A graphic with head and shoulders images of Prof Palmarini and Prof Thomson on a background of the SGDB with the CVR logo and Scot Gov logo featured

Centre for Virus Research Director Professor Massimo Palmarini and Professor Emma Thomson have both been named on the new ‘Steering Committee for Pandemics’ in a hope to strengthen public health preparations.

An expert group of leading scientists and medical specialists set up to advise the Scottish Government on preparing for the threat of future pandemics met for the first time on 19 August to discuss its future work programme and remit.

The Standing Committee on Pandemics will be tasked with ensuring that the country is as prepared as possible for any future risks from novel pathogens.

The establishment of the group was a commitment of the new Scottish Government to deliver during its first 100 days in office.

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf said: "Scotland's world-class scientific expertise has been evident throughout the pandemic and this committee will help ensure we are as ready as we can be for any future threat.

"The immediate challenge will be to continue to ensure we can respond to the current pandemic but we know that infectious disease outbreaks could become more frequent in the coming decade.

"Our public health capacity has been significantly strengthened across Scotland as a result of COVID-19 to manage outbreaks both at national and local level. This new committee will help bolster our readiness.”

Professor Linda Bauld from the University of Edinburgh, who chaired the first meeting in an interim capacity while a permanent chair is sought, said: “It is critical for scientists and officials to work alongside each other to make sure Scotland can meet the challenges infectious diseases will throw at us in the future. I’m delighted to be a part of starting that process.”

The existing Covid-19 advisory group will continue to sit and advise ministers on the current pandemic. The new committee will focus on preparedness for other future emerging threats.

The committee will provide expert advice across a range of areas including public health, epidemiology, virology, behavioural sciences, global health, zoonotics and statistical modelling and recruit further members to support that.

First published: 26 August 2021