Dr Abhinay Ramaprasad

  • Research Fellow (Parasitology)

email: Abhinay.Ramaprasad@glasgow.ac.uk

B625, Level 6, Sir Graeme Davies Building, 120 University Place, Glasgow, G12 8TA

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-9372-5526


I am an MRC Career Development Research Fellow at the School of Infection and Immunity, University of Glasgow, where I lead research on the asexual blood-stage proliferation of malaria parasites. My lab develops and uses scalable, inducible gene knockout approaches to discover essential gene function in the most lethal human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum.

Previously, I was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow in Prof. Mike Blackman’s lab at the Francis Crick Institute, London (2018-24) where I investigated the roles of several protein families - phospholipases, perforin-like proteins and rhomboid proteases - during the parasite's replication cycle within red blood cells. Before that, I conducted my doctoral research in the labs of Prof. Arnab Pain in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia and Prof. Richard Culleton in Nagasaki Institute of Tropical Medicine, Japan (2012-17) where I established a genetic resource for an under-utilized rodent malaria model, Plasmodium vinckei.


Research interests

Malaria remains a devastating disease and a significant global health challenge. The blood stages of the malaria parasite are clinically important, as they are responsible for the symptomatic phase of the disease. To survive and propagate through its asexual life stages within red blood cells, the parasite relies on nearly half of its ~5000 protein-coding genes. However, the functions of many of these genes remain unknown. At the Parasite Functional Genetics Lab (ParaFuGe Lab), we aim to uncover the critical roles of these essential genes in the most lethal malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum.

To achieve this, we develop and employ scalable, inducible gene knockout approaches to study gene function. These tools enable us to systematically disrupt specific genes in the parasite at a desired point in time and generate multiple mutant lines. By studying these mutants using advanced -omics, biochemical, and imaging technologies, we aim to uncover the mechanisms of action of said genes to reveal new aspects of parasite biology.

Our current focus is on understanding the parasite’s asexual replication within red blood cells. During this stage, the parasite undergoes an extraordinary form of cell division called schizogony, where the parasite’s nucleus divides multiple times before the cell itself undergoes a form of cytokinesis, producing up to 24 daughter parasites. Many features of this process remain a mystery, including how the parasite initiates this phase and regulates its timing. We want to understand how such key decisions are taken and identify the molecules and mechanisms that are involved.



Prior publications


Abhinay Ramaprasad, (2024) Single-step assembly of double guide plasmid (pCas9-Duo) for gene-editing in Plasmodium v1 (doi: 10.17504/protocols.io.n2bvjn9d5gk5/v1); source: Crossref

Abhinay Ramaprasad, Michael J Blackman, (2024) A scaleable inducible knockout system for studying essential gene function in the malaria parasite (doi: 10.1101/2024.01.14.575607); source: Crossref

Emma Pietsch, Abhinay Ramaprasad, Sabrina Bielfeld, Yvonne Wohlfarter, Bohumil Maco, Korbinian Niedermüller, Louisa Wilcke, Joachim Kloehn, Markus A. Keller, Dominique Soldati-Favre, Michael J. Blackman, Tim-Wolf Gilberger, Paul-Christian Burda, L. David Sibley, (2023) A patatin-like phospholipase is important for mitochondrial function in malaria parasites mBio (doi: 10.1128/mbio.01718-23); source: Crossref

Paul-Christian Burda, Abhinay Ramaprasad, Sabrina Bielfeld, Emma Pietsch, Anna Woitalla, Christoph Söhnchen, Mehar Nihal Singh, Jan Strauss, Aaron Sait, Lucy M. Collinson, Dominik Schwudke, Michael J. Blackman, Tim-Wolf Gilberger, Louis H. Miller, (2023) Global analysis of putative phospholipases in Plasmodium falciparum reveals an essential role of the phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C in parasite maturation mBio (doi: 10.1128/mbio.01413-23); source: Crossref

Abhinay Ramaprasad, Burda PC, Konstantinos Koussis, James A Thomas, Pietsch E, Calvani E, Howell SA, MacRae JI, Snijders AP, Gilberger TW, Michael Blackman, (2023) A malaria parasite phospholipase facilitates efficient asexual blood stage egress. PLoS pathogens (pmid: 37352369)(pmc: PMC10325081)(doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1011449); source: Abhinay Ramaprasad

Abhinay Ramaprasad, Paul-Christian Burda, Enrica Calvani, Aaron J Sait, Susana Alejandra Palma-Duran, Chrislaine Withers-Martinez, Fiona Hackett, James Macrae, Lucy Collinson, Tim Wolf Gilberger, Michael J Blackman, (2022) A choline-releasing glycerophosphodiesterase essential for phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis and blood stage development in the malaria parasite eLife (doi: 10.7554/eLife.82207); source: Crossref

