Legal history publications

Below is a chronological list of publications in legal history from the last five years. Details of the books listed here may be found on our Books page. For a complete list of publications, by author, held in the University of Glasgow Depository, please visit the links to the right. 


Godfrey, A. M. (2014) Royal councils, law courts and governance: the role of litigation in early modern Scotland. In: Jansen, N. and Oestmann, P. (eds.) Rechtsgeschichte heute. Religion und Politik in der Geschichte des Rechts - Schlaglichter einer Ringvorlesung. Series: Grundlagen der Rechtswissenschaft (22). Mohr-Siebeck: Tübingen, Germany, pp. 77-94. ISBN 9783161531088

Hallebeek, J., Schermaier, M., Fiori, R., Metzger, E. and Coriat, J.-P. (Eds.) (2014) Inter cives necnon peregrinos: Essays in Honour of Boudewijn Sirks. V&R Unipress: Goettingen. ISBN 9783847103028

Bogle, S. (2014) Disclosing good faith in English contract law. Edinburgh Law Review, 18(1), pp. 141-145. (doi: 10.3366/elr.2014.0188)

Metzger, E. (2014) Review of: Miriam Indra, 'Status quaestio. Studien zum Freiheitsprozess im klassischen römischen Recht'. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung, 131, [Book Review]

Reid, D. (2014) General principles of contract law. In: MacNeil, Iain G. (ed.) Scots Commercial Law. Avizandum: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781904968566

Metzger, E. (2014) Cum servo agere. In: Hallebeek, J., Schermaier, M., Fiori, R., Metzger, E. and Coriat, J.-P. (eds.) Inter cives necnon peregrinos: Essays in Honour of Boudewijn Sirks. V&R Unipress: Goettingen, pp. 533-543. ISBN 9783847103028

Metzger, E. (2015) Litigation. In: Johnston, David (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Roman Law. Series: Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 272-298. ISBN 9780521895644 (doi: 10.1017/CCO9781139034401.018)

Reid, D. and MacQueen, H. (2013) Fraud or error: a thought experiment? Edinburgh Law Review, 17(3), pp. 343-369. (doi: 10.3366/elr.2013.0171)

Metzger, E. (2013) Agree to disagree: local jurisdiction in the lex irnitana. In: Burrows, A., Johnston, D. and Zimmermann, R. (eds.) Judge and Jurist: Essays in Memory of Lord Rodger of Earlsferry. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 207-226. ISBN 9780199677344

Godfrey, A.M. (2013) Scotland: the court of session from its foundation to 1800. In: van Rhee, C.H. and Wijffels, A. (eds.) The European Courts: A Portrait Through History. Third Millennium Information: London, UK, pp. 190-197. ISBN 9781906507404

Metzger, E. (2013) An outline of Roman civil procedure. Roman Legal Tradition, 9, pp. 1-30.

Finlay, J. (2012) The Community of the College of Justice: Edinburgh and the Court of Session 1687-1808. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748645770

Godfrey, A.M. (2012) The courts of Scotland. In: Mulhern, M.A. (ed.) The Law. Series: Scottish Life and Society: A Compendium of Scottish Ethnology (13). European Ethnological Research Centre: Edinburgh, pp. 131-154. ISBN 9781906566043

Bogle, S. (2012) Where sympathy lies in contractual interpretation: 'But What’s Puzzling You, is the Nature of My Game'. Edinburgh Law Review, 16(2), pp. 242-246. (doi: 10.3366/elr.2012.0105)

Finlay, J. (2012) Trusts. Dundee University Press: Dundee, UK. ISBN 9781845861292

Metzger, E. (2012) Law and procedure, Rome: Civil procedure [additions and revisions to]. In: Hornblower, S., Spawforth, A. and Eidinow, E. (eds.) Oxford Classical Dictionary. 4th edition. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199567386

Metzger, E. (2012) Obligations in classical procedure. In: McGinn, T.A.J. (ed.) Obligations In Roman Law: Past, Present, And Future. University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor, MI., USA, pp. 158-173. ISBN 9780472118434

Metzger, E. (2012) Review of: A.M. Riggsby, Roman Law and the Legal World of the Romans. Journal of Roman Studies, 102, pp. 354-355. (doi: 10.1017/S0075435812000482)[Book Review]

Metzger, E. (2012) Remedy of prohibition against Roman judges in civil trials. In: Brand, P. and Getzler, J. (eds.) Judges and Judging in the History of the Common Law: From Antiquity to Modern Times. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 177-191. ISBN 9781107018976 (doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139093613.012)

Metzger, E. (2012) Alan Ferguson Rodger (1944-2011). IVRA: Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico, 60, pp. 358-364.

Baston, K. and Metzger, E. (Eds.) (2012) The Roman Law Library of Alan Ferguson Rodger, Lord Rodger of Earlsferry: With a Bibliography of his Works. Traditio Iuris Romani: Glasgow. ISBN 9780956642318

Metzger, E. (2012) Alan Rodger's writings on Roman Law. In: Baston, K. and Metzger, E. (eds.) The Roman Law Library of Alan Ferguson Rodger, Lord Rodger of Earlsferry: With a Bibliography of his Works. Traditio Iuris Romani: Glasgow, UK, pp. 189-198. ISBN 9780956642318

Finlay, J. (2012) Corruption, regionalism and legal practice in Eighteenth-century Scotland: The rise and fall of David Armstrong, advocate. Transactions of the Dumfries and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, 86, pp. 143-172.

Robinson, O.F. (Ed.) (2012) The Laws and Customs of Scotland in Matters Criminal, by Sir George Mackenzie. Series: Publications (Stair Society). Stair Society: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781872517261

Metzger, E. (2012) Vindex. In: Bagnall, Roger S. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.: Oxford. ISBN 9781405179355 (doi: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah13258)

Finlay, J. (2012) The Admission Register of Notaries Public in Scotland, 1700-1799 [2 vols.]. Scottish Record Society: Edinburgh.

