Date: 2 July, 2018

Time: 0900 - 1700

Venue: Jura Lab, Library, University of Glasgow

Trainer: David Meltzer, Glasgow Polyomics


Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for data intensive biological research that enables researchers to create, run, tune, and share their own bioinformatic analysis. The workshop will teach attendees the basics of Galaxy including the interface, using tools and creating, extracting and modifying workflows. Genomics topics and analysis techniques will be emphasized during the course. Attendees will be guided through a variant calling working example in Galaxy as well as workflow creation and editing. At the end of the course, attendees will be able to utilize the Galaxy platform to perform their own analysis and generate their own reproducible and sharable workflows.

Course fee: £70 per day

Cancellation policy: A refund will be issued if a booking is cancelled more than one week prior to the workshop.

Catering: Tea and coffee will be provided, but please note that lunch is not provided.

Computer Cluster 515, West Medical Building.

Target group

These workshops are intended for researchers (graduate students, post-docs, and PI's) who want to analyse their own NGS raw data using the Galaxy server.

Currently only open to University of Glasgow Staff and Students.

Local Organiser

Rachael Munro, Glasgow Polyomics

Registration and enquiries

To register, please contact us via our enquiry form using a University of Glasgow email address and state the date of the course you would like to attend.

First published: 14 March 2018

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