As a student in the University of Glasgow, you come under the authority of the university and must respect its rules. As you progress through your studies, you will gradually become aware of the more important university policies that apply to academic and disciplinary matters. What follows is a brief overview of some key things you should be aware of at the outset of your studies.
Email Communication
The standard format for email communication with staff is (e.g. Please be aware that staff will respond to your email as soon as possible. When you email staff please ensure you always use your university allocated address rather than your personal account.
This is the university’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Moodle is a key means of communicating with students for members of staff who wish to pass on notices and other information about courses and events going on within the School of Law. Moodle is a public forum, which is monitored by staff and when you add a posting you should bear this in mind.
Course Documents
Every course has a course document. This identifies the Course Convenor (the member of academic staff who is responsible for the organisation of the course) and sets out details of the course, including information about assessment. Suggested reading may also be set out in the course document. You are strongly advised to read course documents (they can be accessed via Moodle) and, if you have questions about the course, look first at the course document before contacting the course convenor.
If you have or develop a disability, you are strongly advised to make contact with the Student Disability Service. Please also contact our School of Law Disability Officer, Linsey Fender, so that we can support you in the best way possible. You can email Linsey at:
Absence Policy
Please refer to the College of Social Sciences Graduate School Postgraduate Research Handbook for details of the rules governing research students.
PGR Code of Practice
The PGR Code Practice can be found here
Unacceptable Behaviour
We expect students to treat each other, and staff, with courtesy, consideration and fairness at all times and to avoid all forms of abusive behaviour. There is a University Code of Practice on unacceptable behaviour which is binding on staff and students alike and action is taken to enforce it. Students may be disciplined for misconduct or inappropriate behaviour whether or not that conduct or behaviour takes place on campus.
We would emphasise the importance of avoiding plagiarism and inappropriate collaboration at all stages of university study. You are deemed to have read and understood the University’s statement on plagiarism.