The results of the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF2021) were released on 12 May 2022. The REF, which last took place in 2014, assesses the research of UK universities and is used to determine quality-related research funding provided by the funding councils. 

The largest element of the REF consists of assessing research outputs published from 2014 until 2020. Over 60% of the School of Law’s research outputs submitted for assessment were rated as “world-leading”, something achieved by only one other submission to the Law panel. 

The School also had 62.5% of its research environment and 50% of its impact case study submission rated as world-leading. Our impact case studies showed our influence in combating ill-treatment of detainees in Eastern Europe, global regulation of autonomous weapons systems, an evidence-led approach to European copyright law, reforming public sector complaint processes to reduce harm to employees, and improving safeguards against wrongful conviction. 

Jane Mair, Head of the School of Law, said: “These results are a significant advance on our performance in REF2014, reflecting the work put in across the School of Law to improve our research environment and the support we offer to researchers. Since 2014, we have reshaped the way in which we support legal research and are proud to have recruited early career researchers from around the world who have made Glasgow their home. We have a fantastic team of researchers across the School and I’m delighted to see their hard work recognised in this way, particularly as all this has been combined with delivering excellent teaching.” 

First published: 12 May 2022