Kaushik A, Roberts DP, Ramaprasad A, Mfarrej S, Nair M, Lakshman DK, Pain A, (2022) Pangenome Analysis of the Soilborne Fungal Phytopathogen Rhizoctonia solani and Development of a Comprehensive Web Resource: RsolaniDB. Frontiers in microbiology (pmid: 35401459)(pmc: PMC8992008)(doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.839524); source: Europe PubMed Central

Abhinay Ramaprasad, Severina Klaus, Olga Douvropoulou, Richard Culleton, Arnab Pain, (2021) Plasmodium vinckei genomes provide insights into the pan-genome and evolution of rodent malaria parasites BMC Biology (doi: 10.1186/s12915-021-00995-5); source: Crossref

Hellewell J, Russell TW, SAFER Investigators and Field Study Team, Crick COVID-19 Consortium, CMMID COVID-19 working group, Beale R, Kelly G, Kucharski AJ, (2021) Estimating the effectiveness of routine asymptomatic PCR testing at different frequencies for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 infections. BMC medicine (pmid: 33902581)(pmc: PMC8075718)(doi: 10.1186/s12916-021-01982-x); source: Europe PubMed Central

Balestrini S, Koepp MJ, Gandhi S, Rickman HM, Shin GY, Houlihan CF, Anders-Cannon J, Silvennoinen K, Xiao F, Zagaglia S, Hudgell K, Ziomek M, ChAlfont keepS vulnerAble People safe (ASAP) Consortium:, (2020) Clinical outcomes of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities for people with epilepsy. Epilepsy & behavior : E&B (pmid: 33279440)(pmc: PMC7643621)(doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107602); source: Europe PubMed Central

Abhinay Ramaprasad, Severina Klaus, Olga Douvropoulou, Richard Culleton, Arnab Pain, (2020) Plasmodium vinckei genomes provide insights into the pan-genome and evolution of rodent malaria parasites (doi: 10.1101/2020.09.07.286369); source: Crossref

Aitken J, Ambrose K, Barrell S, Beale R, Bineva-Todd G, Biswas D, Byrne R, Caidan S, Cherepanov P, Churchward L, Clark G, Crawford M, Cubitt L, Crick COVID-19 Consortium, (2020) Scalable and robust SARS-CoV-2 testing in an academic center. Nature biotechnology (pmid: 32555528)(doi: 10.1038/s41587-020-0588-y); source: Europe PubMed Central

Houlihan CF, Vora N, Byrne T, Lewer D, Kelly G, Heaney J, Gandhi S, Spyer MJ, Beale R, Cherepanov P, Moore D, Gilson R, Gamblin S, Kassiotis G, SAFER Investigators, (2020) Pandemic peak SARS-CoV-2 infection and seroconversion rates in London frontline health-care workers. Lancet (London, England) (pmid: 32653078)(pmc: PMC7347344)(doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(20)31484-7); source: Europe PubMed Central

(2020) MRE11 Is Crucial for Malaria Parasite Transmission and Its Absence Affects Expression of Interconnected Networks of Key Genes Essential for Life. Cells (doi: 10.3390/cells9122590)(handle: 10754/664833)(pmid: 33287434); source: KAUST Repository

(2020) Malaria parasites regulate intra-erythrocytic development duration via serpentine receptor 10 to coordinate with host rhythms Nature Communications (doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16593-y)(handle: 10754/663239)(pmid: 32488076); source: KAUST Repository

(2019) A fast and cost-effective microsampling protocol incorporating reduced animal usage for time-series transcriptomics in rodent malaria parasites (doi: 10.1101/350546)(doi: 10.1186/s12936-019-2659-4)(handle: 10754/628424)(issn: 1475-2875); source: Abhinay Ramaprasad

(2019) Whole genome sequencing of amplified Plasmodium knowlesi DNA from unprocessed blood reveals genetic exchange events between Malaysian Peninsular and Borneo subpopulations Scientific Reports (doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-46398-z)(handle: 10754/656321); source: KAUST Repository

Kimberley F. Prior, Luisa Figueiredo, Daan R. van der Veen, Aidan J. O’Donnell, Katherine Cumnock, David Schneider, Arnab Pain, Amit Subudhi, Abhinay Ramaprasad, Samuel S. C. Rund, Nicholas J. Savill, Sarah E. Reece, (2018) Timing of host feeding drives rhythms in parasite replication PLOS Pathogens (doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006900); source: Crossref

(2018) Proteomic profiling of the plasma of Gambian children with cerebral malaria Malaria Journal (doi: 10.1186/s12936-018-2487-y)(handle: 10754/628920); source: KAUST Repository