Godfrey, A.M. (2011) Review of: Illegality and Public Policy, by R.A. Buckley. Edinburgh Law Review, 15(3), pp. 505-507. (doi: 10.3366/elr.2011.0074)[Book Review]

Godfrey, A.M. (2011) Review of: Non-Contractual Liability Arising out of Damage Caused to Another (PEL Liab. Dam.), prepared by Christian von Bar. Edinburgh Law Review, 15(2), pp. 314-315. (doi: 10.3366/elr.2011.0038)[Book Review]

Godfrey, A.M. (2011) Mutuality, retention and set-off: Inveresk plc v Tullis Russell Papermakers Ltd. Edinburgh Law Review, 15(1), pp. 115-121. (doi: 10.3366/elr.2011.0005)

Finlay, J. (2011) Arbitration in Eighteenth-Century Scotland. Juridical Review, 2011, pp. 277-291.

Finlay, J. (2011) Religion in the history of family law in Scotland. In: Mair, J. and Orucu, E. (eds.) The Place of Religion in Family Law: A Comparative Search. Series: European family law (30). Intersentia: Cambridge, OR, USA, pp. 267-302. ISBN 9781780680156

Finlay, J. (2011) Scots lawyers and House of Lords appeals in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Journal of Legal History, 32(3), pp. 249-277. (doi: 10.1080/01440365.2011.627151)

Finlay, J. (2011) The history of lawyers in the British Isles. In: Dolemeyer, B. (ed.) Anwaelte und ihre Geschichte. Mohr Siebeck: Tubingen, pp. 1097-1226. ISBN 978-3-16-150757-1

Metzger, E. (2010) Review of C. Anderson, Roman Law [2009]. Scots Law Times,

Metzger, E. (2010) Remarks on David Daube’s Lectures on Sale, with Special Attention to the liber homo and res extra commercium. In: Metzger, E (ed.) David Daube: A Centenary Celebration. Traditio Iuris Romani: Glasgow, pp. 101-126. ISBN 9780956642301

Reid, D. (2010) Inheritance rights of children. Edinburgh Law Review, 14(2), pp. 318-322. (doi: 10.3366/E1364980910001423)

Godfrey, A.M. (2010) Parliament and the Law. In: Brown, K. and MacDonald, A. (eds.) The History of the Scottish Parliament: Parliament in Context, 1235-1707. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748614868

Godfrey, A.M. (2010) Ratio decidendi and foreign law in the history of Scots Law. In: Dauchy, S., Bryson, W.H. and Mirow, M.C. (eds.) Ratio Decidendi: Guiding Principles of Judicial Decisions, Volume 2: Foreign Law. Series: Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History (25/2). Dunker & Humblot: Berlin, pp. 81-105. ISBN 9783428534333

Metzger, E. (2010) Civil Procedure in Classical Rome: Having an audience with the magistrate. In: de Angelis, F. and Harris, W. (eds.) Spaces of Justice in the Roman World. Series: Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition (35). Brill: Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 27-41. ISBN 9789004189256

Metzger, E. (2010) Adam Smith's historical jurisprudence and the 'method of the civilians'. Loyola Law Review, 56(1), pp. 1-31.

Finlay, J. (2010) The History of delay in Civil Procedure: Scotland 1600-1808. In: Rhee, C. H. (ed.) The History of Delay in Civil Procedure. Series: Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History (28). Dunker & Humblot: Berlin, pp. 121-152. ISBN 9783428134090

Godfrey, A.M. (2010) Procedural Delay, Appeal and Advocation in the Court of Session in Sixteenth-Century Scotland. In: van Rhee, C. H. (ed.) Within a reasonable time : the history of due and undue delay in civil litigation. Series: Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History (28). Duncker and Humblot: Berlin, pp. 153-175. ISBN 9783428134090

Robinson, O.F. (2010) Bishops, bankers, and debt. In: Dondorp, H., Hallebeek, J., Wallinga, T. and Winkel, L. (eds.) Ius Romanum - Ius Commune - Ius Hodiernum: Studies in Honour of Eltjo Schrage on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Scientia Verlag: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Godfrey, A.M. (2009) Review of: The Law of Contract in Scotland, by W.W. McBryde. Edinburgh Law Review, 13(1), pp. 158-160. (doi: 10.3366/E1364980908001145)[Book Review]

Finlay, J. (2009) The History of the Notary in Scotland. In: Schmoeckel, M and Schuber, W (eds.) Handbuch zur Geschichte des Notariats der europäischen Traditionen. Nomos: Baden-Baden, pp. 393-428. ISBN 978-3-8329-4068-3

Metzger, E. (2009) Lex Irnitana. In: Katz, Stanley N. (ed.) Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195134056

Metzger, E. (2009) Formula. In: Katz, S.N. (ed.) Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195134056

Robinson, O.F. (2009) Justinian. In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.) New Oxford Companion to Law. Series: Oxford Companions. Oxford University Press, pp. 664-665. ISBN 978-0-19-929054-3

Godfrey, A.M. (2009) Civil Justice in Renaissance Scotland: the Origins of a Central Court. Series: Medieval law and its practice, 4. Brill: Leiden ; Boston, MA. ISBN 9789004174665

Finlay, J. (2009) Lawyers and the early modern state: regulation, exclusion, and numerus clausus. Canadian Journal of History: Annales Canadiennes d'Histoire, 44(3), pp. 383-410.

Metzger, E. (2009) Adam Smith’s historical jurisprudence and the "method of the civilians". In: Smith in Glasgow '09, Glasgow, UK, 31 March - 2 April 2009,