Competition Law
Competition law has a special place in the School of Law. Nearly 300 years after Adam Smith taught logic and moral philosophy at the University, we build on his legacy in our teaching and research. Competition law research produced by staff in the school contributes to academic debate, legal practice and policy development. Our staff focus on a range of topics, including: competition policy in digital markets, innovation and creative destruction, power and gatekeeping in the arts and culture, the relationship between competition law, regulation, and corporate governance, market power and vertical relationships, cartels, collusion, and criminal enforcement. Staff have expertise in UK competition law, EU competition law, US antitrust law, aspects of Chinese anti-monopoly law and merger control.
Members of the competition law team contribute to CREATe – Centre for Regulation of Creative Economy, researching matters including the interface of copyright law, competition law and technology law and addressing a full range of digital policy issues.
For more information about our research and teaching programmes, please visit:

FBLS and UofG Symposium on Competition Law


Study and Get Involved
27 SepEach year, the competition law team invites experts in competition law to give a Glasgow Competition Talk, aimed at deepening the curriculum of our competition law students.