Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I get funding for the Diploma?
A: Some firms sponsor their future trainees through the Diploma. If this applies to you, you must upload a letter from your traineeship firm, confirming it will pay your fees.
In addition, or if sponsorship is not available for you, the Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) offer a postgraduate loan of £5,500 towards tuition fees, and a non-income assessed living cost loan up to £4,500 (2017-18) as long as applicants have not previously received postgraduate funding and meet eligibility conditions. SAAS will accept your emailed offer of an unconditional place on the Diploma. When you submit your application to SAAS, please take note of your SAAS reference number as this confirms to the University that part of your Diploma fee will be paid through SAAS. For more information visit the SAAS website:
Diploma students are also eligible to apply for a Professional and Career Development Loan from relevant banks.