COP26: Climate Action in South Scotland
Saturday 6 November 2021; 10am – 4pm
The University of Glasgow, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, was host to over 300 people at the Crichton University Campus in Dumfries. COP26: Climate Action in South Scotland saw over 40 academic staff and invited guests speaking on the day, as well as interactive demonstrations and experiments for all ages, story weaving by Moat Brae, an environmentally themed puppet show, and the planting of 200 trees on the Crichton grounds.
Speaking on the event, Professor Carol Hill, Head of School and Director of Campus, said:
“I am delighted that we were able to put on such an engaging event for our communities. This was about more than amplifying the messages of COP26 locally; this was about a focus on collaboration and a shared understanding of the importance of these themes. We welcomed a diverse audience including families, local businesses, politicians, and leading experts from around the world; all with a shared ambition to not just talk about the changes that we all need to make, but to take action.”
The event was hosted at the University of Glasgow, School of Interdisciplinary Studies based at the Crichton University Campus, but was also streamed online around the world. You can find our videos and live streams of the event below.
COP26: Climate Action in South Scotland - Programme
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Find our videos and live streams of the day here:
Video Content
Room R127 - Live Stream
Room R232 - Live Stream
Room R236 - Live Stream
'Tackling Climate Change - Youth in Action' Competition - Nankai Students
Water Experts - Part 1 - Messages for COP26: Climate Action in South Scotland
Water Experts - Part 2 - Messages for COP26: Climate Action in South Scotland
Competition Winners
School's Competition Winner; Maya
Congratulations to Maya, P1, for her winning submission! Pupils of any age were invited to express their thoughts on climate change in a photograph, poster or 30 second video explaining: What animal or plant you would save from extinction and why?

Picturing Polar Bears Winner; Ryan
Congratulations to Ryan, age 6, for his fantastic Picturing Polar Bears submission called 'Gone Hunting'

Academic Poster Competition
We have been overwhelmed with the quality of submissions for our academic poster competition. We're delighted to annouce the winners as:
Shalla Gray; “The Greenhouse Gas Board Game; Shalla Gray"
Melanie Decker; “Seaweed Farming; The Historical, Environmental, and Economical Aspects; Melanie ”

Examples of activities and demonstrations happening at COP26: Climate Action in South Scotland:
- Explore alternative energy sources
- Plant a tree and find out why
- Meet and hear from activists
- Help create a bestiary
- Investigate the components of peat core and learn about the long-term storage of carbon in peat
- View posters, photographs, videos, and competition entries
- Performances by story weavers from Moat Brae
- Get involved with live experiments and demonstrations for all ages!
- Expert Panels to answer your questions
- Be creative and enter our competition
- Discover what you can do to mitigate climate change in Dumfries & Galloway
Plus much more!

Study with us
The University of Glasgow School of Interdisciplinary Studies delivers a range of programmes dedicated to environmental studies, all at its Campus here in Dumfries:
- Undergraduate BSc Environmental Science & Sustainability
- Postgraduate MSc Environmental Risk Management
- Postgraduate MLitt in Environment, Culture & Communication

School of Interdisciplinary Studies
University of Glasgow
Rutherford McCowan Building
Crichton University Campus
Dumfries, DG1 4ZL
tel: +44 (0)1387 702001
email: dumfries-admin@glasgow.ac.uk