has appeared in International Journal of Constitutional Law (2019, 2022), Global Constitutionalism (2016, 2021, 2022), Ratio Juris (2019), Transnational Legal Theory (2023), Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (2019, 2021), Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence (2016) and Criminal Law and Philosophy (2018), among others. Alain also acts as Associate Editor of Jus Cogens (Springer) and sits on the UKRI Review Panel.

Alain’s academic background is multi-disciplinary. He holds graduate degrees in Philosophy (MSc, London School of Economics), History (MA, Graduate Institute Geneva) and Law (LL.M., Toronto). He was awarded his PhD in law summa cum laude at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) under the supervision of Prof. Samantha Besson (now at Collège de France) with the support of a three-year scholarship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (2010-2013). His dissertation was awarded the Gottlob Prize for the best dissertation defended at the Faculty of Law and was published as a monograph with Routledge (The ECHR and Human Rights Theory). 

More recently, Alain held fellowships at the University of Michigan (International and Comparative Law Scholar, 2022), the Center of Excellence PluriCourts at the University of Oslo (Senior Research Fellow, 2021-23) and at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin (Re-Constitution Fellow, Center for Fundamental Rights, 2019-2020). In 2024, Alain will hold a Senior Research Fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (Freiburg, Germany).


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012
Number of items: 24.


Tripkovic, B. and Zysset, A. (2024) Uncovering the nature of ECHR rights: An analytical and methodological framework. Human Rights Law Review, 24(1), ngad034. (doi: 10.1093/hrlr/ngad034)


Zysset, A. and Çalı, B. (2023) Exhausting domestic remedies or exhausting the rule of law? Revisiting the normative basis of procedural subsidiarity in the European Convention on Human Rights. Transnational Legal Theory, 14(2), pp. 157-177. (doi: 10.1080/20414005.2023.2232601)

Zysset, A. (2023) International crimes through the lens of global constitutonalism. Global Constitutionalism, 12(1), pp. 59-79. (doi: 10.1017/S2045381722000120)


Zysset, A. (2022) To derogate or to restrict? The Covid-19 pandemic, proportionality and the justificatory gap in European human rights law. Jus Cogens, 4(3), pp. 285-301. (doi: 10.1007/s42439-022-00065-6) (PMCID:PMC9275544)

Zysset, A. (2022) Calibrating the response to populism at the European Court of Human Rights. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 20(3), pp. 976-1005. (doi: 10.1093/icon/moac056)

Zysset, A. (2022) Charles Beitz’ idea of human rights and the limits of law. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 25(1), pp. 87-106. (doi: 10.1080/13698230.2020.1859224)


Zysset, A. and Scherz, A. (2021) Proportionality as procedure: strengthening the legitimate authority of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Global Constitutionalism, 10(3), pp. 524-546. (doi: 10.1017/S2045381721000071)

Zysset, A. (2021) A culture of justification or a culture of presumption? The turn to procedural review and the normative function of proportionality at the European Court of Human Rights. In: Schiedermair, S., Schwarz, A. and Steiger, D. (eds.) Theory and Practice of the ECHR. Nomos / Hart Publishing. (Accepted for Publication)


Scherz, A. and Zysset, A. (2020) The UN Security Council, normative legitimacy and the challenge of specificity. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 23(3), pp. 37-391. (doi: 10.1080/13698230.2019.1565720)

Zysset, A. (2020) The right to justification and proportionality: A plea for determinacy and stability. In: Langvatn, S., Kumm, M. and Sadurski, W. (eds.) Public Reason and Courts. Series: Studies on international courts and tribunals. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 256-280. ISBN 9781108487351 (doi: 10.1017/9781108766579.011)


Zysset, A. (2019) The common core between human rights law and international criminal law: A structural account. Ratio Juris, 32(3), pp. 278-300. (doi: 10.1111/raju.12254)

Zysset, A. (2019) Freedom of expression, the right to vote, and proportionality at the European Court of Human Rights: an internal critique. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 17(1), pp. 230-251. (doi: 10.1093/icon/moz002)

Zysset, A. (2019) Response to Allen Buchanan’s “The Complex Epistemology of Institutional Legitimacy Assessments, As Illustrated by the Case of the International Criminal Court”, manuscript, 2019. Temple International and Comparative Law Journal, 33(2), pp. 392-396.

Zysset, A. (2019) Human rights: moral or political? Jurisprudence, 10(2), pp. 281-288. (doi: 10.1080/20403313.2019.1575617)[Book Review]


Zysset, A. (2018) Right, crime, and court: Toward a unifying political conception of international law. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 12(4), pp. 677-693. (doi: 10.1007/s11572-017-9450-9)


Zysset, A. (2017) The Heart of Human Rights, written by Allen Buchanan. Nordic Journal of International Law, 86(2), pp. 267-273. (doi: 10.1163/15718107-08602006)[Book Review]


Zysset, A. (2016) The ECHR and Human Rights Theory: Reconciling the Moral and the Political Conceptions. Series: Routledge Research in Human Rights Law. Routledge: London. ISBN 9781138641037

Zysset, A. (2016) Searching for the legitimacy of the European Court of Human Rights: The neglected role of ‘Democratic Society’. Global Constitutionalism, 5(1), pp. 16-47. (doi: 10.1017/S2045381716000022)

Zysset, A. (2016) Refining the structure and revisiting the relevant jurisdiction of crimes against humanity. Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 29(1), pp. 245-265. (doi: 10.1017/cjlj.2016.9)

Zysset, A. (2016) When the European Court of Human Rights speaks, what should it say? Testing Brettschneider's value democracy at the supranational level. Philosophy and Public Issues, 6(1), pp. 159-193.


Zysset, A. (2015) Legal and moral pluralism: A rejoinder (in European Human Rights Law). Oslo Law Review, 2(3), pp. 176-199. (doi: 10.5617/oslaw2765)


Bulak, B. and Zysset, A. (2013) "Personal Autonomy” and “Democratic Society” at the European Court of Human Rights: Friends or foes? Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 2(1), pp. 230-254. (doi: 10.14324/111.2052-1871.009)

Zysset, A. (2013) The Judge at the European Court of Human Rights: ‘Moral Reading of Human Rights’ or Just ‘Reading of Moral Rights’? A Critique of Letsas. In: Besson, S. and Ziegler, A. (eds.) The Judge in European and International Law. Series: Fondements du Droit Europeen (4). LGDJ Lextenso Editions: Paris. ISBN 9783725568321


Besson, S. and Zysset, A. (2012) Human rights theory and human rights history - A tale of two odd bedfellows. Ancilla Iuris, 7, pp. 204-219.

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 02:53:33 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 24.


Tripkovic, B. and Zysset, A. (2024) Uncovering the nature of ECHR rights: An analytical and methodological framework. Human Rights Law Review, 24(1), ngad034. (doi: 10.1093/hrlr/ngad034)

Zysset, A. and Çalı, B. (2023) Exhausting domestic remedies or exhausting the rule of law? Revisiting the normative basis of procedural subsidiarity in the European Convention on Human Rights. Transnational Legal Theory, 14(2), pp. 157-177. (doi: 10.1080/20414005.2023.2232601)

Zysset, A. (2023) International crimes through the lens of global constitutonalism. Global Constitutionalism, 12(1), pp. 59-79. (doi: 10.1017/S2045381722000120)

Zysset, A. (2022) To derogate or to restrict? The Covid-19 pandemic, proportionality and the justificatory gap in European human rights law. Jus Cogens, 4(3), pp. 285-301. (doi: 10.1007/s42439-022-00065-6) (PMCID:PMC9275544)

Zysset, A. (2022) Calibrating the response to populism at the European Court of Human Rights. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 20(3), pp. 976-1005. (doi: 10.1093/icon/moac056)

Zysset, A. (2022) Charles Beitz’ idea of human rights and the limits of law. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 25(1), pp. 87-106. (doi: 10.1080/13698230.2020.1859224)

Zysset, A. and Scherz, A. (2021) Proportionality as procedure: strengthening the legitimate authority of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Global Constitutionalism, 10(3), pp. 524-546. (doi: 10.1017/S2045381721000071)

Scherz, A. and Zysset, A. (2020) The UN Security Council, normative legitimacy and the challenge of specificity. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 23(3), pp. 37-391. (doi: 10.1080/13698230.2019.1565720)

Zysset, A. (2019) The common core between human rights law and international criminal law: A structural account. Ratio Juris, 32(3), pp. 278-300. (doi: 10.1111/raju.12254)

Zysset, A. (2019) Freedom of expression, the right to vote, and proportionality at the European Court of Human Rights: an internal critique. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 17(1), pp. 230-251. (doi: 10.1093/icon/moz002)

Zysset, A. (2019) Response to Allen Buchanan’s “The Complex Epistemology of Institutional Legitimacy Assessments, As Illustrated by the Case of the International Criminal Court”, manuscript, 2019. Temple International and Comparative Law Journal, 33(2), pp. 392-396.