Lu F, Culleton R, Zhang M, Ramaprasad A, von Seidlein L, Zhou H, Zhu G, Tang J, Liu Y, Wang W, Cao Y, Xu S, Gu Y, Li J, Zhang C, Gao Q, Menard D, Pain A, Yang H, Zhang Q, (2017) Emergence of Indigenous Artemisinin-Resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Africa. (pmid: 28225668)(doi: 10.1056/nejmc1612765); source: Europe PubMed Central

Abhinay Ramaprasad, (2017) Phenomics, Genomics and Genetics in Plasmodium vinckei (handle: 10754/626109); source: KAUST Repository

Robert W. Moon, Hazem Sharaf, Claire H. Hastings, Yung Shwen Ho, Mridul B. Nair, Zineb Rchiad, Ellen Knuepfer, Abhinay Ramaprasad, Franziska Mohring, Amirah Amir, Noor A. Yusuf, Joanna Hall, Neil Almond, Yee Ling Lau, Arnab Pain, Michael J. Blackman, Anthony A. Holder, (2016) Normocyte-binding protein required for human erythrocyte invasion by the zoonotic malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1522469113); source: Crossref

(2016) Genome-scale comparison of expanded gene families in Plasmodium ovale wallikeri and Plasmodium ovale curtisi with Plasmodium malariae and with other Plasmodium species International Journal for Parasitology (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2016.05.009)(handle: 10754/617088); source: KAUST Repository

Magali Roques, Richard J. Wall, Alexander P. Douglass, Abhinay Ramaprasad, David J. P. Ferguson, Mbinda L. Kaindama, Lorenzo Brusini, Nimitray Joshi, Zineb Rchiad, Declan Brady, David S. Guttery, Sally P. Wheatley, Hiroyuki Yamano, Anthony A. Holder, Arnab Pain, Bill Wickstead, Rita Tewari, Kami Kim, (2015) Plasmodium P-Type Cyclin CYC3 Modulates Endomitotic Growth during Oocyst Development in Mosquitoes PLoS Pathog (doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005273); source: Crossref Metadata Search

(2015) Endosymbiosis undone by stepwise elimination of the plastid in a parasitic dinoflagellate Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1423400112)(handle: 10754/564146); source: KAUST Repository

Guttery, David S., Poulin, Benoit, Ramaprasad, Abhinay, Wall, Richard J., Ferguson, David J. P., Brady, Declan, Patzewitz, Eva-Maria, Whipple, Sarah, Straschil, Ursula, Wright, Megan H., Mohamed, Alyaa M. A. H., Radhakrishnan, Anand, Arold, Stefan T., Tate, Edward W., Holder, Anthony A., Wickstead, Bill, Pain, Arnab, Tewari, Rita, (2014) Genome-wide Functional Analysis of Plasmodium Protein Phosphatases Reveals Key Regulators of Parasite Development and Differentiation Cell Host & Microbe (doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2014.05.020); source: ResearcherID

Huang, Honglei, Lamikanra, Abigail A., Alkaitis, Matthew S., Thezenas, Marie L., Ramaprasad, Abhinay, Moussa, Ehab, Roberts, David J., Casals-Pascual, Climent, (2014) Interleukin-10 Regulates Hepcidin in Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Plos One (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088408); source: ResearcherID

Marie L. Thézénas, Honglei Huang, Madi Njie, Abhinay Ramaprasad, Davis C. Nwakanma, Roman Fischer, Katalin Digleria, Michael Walther, David J. Conway, Benedikt M. Kessler, Climent Casals-Pascual, (2013) PfHPRT: A New Biomarker Candidate of Acute Plasmodium falciparum Infection J. Proteome Res. (doi: 10.1021/pr300858g); source: Crossref Metadata Search

Ramaprasad, Abhinay, Pain, Arnab, Ravasi, Timothy, (2012) Defining the protein interaction network of human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum Genomics (doi: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2011.11.006); source: ResearcherID

(2012) Studying Different Clinical Syndromes Of Paediatric Severe Malaria Using Plasma Proteomics (doi: 10.25781/KAUST-1XW71)(handle: 10754/248732); source: KAUST Repository


In our lab, we use advanced genetic tools such as CRISPR-Cas9 and DiCre to precisely edit or knockout genes and routinely identify intriguing genes that could be investigated further to uncover their essential roles. With this as a starting point, we can shape projects around your interests and also offer support to help create strong proposals for independent fellowships. Feel free to contact me to discuss opportunities!

Professional activities & recognition

Research fellowships

  • 2024 - 2029: MRC Career Development Award
  • 2024 - 2029: Lord Kelvin / Adam Smith Fellowship
  • 2023 - 2024: ESCMID Research Grant
  • 2018 - 2019: Marie Curie Fellowship (IF-MSCA-EU-H2020)

Editorial boards

  • 2024: Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology