External Research Collaboration

Members of the research group are open to receiving enquiries about collaborative research projects from fellow academics of other departments at the University of Glasgow, from researchers at other academic institutions, or from individuals working at non-academic institutions (e.g. organisations in the private and public sector, as well as non-for-profit organisations).

Both academic and non-academic partners might want to browse the profiles of the group’s members to explore their different research interests and their most recent work. In addition, non-academic partners might want to read about the various activities that the group and its members have been involved in to exchange knowledge with non-academic partners, and about the impact of the group’s research beyond academia.

The group’s members welcome unsolicited contact from academic and non-academic partners to explore potential research collaborations. The following sections provide a brief description of some of the opportunities that are available for non-academic partners to collaborate with members of the research group.


Joint research grant applications

Members of the Research Group have a track record of successful grant applications written jointly with researchers at other academic institutions, including applications to prominent research funding bodies such as AHRC, ESRC, the British Academy, and large philanthropic organisations.

Members of the Research Group also have a track record of successful grant applications written in collaboration with non-academic partners, especially to develop research projects that seek to support the application of the group’s academic research by non-academic partners to inform the latter’s activities. Examples include successful applications to the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account and to funding opportunities at large philanthropic organisations.

The group’s members welcome unsolicited contact from academic and non-academic partners to explore potential joint research funding applications. Please refer to the profiles of individual members of the group for more specific details on their research interests and areas of expertise, and for examples of successful joint grant applications.


Collaborative LLM dissertation projects

In addition to externally funded research projects, members of the research group also welcome enquiries from non-academic institutions to develop collaborative LLM dissertation projects. A collaborative dissertation is a research dissertation conducted between a student and an external partner organisation, with academic guidance and support coming from an academic supervisor. For example, in recent years, our LLM students have written their dissertations in collaboration with international private law firms and international NGOs to support these organisations in the exploration of topics such as the legal obligations of private and public actors to take into account the impact of their operations on the current climate emergency. The University of Glasgow’s Collaborative Dissertation Initiative is based on an awareness that many organisations need good quality research and that students are often eager to conduct research, which has immediate relevance to external organisations and demonstrates the application of their academic learning. You can find more information about collaborative LLM dissertations here.

For general enquiries about collaborative LLM dissertations, please contact Professor Javier Solana. To discuss the details of a specific collaborative research project, including collaborative LLM dissertations, please contact the relevant member of the group whose research you find most relevant.


Commissioned research

We have developed commissioned research and are open to this kind of collaboration.

Members of the Research Group cover a wide range of areas, including Corporate Law and Governance, Financial Law, Financial Regulation, Insurance Law, Money and payments, and Insolvency Law. In their research work, most members of the group study these areas with a focus on sustainability and/or technology, which have emerged as two themes cutting across the group’s areas of expertise.  

We are open to discussing opportunities to develop research projects commissioned by non-academic organisations, e.g. in the form of research contracts or consultancy agreements, in line with the University’s Academic Consultancy Policy. Interested parties are invited to contact the relevant members of the Research Group with whom they would like to engage. Alternatively, the directors of the Research Group are happy to receive general enquiries from interested parties and to direct those parties to the relevant members within the group.