Dr Christina Naula

  • Senior Lecturer (MVLS Education Hub)
  • Affiliate Researcher (School of Infection & Immunity)


I have worked at the University of Glasgow in a range of roles since 1999, first as a postdoctoral researcher, later as a university teacher, research & teaching coordinator and currently as a Senior Lecturer in One Health. 

I have a strong interest in parasitology in the context of neglected tropical diseases. My research years focused on kinetoplastid parasitesTrypanosoma brucei (the causative agent of African sleeping sickness) and Leishmania ssp (causative agents of the leishmaniases).

In 2021 I joined the podcast "This Week in Parasitism"(TWiP) team as a host. This is a podcast about eukaryotic parasites co-hosted by Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier and Daniel Griffin.
We strive for an informal yet informative conversation about parasites which is accessible to everyone, no matter what their science background. In each episode, we discuss cutting edge research in parasitology and a clinical case, which the listeners help solve.

I am a graduate of the University of Bern, Switzerland, where I completed undergraduate and postgraduate training with an PhD.

  • 2015: Master of Education (University of Glasgow). Title: An exploratory study into the academic identity of university teachers at the University of Glasgow
  • 2010: PGCert in Academic Practice
  • 1998: PhD in Biomolecular Sciences (University of Bern, Switzerland). Title: Identification and characterisation of a new adenylyl cyclase in Trypanosoma brucei
  • 1995: MSc in Biology with major in Microbiology (University of Bern, Switzerland). Title: The role of cyclic AMP in trypanosomes.

For personal interest, I also completed a Diploma in Forensic Medical Sciences (University of Glasgow, awarded by Worshipful Society of Apothecaries, London). The focus of my thesis was doping in sport.



List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2010 | 2007 | 2005 | 2001 | 2000
Number of items: 56.


Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 241: There once was a patient from China. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 240: A daily history of malaria with Sean Murphy. [Audio]

Griffin, D., Despommier, D., Naula, C. and Barrett, M. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 238: Eliminating sleeping sickness. [Audio]

Griffin, D., Despommier, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 237: Pass the venison, deer with Marilyn Fabbri. [Audio]

Despommier, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 236: Prime-and-trap vaccine for malaria. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 235: The case of the regurgitated wriggler. [Audio]

Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 234: Hookworms and a leech – parasites suck! [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 233: Cryptosporidium not cryptocurrency. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 232: Lives of Wolbachia. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 231: Scotch in drink and tape. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 230: Healing cutaneous leishmaniasis with Maria Adelaida Gomez. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Naula, C. and Leshem, E. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 229: The very hungry flatworm. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Grifin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 228: Parasitic fountain of youth. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Naula, C. and Small, J. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 227: Alpha-gal syndrome. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 226: Successful systems attract parasites. [Audio]


Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 225: Wandering worm with Lee Gottesdiener. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 223: Voluminous diarrhea. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Naula, C. and Spottiswoode, N. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 222: Balamuthia in the brain with Natasha Spottiswoode. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Naula, C. , Naegeli, M. and Grieb, A. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 221: Delusional parasitosis. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 220: Denies any bug bites. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWIP 219: Sick as a dog. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 217: ChatGPT solves the case. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 216: A challenging case. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 215: A mobile piece of spaghetti. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Schaefer, K. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 214: Tropical medicine excursions with Kay Schaefer. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Stone, J. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 213: One deadly snail with Jessie Stone, MD. [Audio]


Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Gunaratne, S. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 212: The Man from Mali with Shauna Gunaratne. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 211: Monoclonal against malaria in Mali. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Griffin, D., Khatib, A. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 210: Is there a doctor on board? [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 209: A worm in paradise. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 208: A red herring. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 207: Accidental host with Claire Panosian, MD. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 218: Malaria parasite evades mosquito. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 206: Bacteria protect mosquitoes from parasites. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 205: Two for the price of one. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 204: Near a fast-flowing river. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 203: True, true, and unrelated. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Naula, C. and Deng, S. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 202: 80 microns and ovoid. [Audio]


Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 201: Tiny and hairy. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 200: Parasites without borders. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 199: Chagas kisses Cruzi and Brucei bites. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 198: Cyclospora in the dining room with the salad bar. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 197: An adventurous eater. [Audio]

Naula, C. and Murray, J.-A. (2021) Exploring the experiences of a diverse group of learners in an online environment. AMEE 2021 Virtual Conference, 27-30 Aug 2021.