Zysset, A. (2018) Right, crime, and court: Toward a unifying political conception of international law. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 12(4), pp. 677-693. (doi: 10.1007/s11572-017-9450-9)

Zysset, A. (2016) Searching for the legitimacy of the European Court of Human Rights: The neglected role of ‘Democratic Society’. Global Constitutionalism, 5(1), pp. 16-47. (doi: 10.1017/S2045381716000022)

Zysset, A. (2016) Refining the structure and revisiting the relevant jurisdiction of crimes against humanity. Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 29(1), pp. 245-265. (doi: 10.1017/cjlj.2016.9)

Zysset, A. (2016) When the European Court of Human Rights speaks, what should it say? Testing Brettschneider's value democracy at the supranational level. Philosophy and Public Issues, 6(1), pp. 159-193.

Zysset, A. (2015) Legal and moral pluralism: A rejoinder (in European Human Rights Law). Oslo Law Review, 2(3), pp. 176-199. (doi: 10.5617/oslaw2765)

Bulak, B. and Zysset, A. (2013) "Personal Autonomy” and “Democratic Society” at the European Court of Human Rights: Friends or foes? Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 2(1), pp. 230-254. (doi: 10.14324/111.2052-1871.009)

Besson, S. and Zysset, A. (2012) Human rights theory and human rights history - A tale of two odd bedfellows. Ancilla Iuris, 7, pp. 204-219.


Zysset, A. (2016) The ECHR and Human Rights Theory: Reconciling the Moral and the Political Conceptions. Series: Routledge Research in Human Rights Law. Routledge: London. ISBN 9781138641037

Book Sections

Zysset, A. (2021) A culture of justification or a culture of presumption? The turn to procedural review and the normative function of proportionality at the European Court of Human Rights. In: Schiedermair, S., Schwarz, A. and Steiger, D. (eds.) Theory and Practice of the ECHR. Nomos / Hart Publishing. (Accepted for Publication)

Zysset, A. (2020) The right to justification and proportionality: A plea for determinacy and stability. In: Langvatn, S., Kumm, M. and Sadurski, W. (eds.) Public Reason and Courts. Series: Studies on international courts and tribunals. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 256-280. ISBN 9781108487351 (doi: 10.1017/9781108766579.011)

Zysset, A. (2013) The Judge at the European Court of Human Rights: ‘Moral Reading of Human Rights’ or Just ‘Reading of Moral Rights’? A Critique of Letsas. In: Besson, S. and Ziegler, A. (eds.) The Judge in European and International Law. Series: Fondements du Droit Europeen (4). LGDJ Lextenso Editions: Paris. ISBN 9783725568321

Book Reviews

Zysset, A. (2019) Human rights: moral or political? Jurisprudence, 10(2), pp. 281-288. (doi: 10.1080/20403313.2019.1575617)[Book Review]

Zysset, A. (2017) The Heart of Human Rights, written by Allen Buchanan. Nordic Journal of International Law, 86(2), pp. 267-273. (doi: 10.1163/15718107-08602006)[Book Review]

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 02:53:33 2025 GMT.


  • Senior Research Fellowship, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Freiburg im Breisgau (2024)
  • International and Comparative Law Research Fellowship, University of Michigan (2022-23)
  • Senior Research Fellowship, Norwegian Research Council, University of Oslo/Center of Excellence PluriCourts (2021-23) 
  • Re-Constitution Fellowship, Mercator Foundation/Hertie School of Governance (2019-20) 
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Norwegian Research Council, University of Oslo (2016-19) 
  • Max Weber Fellowship, European University Institute (2015-16) 
  • Postdoctoral Mobility Fellowship, Swiss National Research Foundation (2014-15) 
  • University of Toronto Graduate Fellowship (2013-14) 
  • UCLA School of Law, Dean’s Scholarship (2013-14) 
  • Doctoral Studentship, Swiss National Research Foundation (2010-13) 


Alain currently supervises the following doctoral students:  

  • Ms. Sare Temel, ‘Rawls’ Theory of Justice and Migrants’ (2019-23) 
  • Ms. Dana Khan, ‘Human Rights and Climate Change Justice’ (2020-23) 
  • Mr. Jamie McGowan, ‘Rights and Juristocracy’ (2021-24) 
  • Mr Carlos Ramaglia Mota, 'The Constitutionalization of International Law: A Comparative Study between the IACtHR's Doctrine of Conventionality and the CJEU's Principle of Privacy'
  • Ms. Regina Surber, ‘The Combatant’s Licence to Kill’ (2020-23, University of Zurich)
  • McGowan, Jamie
    Ratio Juris and Juristocracy
  • Ramaglia Mota, Carlos Gabriel
    The Constitutionalization of International Law: a Comparative Study into the IACtHR’s Doctrine of Conventionality Control and the CJEU’s Principle of Primacy


  • Constitutional Law 1
  • Comparative Human Rights Law: Law and Legitimacy 
  • Advanced Introduction to the ECHR
  • Research Methods (LLM by Research and PhD)