Professor Robert Gray stood at a podium as he delivers his inaugural lecture with a slide visible on the large screen above his head

School of Infection & Immunity Co-Deputy Head of School Professor Robert Gray recently delivered his inaugural lecture, titled ‘Cystic Fibrosis Lung Research: A Journey From Bedside To Bench And Back Again’.

Held in the Yudowitz Seminar Room of the Wolfson Medical School Building on Thursday, 10 October from 5-7pm, Professor Gray covered his career progression and recognised the influential colleagues that have helped shape his journey.

Currently a Professor of Respiratory Medicine, Robert outlined how he went from being a clinical doctor to focussing on the clinical care of people with Cystic Fibrosis (a genetic disease that causes lung problems with infection and damage), as well as researching the disease. 

He went on to explain that early research in lung inflammation has now led to his group investigating how the tissue repair process in CF might be different and how this might be fixed. 

The well-received presentation also covered how CF, a disease with no cure, now has specific drugs that have changed how we treat the disease and has improved the lives of patients.

Professor Gray said: "It was great to share my research journey with family, friends, and colleagues. 

“None of my career to date would have been possible without the support of so many people. Being able to acknowledge and thank these people during the lecture was the definite highlight for me.”

First published: 15 October 2024