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 195: Shocking diseases in attractive NY accents. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 194: Eye had a corneal scraping. [Audio]


Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2020) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 190: But Doc, what could it be? [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2020) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 189: Toe jammin’. [Audio]

Naula, C. and Burchmore, R. (2020) 2D gel electrophoresis analysis of leishmania proteomes. In: Michels, Paul A. M., Ginger, Michael L. and Zilberstein, Dan (eds.) Trypanosomatids: Methods and Protocols. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US: New York, pp. 577-586. ISBN 9781071602942 (doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0294-2_34)


Acosta, H., Burchmore, R. , Naula, C. , Gualdrón-López, M., Quintero-Troconis, E., Cáceres, A. J., Michels, P. A.M., Concepción, J. L. and Quiñones, W. (2019) Proteomic analysis of glycosomes from Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 229, pp. 62-74. (doi: 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2019.02.008) (PMID:30831156) (PMCID:PMC7082770)


Akpunarlieva, S., Weidt, S., Lamasudin, D., Naula, C. , Henderson, D., Barrett, M. , Burgess, K. and Burchmore, R. (2017) Integration of proteomics and metabolomics to elucidate metabolic adaptation in Leishmania. Journal of Proteomics, 155, pp. 85-98. (doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2016.12.009) (PMID:28040509)


Naula, C.M. , Logan, F.M., Wong, P.E., Barrett, M.P. and Burchmore, R.J. (2010) A glucose transporter can mediate ribose uptake: definition of residues that confer substrate specificity in a sugar transporter. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(39), pp. 29721-29728. (doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.106815)


Naula, C. , Alibu, V., Brock, J., Veitch, N.J. , Burchmore, R.J.S. and Barrett, M. (2007) A new erythrose 4-phosphate dehydrogenase coupled assay for transketolase. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 70(6), pp. 1185-1187. (doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2007.11.002)


Mottram, J. C. , Naula, C. , Hammarton, T. and Parsons, M. (2005) Protein kinases of trypanosomatids as drug targets. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 10(S2), pp. 69-70.


Naula, C. , Schaub, R., Leech, V., Melville, S. and Seebeck, T. (2001) Spontaneous dimerization and leucine-zipper induced activation of the recombinant catalytic domain of a new adenylyl cyclase of Trypanosoma brucei, GRESAG4.4B. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 112(1), pp. 19-28. (doi: 10.1016/s0166-6851(00)00338-8) (PMID:11166383)


Naula, C. and Seebeck, T. (2000) Cyclic AMP signaling in trypanosomatids. Parasitology Today, 16(1), pp. 35-38. (doi: 10.1016/s0169-4758(99)01582-3) (PMID:10637587)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 20:39:59 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 56.


Acosta, H., Burchmore, R. , Naula, C. , Gualdrón-López, M., Quintero-Troconis, E., Cáceres, A. J., Michels, P. A.M., Concepción, J. L. and Quiñones, W. (2019) Proteomic analysis of glycosomes from Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 229, pp. 62-74. (doi: 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2019.02.008) (PMID:30831156) (PMCID:PMC7082770)

Akpunarlieva, S., Weidt, S., Lamasudin, D., Naula, C. , Henderson, D., Barrett, M. , Burgess, K. and Burchmore, R. (2017) Integration of proteomics and metabolomics to elucidate metabolic adaptation in Leishmania. Journal of Proteomics, 155, pp. 85-98. (doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2016.12.009) (PMID:28040509)

Naula, C.M. , Logan, F.M., Wong, P.E., Barrett, M.P. and Burchmore, R.J. (2010) A glucose transporter can mediate ribose uptake: definition of residues that confer substrate specificity in a sugar transporter. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(39), pp. 29721-29728. (doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.106815)

Naula, C. , Alibu, V., Brock, J., Veitch, N.J. , Burchmore, R.J.S. and Barrett, M. (2007) A new erythrose 4-phosphate dehydrogenase coupled assay for transketolase. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 70(6), pp. 1185-1187. (doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2007.11.002)

Mottram, J. C. , Naula, C. , Hammarton, T. and Parsons, M. (2005) Protein kinases of trypanosomatids as drug targets. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 10(S2), pp. 69-70.

Naula, C. , Schaub, R., Leech, V., Melville, S. and Seebeck, T. (2001) Spontaneous dimerization and leucine-zipper induced activation of the recombinant catalytic domain of a new adenylyl cyclase of Trypanosoma brucei, GRESAG4.4B. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 112(1), pp. 19-28. (doi: 10.1016/s0166-6851(00)00338-8) (PMID:11166383)

Naula, C. and Seebeck, T. (2000) Cyclic AMP signaling in trypanosomatids. Parasitology Today, 16(1), pp. 35-38. (doi: 10.1016/s0169-4758(99)01582-3) (PMID:10637587)

Book Sections

Naula, C. and Burchmore, R. (2020) 2D gel electrophoresis analysis of leishmania proteomes. In: Michels, Paul A. M., Ginger, Michael L. and Zilberstein, Dan (eds.) Trypanosomatids: Methods and Protocols. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US: New York, pp. 577-586. ISBN 9781071602942 (doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0294-2_34)

Conference or Workshop Item

Naula, C. and Murray, J.-A. (2021) Exploring the experiences of a diverse group of learners in an online environment. AMEE 2021 Virtual Conference, 27-30 Aug 2021.


Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 241: There once was a patient from China. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 240: A daily history of malaria with Sean Murphy. [Audio]

Griffin, D., Despommier, D., Naula, C. and Barrett, M. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 238: Eliminating sleeping sickness. [Audio]

Griffin, D., Despommier, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 237: Pass the venison, deer with Marilyn Fabbri. [Audio]

Despommier, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 236: Prime-and-trap vaccine for malaria. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 235: The case of the regurgitated wriggler. [Audio]

Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 234: Hookworms and a leech – parasites suck! [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 233: Cryptosporidium not cryptocurrency. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 232: Lives of Wolbachia. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 231: Scotch in drink and tape. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 230: Healing cutaneous leishmaniasis with Maria Adelaida Gomez. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Naula, C. and Leshem, E. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 229: The very hungry flatworm. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Grifin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 228: Parasitic fountain of youth. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Naula, C. and Small, J. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 227: Alpha-gal syndrome. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2024) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 226: Successful systems attract parasites. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 225: Wandering worm with Lee Gottesdiener. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 223: Voluminous diarrhea. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Naula, C. and Spottiswoode, N. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 222: Balamuthia in the brain with Natasha Spottiswoode. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Naula, C. , Naegeli, M. and Grieb, A. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 221: Delusional parasitosis. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 220: Denies any bug bites. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWIP 219: Sick as a dog. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 217: ChatGPT solves the case. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 216: A challenging case. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 215: A mobile piece of spaghetti. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Schaefer, K. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 214: Tropical medicine excursions with Kay Schaefer. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Stone, J. and Naula, C. (2023) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 213: One deadly snail with Jessie Stone, MD. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Gunaratne, S. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 212: The Man from Mali with Shauna Gunaratne. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 211: Monoclonal against malaria in Mali. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Griffin, D., Khatib, A. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 210: Is there a doctor on board? [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 209: A worm in paradise. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 208: A red herring. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 207: Accidental host with Claire Panosian, MD. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 218: Malaria parasite evades mosquito. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 206: Bacteria protect mosquitoes from parasites. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 205: Two for the price of one. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 204: Near a fast-flowing river. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 203: True, true, and unrelated. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D., Naula, C. and Deng, S. (2022) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 202: 80 microns and ovoid. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 201: Tiny and hairy. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 200: Parasites without borders. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 199: Chagas kisses Cruzi and Brucei bites. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 198: Cyclospora in the dining room with the salad bar. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 197: An adventurous eater. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 195: Shocking diseases in attractive NY accents. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2021) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 194: Eye had a corneal scraping. [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2020) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 190: But Doc, what could it be? [Audio]

Racaniello, V., Despommier, D., Griffin, D. and Naula, C. (2020) This Week in Parasitism - TWiP 189: Toe jammin’. [Audio]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 20:39:59 2025 GMT.


My teaching responsibilities are split equally between two different but overlapping subject areas:

  • Tropical Medicine & Hygiene
  • One Health

I am the academic lead for the Preparatory Course in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, which prepares medically qualified students for the Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (DTM&H) qualification awarded by the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries, London. For information about the programme, please follow this link. The course takes a blended approach to learning with the majority of the curriculum taught online. The course includes:

  • Asynchronous learning resources released in stages
  • Online discussions focusing on clinical scenarios in tropical medicine
  • Subject focused intensive live online teaching days
  • Online live tutorials focusing on clinical scenarios.
  • Practical training in microscopy and diagnostic parasitology

I am also the programme coordinator of the online MSc in One Health, which seeks to explore an integrative approach to human, veterinary and ecological health, with a special focus on infectious disease. This programme recognises the importance of interdisciplinary collaborations to improve health for all. Economic considerations and policy making to translate One Health research into practice are also considered. Furthermore, the programme aims to raise awareness of cultural and societal factors that influence how One Health interventions are planned, developed, and evaluated. This programme will continue under a new name, MSc in One Health and Infectious Disease from September 2024.

I am currently the course coordinator for 

  • Themes in One Health (MED5500)
  • Zoonotic Diseases (MED5053)
  • Integrated Infectious Disease Control (BIOL5315)
  • An Introduction to Global Food Security (BIOL5335)
  • Dissertation (MED5500P)


Professional activities & recognition

Prizes, awards & distinctions

  • 2021: Teaching Excellence Award (Individual Excellence) (University of Glasgow Teaching Excellence Awards)

Professional & learned societies

  • 2010: Fellow (FHEA), Advance HE (HE Academy)
  • 2021: Senior Fellow (SFHEA), Advance HE (HE Academy)