To mark International Women's Day 2021, the School of Law has drawn together a selection of online activities being run by the University and some of our partner organisations. 


School of Law and University events

IWD well-being week at the School of Law

Monday 8 March – Friday 12 March, 10.00am – 10.30am

Join School of Law colleague Marion McGhee for some gentle Qi Gong movement, a tapping/acupressure routine, followed by a short meditation.

Email: to register for any of these sessions.


College of Social Sciences: Addressing Inequalities Symposium: Addressing Inequalities within Sustainable Development

Monday 8 March, 1.00pm – 3.00pm

  • Women’s Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Feminist Critique - Professor Nicole Busby (School of Law)
  • The sustainable development goals, ethnicity and health inequalities - Professor S. Vittal Katikireddi (MRC/CSO Social & Public Health Sciences Unit, Institute of Health and Wellbeing)
  • How One Health approaches can help address inequalities - Professor Dan Haydon (Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health & Comparative Medicine, MVLS)
  • Quality Education: discourses and indicators and the implications for equality - Professor Michele Schweisfurth (School of Education) 

Registration details:


UofG Student events

Lawyers Without Borders (Student Division) - Women in Law 

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Lawyers Without Borders (Student Division) are hosting a virtual conference focused on Women in Law. They will be talking with legal professionals from a variety of backgrounds about their careers and experiences, offering guests the opportunity to ask questions before and during the event. All genders very welcome! Keep an eye on social media for speaker announcements!

Monday 8 March, 6.00pm

Register here:


IWD2021 SRC events

To celebrate International Women’s Week at the University of Glasgow, the SRC and various clubs, societies and student bodies are putting on a range of events.

SRC events:


Partner organisation events

Women on the frontlines of COVID-19 – Amnesty International South Asia

Thursday 4 March, 9.30am

Register via: 


Stand up for Amnesty Comedy Night 2021

Monday 8 March, 8.00pm - 9.15pm


All-star female lineup for International Women’s Day comedy night in aid of Amnesty International, organised by the Islington and Hackney Amnesty Group

Purchase your ticket via:


Amnesty Live - International Women’s Day

Monday 8 March, 6.00pm - 7.00pm 

Poland has a long history of women standing up for their rights and the recent announcement of a near-total ban on abortion has led to some of the largest protests the country has ever seen. This event brings together four inspiring women who are standing up for a more equal Poland.


International Women's Day Event with Scottish Women's Aid & the Scottish Association of Social Work

Monday 8 March, 11.00am - 12.30pm

Hosted by Sarah McMillan, Professional Officer, Scottish Association of Social Work & Jodie McVicar, Scottish Women's Aid

Welcoming speakers:

Dr Marsha Scott, Chief Executive, Scottish Women's Aid on Risk Assessment in a Domestic Abuse Context

Dr Jane Monckton-Smith, Professor of Public Protection at the University of Gloucestershire on Tackling Intimate Partner Homicide Risk Escalation: The Homicide Timeline

Sign up at:

Media coverage of Dr Jane Monckton-Smith’s work:


Legal Services Agency - Women’s Rights in Scotland: Gender Based Violence Webinar with Megan Lafferty, Scottish Women’s Rights Centre

Monday 8 March, 2.00pm - 3.30pm

This Zoom webinar is aimed at solicitors and trainees with an interest in women’s rights, human rights, policy reform, criminal solicitors, etc. It would also be of interest to social workers, women’s case workers etc.  It is worth 1.5 hours in CPD training.

Further details, including how to register, at: 


Scottish Women's Rights Centre 

The SWRC is a collaboration between Rape Crisis Scotland, the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic and JustRight Scotland.

Recent SWRC publications include:

A guide explaining women’s rights in Scotland when they experience economic abuse - available to download here

Information on support available during the pandemic for university/college students experiencing different forms of GVB – can be read here

SWRC website:


Everyday Misogyny, with Laura Bates - joint event by Engender and Rape Crisis Scotland

Thursday 11 March, 12.30pm - 1.30pm

Virtual event where Laura Bates, journalist, author and founder of the Everyday Sexism project, talks about her new book ‘Men who hate women’ and how we can challenge misogyny.

Register for this event via:


First published: 26 February 2021